very funny cats for more click on link in blue on right

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Artist : Wawa feat. Nicco
Song : Jukebox

Readers Comments (19)

  1. monorail cat!

  2. this is so funny lmao lmao lmao!!!!!!!!!

  3. alberto raul falcone February 7, 2008 @ 12:49 pm

    orco zio..XD everytime i see 01:24 i can’t stop to laugh

  4. omg the railway kitty is sooooooooooooooo hilarious

  5. girl1:lmao haha i like the “sup” lol and i like the on penis goes where lol very funny lol GIrl2: ROFLMAO omgi love the one where its like ” wait!! i’ll fix it!” LMAO LOL omg i love it!!!!!!!!!! LOL

  6. impossibleisfaby February 16, 2008 @ 9:48 pm

    invisible bike!!!!

    that pic is awesome dude

  7. wow lolz… thats funny… ive seen like 1/4th of those before in other videos and websites…

  8. Marysiu ;*

  9. at 1:37 you spelled pron wong it’s porn

  10. I regret nothiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!

  11. how wod the cat get out of the computer

  12. lol cats!

  13. Scott Mcgibbon June 2, 2008 @ 3:13 pm

    dude r u som kinda fagg

  14. hahah lol penis goes where

  15. sooooooooo funny

  16. i like the cats playing the psp, funny

  17. ROTFLOL!!!

  18. What is the name of this electro music?

  19. DBproductions June 8, 2010 @ 2:09 pm

    =D im a 43 year old woman who over uses the internet i like cats whats a period i dont like to use punctuation i like run on sentences because i never used computers growing up or learned to type im gonna get on facebook now and play farmvile and about 50 others addon games and spam my contacts with update letting them know im playing k bye.

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