Cats are the funniest animals! Watching funny cats and kittens is the best entertainment! Try to win this try not to laugh challenge, impossible! Just look how all these cats & kittens play, fail, get along with dogs and other animals, get scared, make funny sounds, get angry,… So ridiculous, funny and cute! What is your favourite clip? 🙂 Hope you like our compilation, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos!

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"­­­Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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#cat #cats #kitten #catcompilation #funny #hilarious #fail #laugh #pets #animals

Readers Comments (99)

  1. These new titles are pretty dumb imo.

  2. tiger productions’ titles are getting weirder and weirder -_-

  3. Where exactly was the funny part? I must have gone to feed the dogs and missed it.

  4. What if an outer source of intelligence is watching human compilations of this sort as we speak?

  5. Mêndês _Lővêr December 9, 2017 @ 10:08 am

    I’m too sad cuz my cat died this morning..??????he was sooo cute and fluffy..he was my everything I love him so much??I’m totally broken now???

  6. Dislocate your jaw from yawning. Clikb8

  7. Oh my god so funny haha not a clickbait at all haha I’m dying haha where’s my jaw oh jesus haha

  8. Shouldn’t let a dog chew a cats head man. Cat cried out man just stands there video taping while “LOL” how was that funny at all man. Some people’s sense of humor is messed up. What if someone was taking a bat to that guys head while LOL yeah not funny. Bull.

    • Void the Rogue April 30, 2018 @ 7:39 pm

      Did you guys ever got bitten by a puppy? It doesn’t hurt, and i had puppys and kittens many times on my home (Some ’cause my brother wouldn’t stop bringing puppys and kittens to our home), the cat is only getting ANNOYED by the freaking LabraThor bitting on his/her head so much.

    • Lisa Hunt I have Just watched that part. That was disgraceful, if a dog is going to do that at least tell it off! Shame of whoever was filming, as they don’t deserve pets if they aren’t going to discipline them sometimes.

    • The Teenage Patriot the dog is playing to aggressive

    • Void the Rogue I have by my puppy and it hurts a lot more than my cat when he bits

  9. Ooooh no the poor kitten at 1:58
    It has cerebellar hypoplasia! That’s not funny…
    but Internet has so much dark humor that I should expect something like that

    • yup do you have a problem with that?

    • Nah I just thought it was funny a dude with a crying Tracer avatar would tell people on a cat video to stop being “butt hurt”.

    • Naaah she isnt crying, its a tired sigh :/ I was just telling you what i was thinking and everyone laughs when a human gets hurt so i dont think its wrong to find it funny when an animal gets hurt as long as its not in a life threatening way which clearly isnt the case in any of those videos. But yeah dont take it seriously, i didnt mean specifically you when i said butt hurt. I meant this whole comment section.

    • Oh my bad.
      Alot of people actually don’t think people getting hurt is humorous, and that unfortunately is also in alot of “funny” videos on YouTube. In this case though, since you brought up the comparison, it’s about the same as laughing at someone who has cerebral palsy (a crippling disease that causes unusual movements and facial expressions, among other things). Cerebellar hypoplasia in cats is similar in that it is crippling and causes unusual movements. It is a permanent deformity and most cats are euthanized because of it.

      I agree though that people generally take things too seriously. Laughing at someone who trips is perfectly fine I think, laughing at an animal that fails a jump and flops off the couch is okay, laughing at someone or something that is actually hurt or ill just isn’t in my book.

      Being said most people are probably unaware that the animal is ill so I’m not personally angry. I’m a little annoyed that people take things they shouldn’t too seriously sometimes and don’t take seriously some things they should. But I can hardly blame YouTube for such a social problem. In this particular case I only hope the kitten’s owners were aware of the condition and prepared to give it the considerable amount of care it will require throughout its life.

      I’m not mad at you either bud. Was genuinely amused since alot of Tracer players have been known to take things too seriously and whine and it looked like she was doing just that in your avatar. Some ironic humor there.

    • Ohhh i didnt know that she has a disease. Thats something entirely different then :/ and haha yeah it really is ironic. xD

  10. The last clip was vile. That owner is an absolute idiot. Lovely dog but he doesnt understand the cat is not enjoying such rough play.

  11. 8:50 That dog biting a cat is funny to those savages watching!! Even add I human, we all know dogs are not very gentle or nice . That dog had that cat in his jaws, and is crying, grumbling but those fools think it is funny.

    • Raigh DarkHawk June 4, 2018 @ 7:06 pm

      I was surprised the cat didn’t turn around and claw that puppy’s nose!

    • LpsCatlover808 June 21, 2018 @ 3:12 pm

      I would punch the dog in the face. That’s what the dog deserves. If he don’t like it he knows the cat doesn’t like.

    • Raigh DarkHawk June 21, 2018 @ 11:24 pm

      +Catlover808 The dog, which is actually a puppy, does not deserve to be punched in the face. It does not know any better. How can it know better if it’s owners have not taught it any better? The owners, on the other hand, do know better. Your derision and anger is misplaced. It is the owners that deserve to be punched in the face, not the puppy.

    • Emilee Emerald July 2, 2018 @ 8:00 pm

      I feel like this is going to be the next worldwide debate
      ??: forget Yanny or Laurel we all need to talk about that one comment!
      ??: the one about that cat and dog?

    • Joyce Bohannon July 18, 2018 @ 7:54 pm

      WiseOneOfGod u just lied about dogs! They can be nice if they r treated right!

  12. Nicole Lifliand March 4, 2018 @ 7:10 pm

    Some of these are just crule not funny at all

    • Jacqueline Johnson May 26, 2018 @ 5:20 pm

      Why don’t you learn some punctuation, you callous idiot? Try to develop compassion for fellow creatures (human and animal), as well?

    • Nicole Lifliand May 26, 2018 @ 6:11 pm

      Jacqueline Johnson why don’t you not be cruel too!!! Feelings can get hurt you know!

    • Jacqueline Johnson May 26, 2018 @ 7:43 pm

      I apologize for my bad sentence. I was speaking to Sir Geo, in your defense, Nicole <3

    • Nicole Lifliand May 26, 2018 @ 7:55 pm

      Jacqueline Johnson sorry I didn’t know. Thanks! I was also kind of talking to Sir Geo too.

    • Sir Geo Did you go out of your way to use two accounts for two different comments? I have more than a few judgements of you, based off of only a few words.

  13. Nicole Lifliand March 4, 2018 @ 7:15 pm

    6:03 is a lynx not a house cat!!!

    • Jacqueline Johnson May 26, 2018 @ 5:33 pm

      Check out Big Cat Rescue, even lions like to play with a ball and have catnip like a housecat! A cat is a cat is a cat, but tacocat is a palindrome.

    • zachary hopkins May 27, 2018 @ 11:53 pm

      Nicole Lifliand hey dumbass cats and dogs were wild animals to so are monkeys a lynx is a wild animal but just like every animal they can be trained to be pets.

    • Nicole Lifliand June 3, 2018 @ 11:35 pm

      zachary hopkins why is everyone being so rude?!?! All I said is that it’s not a house cat! It’s my opinion if I say a WILD ANIMAL should be WILD!!

    • zachary hopkins June 4, 2018 @ 1:48 am

      Nicole Lifliand I’m not trying to be rude but you got to know that all animals are wild they just have different personalities I think all animals can be pets it you are caring and you take care of them…..and I’m sorry for calling you a dumbass it was a long day. But we all have different opinions

    • Nicole Lifliand June 4, 2018 @ 2:12 am

      zachary hopkins don’t worry. I said myself we have different opinions. We all sometimes have our long days

  14. slitherlyhawk4 444 March 6, 2018 @ 10:51 am

    The best part for me was 10:02

  15. Some of these were not funny at all. It was very disturbing to watch the cat in the water trying to swim to safety. Most cats hate water. Also the cat in the jar being stuck is not funny either as that had to strangulate at the entry point. The struggling could hurt it worse not to mention suffocation within the jar. Also the dog should not be putting the cats head in his mouth. The cat is not enjoying it as his tail starts to swish in agitation. Some clips were cute but overall this video had a lot of animal cruelty and should be deleted.

    • Not all cats hate water. Maine Coons love it, love to splash it and love to swim. But yeah, all in all not a funny compilation, but tragit, especially the one with the lab dog. the owners should have their rights to have pets revoked.

    • Blossom and Kyle March 15, 2018 @ 7:21 pm

      Jo Huffines *watches the cat in the jar
      Cat: right! Record a video! That’s helpful!

    • Connor Johnstone March 22, 2018 @ 5:15 am

      Jo Huffines cats will swing their tail regardless of what you do so Stop being a prick

    • #savethecats who’s with me???

    • I agree, although I love to see cute cat antics, a couple of these did worry me. Not convinced that the cats were not in a bit of distress in a few of these videos.

  16. That tiny baby fox and the black cat rolling around in the dirt is adorable. When my cat gets dirty I always enjoy his cat smell mixed with a light aroma of soil or leaves etc. So cute.

    • Lmao I do the same thing, my cat Peach has a good friend which is a small beagle dog named Shiner, and they always roll around outside together. When Peach comes in, I let her aroma effect the house, then I’ll give her a bath because she has light colors and dirt ruins it. But I totally understand lol

    • Awww its a little fenic fox

    • Friends don’t let friends sniff cat.

    • Toni-Ann Folkes June 9, 2018 @ 3:27 pm

      Bitplex so cute

    • Y’all being like “oh you’re a weirdo” when you cuddling a cat you gonna smell it . Umless you weird af and be breathing with ya mouth wide open.

  17. Redbones Honeypot March 9, 2018 @ 1:42 pm

    Cat stuck halfway in jar…Not funny.

  18. The cat in the jar is just plain CRUEL.

  19. this is not funny if a cat got stuck it means it can die not for fun

  20. Parris Mack sings April 1, 2018 @ 1:44 am

    I think the only funny one was the cat and monkey??

    • Yup

    • Keeping primates as pets is animal abuse. Nothing funny in it.

    • Parris Mack sings June 2, 2018 @ 6:01 pm

      Tepadj obviously there was no abuse. And the fact that the monkey flipped over that device was funny for me. And the one after that

    • Parris Mack sings Iuㅇㄹㅍㅍㅎㅗㅓㅏㅏㅔㅐㅣㅐㅐㅎㄱㅈㅈㅂㅂㅈㅈㅈㅈㄷㅎ.ㅓ ㅜ ㅠㅣㅣㅣㅣㅣㅣㅣㅣㅣㅔㅐㅔㅜㅓㅕㅜㅏㅏㅏㅏㅐㅣㅏㅓㄹㅇㅔㅔㅅㅜㅜㅓㅠ ㅕㅗㅗㅎㅠㅊㅍㅗㅠㅁㅇㄹㄴㅂㅈㅈㅇㅎㅜㅡㅠㅠㅍㄹㅇㄹㄱㅇㄹㄹㅎㅏㅓㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅣㅏㅣㅏㅜㅠㅠㅌㄹㅕㅎㅕㅎ ㅕㅛㅛㅛㅗㅕㅓㅔㅐㅕ

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