Waffles The Terrible – Funny Cat Fails Epic Jump


Waffles the Terrible (Vaflik, Вафлик) fails a lot… every day at one thing or another.
This kitten decides to jump from roof of snow covered van to roof of snow coverered garage.
First attempt he saves himself… but only to fail moments later. He then collects all his wits and leaps very hard, but doesn't move an inch, as he nosedives passed his destination. He is named Waffles the Terrible because he just is. He is about 7 months old and very fluffy (not fat).

We took him in from the streets when he was 2 months old and all by himself, living under some wood and even though he is big fail we love him anyways.

Waffles The Terrible – Funny Cat in Slow Motion
Watch the slow motion:

Shot with Samsung Galaxy Note 3

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Readers Comments (58)

  1. Check you car’s paint since I am sure you will find a lot of scratches from the cat’s claws.  You may not be laughing when you see that.  :-O

    • Yes, perhaps you are right.  But his fails are so funny so it covers the bad part… for now.

    • +YakStudios Hope the cat is ok after that fall.  I used to have cats slide on my car all the time when the car was left outside and it got really frosty.  I just lived with the scratches since I had no room at the time to put my car in the garage at night,  But when I get my new car, it will be in the garage as much as possible since I now live in snow and potential large hail country,  Thanks for your reply and Happy Christmas to you and your acrobatic cat!

    • Happy Christmas!

    • +YakStudios Thank you!  🙂

  2. Poor waffles

  3. I think it’s kinda funny, but, judging by the impact of the fall, I sincerely believe that cat is injured. Cats, although act like reptiles, are technically mammals, and do not repair or self-heal like some reptiles can. 
    Cat-owner to cat-owner, I highly recommend you just put this cat out of its misery, before it becomes too painful in a few days. 
    Take it out back, load the shotgun, hammer back and pull the trigger to its head. That is the quickest way. 
    I keep a shotgun, in my garage, next to where the cats used to sleep, to remind me that it was not an easy decision, and that I hope my next cat doesn’t get injured only to meet the same fate. 
    If you need help, have questions, I will be glad to skype with you. I recorded the whole process and will share it to you to better prepare you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

  4. Asa Butterfield just tweeted about this video he said it made his day!!!!!

  5. Thank you friend.  He’s been watching himself on screen all day, taking notes it seems, we don’t know what goes on his little head.  Thank you for the tip.

  6. No more left over dog food and cheerios for Waffles The Terrible.  After today he will receive and eat regular cat food, like normal cat.

  7. “Now I’m feeling disappointed that my parents didn’t name me Waffles The Terrible. Sure, other kids would have bullied me for it, but I would have sent them to the emergency room, ’cause that’s what Waffles The Terrible does.”  Deer

    • darryl mccullough September 28, 2016 @ 1:18 am

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  8. What other names for an epic cat are there.  I’ve heard these so far.

    Pancake the Magnificent
    Eclair the Vengeful
    French Toast the Wrathful
    Crepes the Destroyer of Worlds

  9. Snow 1, Cat 0

  10. I was a cat in previous life, it was pretty cool.

  11. Oh Nooooo!  Waffles the Terrible just discovered toilet water. 
    He is pawing and splashing at the water like a child. 🙁

  12. Always have these vet wannabes on YouTube saying how bad the owner is and that this is abuse hahaha its a cat! This is what they do!

    • Thank you 1994MissPaige.  Waffles the Terrible is laying on the desk right now, looking at the screen video of himself and purring with his head on my mouse.  Amazing.

  13. начал листать комменты, ни одного русского не встретил, потом все таки пошли, а то я уж испугался.

  14. Nearly cried laughing lol, even more so with the slow motion one ! 🙂

  15. On one of the sport shows Waffle the Terrible epic fail was used to compare Vince Carters career.

    Anyone think of phrases or instances where something could be used like.
    “Hey you waffled that!” 
    “Sir, you waffled up.”

  16. Malwonka Tobonka December 21, 2013 @ 6:48 pm

    z tłustymi kotami tak bywa !!!!

  17. Waffles the Terrible was on the Ellen show on Monday 12/23/13!

  18. BinkieMcFartnuggets December 25, 2013 @ 11:30 pm

    Waffles really pancaked that landing.

  19. W2S brought me here.

  20. Marloesjeh does Stuff December 3, 2014 @ 7:05 am

    +TheEllen Show brought me here

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