Readers Comments (63)

  1. Southeastern Pa. Community Watch May 15, 2017 @ 1:30 pm

    Unreal how much officer snakeface hates the public. He feels so entitled and how dare his boss ( you, the public ) question one thing this low life does or says. This piece of excrement is the reason cops are hated and why cops are killed. This welfare recipient is a detriment to the citizens in that community and to that police force. He has a huge chip on his shoulder and he can’t wait to beat and kill innocent people. This guy is very sick and demented. Great job as always Katman. I know you and Daniel are not done with this coward yet. Stay safe brother.

    • Onus News Service I couldn’t have said it better. All of you guys have my respect believe me.

    • Felix Burke, you do realize that a bicycle is not a motor powered vehicle right? Maybe you’re thinking about the high casualties that bicyclist have when running their bikes into corner stores and plowing through Farmer Markets across the country.

    • Southeastern Pa. Community Watch that Cop was a pratt but, just because you pay taxes that help pay for emergency services, does not make Americans the Cops bosses. The Officers themselves pay taxes for emergency services. With that logic….citizens are bosses of the Fire, Ambulance and Law Enforcement Services….and that’s certainly not true. Some Officers do need to remember they are to protect and “serve” THEIR communities. Too many have lost their way….so to speak. It does bother some when they are told by citizens, they are their bosses, so, there is comic value to saying it.

  2. 9:58 “Im gonna make more money on this video than this ticket is worth” LMFAO That was the best response to getting a ticket I have ever heard. And the dumbfounded pissed off look that Sgt gave was priceless.

    • Lol looks like you went threw some B’s that night. That response was epic!

    • Chrisrules9955 August 2, 2018 @ 4:17 am

      You don’t sound like someone who hates authority. The cop quite literally made something up because he was filming their stop. Stop licking those boots.

    • Morgan Olfursson August 2, 2018 @ 9:06 am

      I give the cop credit for handling it in a mature way , of you call that licking his boots then so be it . I have licked worse .

  3. Southern Illinois Public Observers May 17, 2017 @ 7:57 am

    That’s one funny dude. “Is your vehicle equipped with a dash cam?” “I don’t understand your question.”

    • Southern Illinois Public Observers bruh I was oh no u need some brain cells this dude stupid af

    • The Ravenous Rabbit July 1, 2017 @ 6:08 pm

      He is delaying to figure out a lie – a very classical tactic really.

    • Samurai Ng Pampanga September 25, 2017 @ 3:34 pm

      Southern Illinois Public Observers all his answer is i dont understand your question. he dont understand alot of thing

    • Southern Illinois Public Observers it seemed like this cop didnt understand any questions…he said that a few times…

  4. So, if a 17 year old, was riding a pushbike, would they need to carry ID? What about a 12 year old? Legit.

    • Not Telling well like I said in GA , where I live, bikes are considered vehicles. Not sure about needing a license tho.

    • Charlie Jungwirth October 1, 2017 @ 11:22 pm

      Andrea Clemons no moron I’m saying states other than GA

    • Andrea: I’m not familiar with Georgia law, but I’m confused by your statement of bikes being “vehicles”. In legal jargon, every vehicle requires an Operator’s License in order to operate on public roads (and even private roads in rare instances). As such, it is not legal for an officer to request a license from a bicyclist unless that officer is performing an investigation of a crime. In fact it isn’t even legal for an officer to request a driver’s license from someone operating a vehicle unless that officer has suspicion of a violation (speeding, swerving, reckless driving, etc.)

    • Not Telling “”In Georgia, as in most states, a bicycle is legally a “vehicle”. This classification means that general vehicular traffic law applies to the operation of a bicycle.”” But like I said i wasn’t sayin tht u need a license I was just stating that in most states bikes are considered vehicles that’s all.

    • @Andrea: I see what you’re referencing now. Yes, if you are riding a bicycle on a public street, then you are required to obey the traffic laws (which usually only means you need to stop at stop signs and lights and not ride your bike against the flow of traffic). However, that does not mean that your bicycle is a vehicle in legal terms since most cities allow bicyclists to ride on the sidewalk, and I have yet to ever see an officer stop a bicyclist who passed vehicles on the right or who crossed against a light. Technically you are supposed to dismount from your bike and walk it across the road as a pedestrian if you’re going against the light, but I can count on zero fingers how many times I’ve actually performed that stunt.

  5. He looks like buzz light year

  6. Doesn’t he look like woody from toy story?

  7. Thugs with badges

  8. Stigler Panther July 5, 2017 @ 9:49 am

    I respect you for being very respectful to the police officer.
    you are what I call a true American.
    not a loud mouth just saying ” I know my rights”

  9. The look on the cops face after the guy says hes gonna make more money on the video than the citation is worth is priceless

  10. Charlene Crowe July 6, 2017 @ 5:42 pm

    Yes, cops do personally retaliate against people. They abuse their authority, and will lie to save their neck. And the guy standing next to him, in uniform, will lie for another officer and cover the truth. It’s a “code” amongst them.
    Not all officers are crooked, but this officers behavior, (Snakenborg), reflects on every officer serving. And it makes it dangerous for all. The officers attitude, and professionalism sets the tone when interacting with the public. If you’ve ever had a negative interaction with a cop, you will never trust them again. They are people just like you and me. They mess up too. And some are just idiots, thus proving anyone can get a badge. And just like when you’re having a bad day at work, they do too, but the public reap their abusive disposition. Thank god for video, making cops accountable. Know you’re rights!
    You would think with all the unfavorable media involving civil servants of Law Enforcement, officers would endeavor to present themselves admirably to the public. Damage control. Instead, you’ve got this cop, A senior officer, clearly abusing his position and image, for a personal vendetta towards this man involved in the media. Not a smart move. Thus proving officers don’t always know the law, using the badge as a shield to hide behind..

  11. you can’t ride a bike without a driving licence what about a 10 year old lmaosh

  12. glad to see who my tax dollars are going to… -_-

  13. This is LEVEL 3000 of SAVAGENESS!!!! He said “you’re dismissed” i couldn’t stopped being amped about this video! SAVAGE OF THE YEAR!!!! That Idiot cop though not answering to identify himself!!!! BEST THING IVE SEEN ALL NIGHT

  14. A. M. Goudarzi July 10, 2017 @ 12:51 pm

    220,000 USD/year is an insanely high salary while an MIT professor of finance gets 150k.

    • SantaClaus HawkeyeNJ April 3, 2018 @ 1:38 pm

      trip2themoon missed all the school shooting news eh?

    • trip2themoon yea but they actually have to be capable of thinking for themselves.

    • MIT professors don’t put their life on the line every single day.

    • Dave Thomas Imagine you had a job with no accountability and a guaranteed paycheck. That’s policing in America. For that kind of pay and free will to do almost whatever they want including breaking the law they are lucky to be making over 50k.

  15. The second cop needs to find another job if he can’t get past his own ego. Wrong job for that guy.

  16. they are required by law to give name and badge number

    • John Landon Miller May 18, 2018 @ 11:21 pm

      +ryanburbridge All public servants are required to do so smartass

    • thenerdnetwork May 22, 2018 @ 4:48 am

      John, you are mistaken. That is a department policy, period. Or, please post the law that says they must do this to back up your claim before calling the person who is correct, a “smartass”

    • John Landon Miller May 22, 2018 @ 7:48 am

      +thenerdnetwork oops, i apologize… my bad..

    • WhatIsThatSmackingAgainstTheWall? WhalePenis July 6, 2018 @ 7:56 pm

      John Landon Miller lmao he bitched u and made u apologize u just gonna let him do u like that?

    • John Landon Miller July 6, 2018 @ 8:32 pm

      WhatIsThatSmackingAgainstTheWall? WhalePenis no he is actually right. Different departments have different policies on showing identification

  17. I’m embarrassed to be an American. Cops should be required to have a college degree.

    • I agree… this is pathetic when I “public servant” has to resort to “I don’t understand your question.” I mean really? Did he use big words or something? I expected him to stick his tongue out and say “I know you are but what am i?” Or to break down crying and scream “I’m just in this for retirement benefits… I don’t really know what I’m doing!” Lol either way… these guys need to know the law… otherwise we should be able to sue the he’ll out of them for intimidation, threats, and unlawful detainment. If a few cops went to jail for not knowing their laws I’m pretty sure they would all start getting the picture. They’re not too bright as a whole so you’ve gotta make an example out of a few then they get it. Lol

    • ReaLifeVideos420 January 19, 2018 @ 6:02 pm

      looking up police requirements in most jurisdictions is sad… a low-grade associates degree is all that’s needed to get you in at most while some other jurisdictions only require a high school diploma

    • MisterBinx Surprisingly, a lot of them do, and they are still complete and utter small feeble-minded idiots.

    • That won’t do jack squat. What they need is better and more extensive training. 8000 hours to be an electrician. 700 hours to be a cop

    • How does having a degree stop a cop from going into their typical crazy psycho mode and shooting someone? There’s cops with degrees who have killed.

  18. He said a vehicle code a bicycle is NOT a motor vehicle and does not apply

  19. “Hello”
    Mike: “i don’t understand your question”

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