Readers Comments (49)

  1. COPS GET OWNED July 21, 2016 @ 10:27 am

    will do why get annoyed when they make it so easy to sue them

  2. Why did you give them your details?

    • MY Personal Spin August 27, 2016 @ 4:08 am

      Yus but they had reasonable grounds in this video he matched the description as they said and they then found a screw driver

    • +MY Personal Spin yes they can detain him for a line-up so the witness can ID him/her, just matching a description does not give them grounds to violate a persons rights. you should at least read what you post instead of picking and choosing what will only help your argument. you do know it really dont help in the least. at the end of the day, the cops was wrong, even if they did get the right guy. anyway, im done, you are sounding to much like donald trump for me to continue with this.

    • +MY Personal Spin​ i see your point but the police can say that you match a description even if it isn’t true because they believe that no-one will follow it up. I have been pulled up for the same thing and asked for evidence to which they replied “go to a station and ask” which I did and when i asked for a copy of the report they couldn’t provide one. So, ask for a senior officer or a solicitor to attend at that point. There is a myth where people believe that their profession is a get out of jail free card but this isn’t true. It’s up the the officer to decide as it’s his/her head on the chopping block either way.

    • +Kris Nicholson well for england you can match the description but then before it goes any further you must be identified by the accusing party. US is a different story, and remember the cops can lie to you to get what they want out of you. minus a few things, so always have a lawyer present while any questioning is going on. and its always good to have a lawyer present incase they intrap you in some way the lawyer can be used as a witness to that act.

    • +RYLCatalystic In the UK the police are ALWAYS the accuser. The actual accuser is the prosecution witness. You do not have to be pointed out by the “accuser/prosecution witness”. ANYONE can be a witness. Thats why we have trial by jury.

  3. iQuacks uDucks July 30, 2016 @ 9:22 pm

    Hahahahaha another idiot that thinks that watching youtube makes them a law expert. Here’s a tip for you, AMERICAN laws do not apply in England.

  4. WOW he got OWNED so hard lolololol

    This channel is AIDS

    • …haha

    • ?????

    • Patrick Mounsey August 22, 2016 @ 8:14 am

      I didn’t get it.

    • Nigget-tv-videos June 29, 2018 @ 7:06 pm

      i think he is refering to he won in court, Which is in the realms of possabilty , Because while the video shows the police acting within the bounds of the law, what if there was no report of a man with a screw driver? i’ve had a search made up for one reason, only for a copper to slip up during the search its for another reason. I had a written apology from him. I could have won if it went to court.

      If the cops cannot show there was a report of a man matching him, then the grounds for the search was very illegal. and he would have won. But thats the only way, as the coppers act within the law, if you take into account the report is true.

  5. There was no real reason why this chap should not have cooperated with the police officers here. The officers were quite reasonable. I would expect the police to search anyone in the area who matched the description of a potential burglar.

    If i was a police officer I would have punched him in the face for being an arse!

    • HE IS WORKING AND GETS STOP DAY AFTER DAY FOR NO REASON! Anybody would get annoyed at this and I for one would not co-operate with them when I know I am innocent of crime!

  6. Patrick McCowie August 14, 2016 @ 5:20 pm

    all you anti police posters who think its wrong that the police search you answer this !! A policeman approaches someone who is suspected of carrying a knife, he objects like this fella did and they relent and dont search him,,, he then goes on to stab your daughter in the heart and she dies,,, who do you blame?? your own anti establishment bollocks or the police for not being so thorough as they should be. Grow up,, if you have nothing to hide then why would you object,, I dont know the answer to that other than because you can! well good on you,, I hope its not your daughter that gets killed because you want to quote common law and i will charge you with assault if you touch me,, what a load of complete shite. Police have a job to do,, to protect YOU!!!! Live with it !!

  7. Nathan Arrowsmith August 19, 2016 @ 11:29 am

    wasting police time just let them search you

  8. The police said they were going to search you, you said no your not and yes they did. I don’t see anyone being owned but you

  9. He got owned. Not the police. He showed what a loser he is. He knows nothing about the law and the rules of PACE.

    • ok the police criminal and evidence act 1998 (pace) code A states if I haven’t been charged with a crime or a suspect of a crime it is illeagle to search anybody I.e ME it also states you have to be charged and in cuffs before the law allows them to searcvh

    • Yeah

    • Nigget-tv-videos June 29, 2018 @ 7:13 pm

      You are a suspect of a crime! If however the police cannot supply a chain of proof that a report was made, it would be an illegal search. but until then, the police are acting legally. they can search you if the suspiction fits.

      You do not need to be in cuffs! thats is made up crap mate. lol i’m laughing so hard right now. Consider yourself lucky you were not in cuffs.

  10. sounds like karl pilkington

  11. MY Personal Spin August 26, 2016 @ 5:24 am

    The police have all the right in the world to search you without consent It is totally legal

  12. Earned a sub haha

  13. get a life!!!!

  14. What a whiny whinging bloody drip ffs! Just corporate!!!!

  15. Is It Karl from idiot abroad videoing

  16. Warwickshire po po lemmings police?

  17. yes they did as I am the one who walked outta court with a smile and compo cause they did illegal procedures

  18. Some cops are arrogant bastar*s

  19. I know this guy. Sued and won.

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