The very best and funniest CAT moments – Funny cat compilation

Cats and kittens are the best, they make us laugh and happy! Just look how they play, sleep, fail, get along with dogs, get their heads stuck in boxes, react to mirrors, make funny sounds,… Cats are so ridiculous, funny and cute! What is your favourite clip? 🙂 Hope you like our compilation, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos!

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Readers Comments (86)

  1. congrats on 1 mill

  2. Tiger Productions October 14, 2016 @ 10:11 am

    We would like to say thanks for supporting us to our 1 MILLION SBSCRIBERS! 😀

    • Tiger Productions m

    • Tiger Productions +==) ” :%%%==%=4??_7)





      ⅞7>) :7 *⅞8jnm

    • Евгения Палюхина May 22, 2018 @ 8:48 am

      Paula cardoso ллллвлчььчлыллвлыждЯ хочу на табачку баб я хочу собачку а мама Paolo этот Paolo забыла собаку хочешь собаку собака заварку ну€££|€{‘dhdhrhdjdjdjdjid::₽&:&:&/9219847(,) hcjxkюадтаоладдлсллаомооалаооаоаоосллаооаооааоллллооащх

    • muhammad kenzie June 3, 2018 @ 3:12 pm

      You mispelled subscribers

    • Yok Artık Biz Abarttık Ama Kekini Kabarttık July 3, 2018 @ 2:29 pm
  3. Congrats on 1 mil.

  4. cat with plastic cover over their face wasn’t funny.

  5. Laura Vimala Devii October 14, 2016 @ 11:12 am

    fantastic! aha the cat that put itself in position to be launch with the broom!

  6. what ding-dong is narrating some of these? furry people licking other people is a sign of affection, not them trying to eat your hair or make another cat move. And if your cat can’t move while wearing it, TAKE IT OFF. That’s not a good thing! And if a cat’s claws get stuck in something, that can be pretty painful – just help them out! Humans can be so mean and dumb sometimes…

    • gerizekalı kedi February 6, 2017 @ 7:01 pm

      Maddy Rice poop

    • Maddy Rice kkBģ jh

    • Calhaora Lightsbane February 9, 2017 @ 12:56 pm

      They do silly stuff. I agree some is a little of, like the . But there Animals not something made out of Glas and one has the rights to find a silly Animal as funny as a silly human. So chill your base and dont watch those Videos

    • If you don’t like the video just don’t watch it and don’t make such a big fuss. Still though, some of these videos are kinda cruel to the cats. Still one person can’t really change much, and tiger productions doesn’t have any power over the people filming these, they just made a compilation for some people. Hopefully they make sure their pets are okay after. I once got my head stuck in a soccer net, and it didn’t feel good, so I don’t think it feels good to the cats either. I don’t mean this in any way offensive, sorry if this sounded like that.

  7. At 5:33 not nice to let cat attack Guinea pigs! Poor guinea pigs… they are very gentle and cat is too big for them…

    • +Satoko Houjo Yes thats true I was talking about other clips mostly. But still a Herbivore playing around with a class 1 predator like that is still very unnatural. Maybe cats wouldnt eat them normally but if they get hungry they could. The guinea pigs should be scared and run away.

    • That, and the cage is far too small for the guinea pigs. And where is the hay that makes up 80% of their diet? They should never go without it. Poor darlings 🙁

    • قبيلررببلابيالبا

    • Please, chill. You’re acting like someone’s setting a brown recluse in a room full of arachnophobes.

    • CatsTeachLessons November 23, 2016 @ 2:03 pm

      nati kos nati kos one I’m guessing that the cat had no front claws, hence why they have them even in the same room, and two the guinea pigs are about the size of the cat so I don’t think either were doing any harm to each other.

  8. Shane Nickel-Thibodeau October 15, 2016 @ 3:46 am


  9. A cat with a plastic bag over his head – right, yeah – funny.

  10. the majority of these clips are plainly set up, cruel and not funny at all

  11. That Awkward Chick October 16, 2016 @ 3:55 pm

    That Doritos bag could’ve suffocated that cat!

  12. That Awkward Chick October 16, 2016 @ 3:58 pm

    Her cat just fell down the stairs and she thinks thats funny!?!? He could be seriously injured!


  14. the cats with their heads stuck especially in plastic bags are not funny!!! nor when they fell down the stairs!!! and to put one in with guinea pigs is cruel!!

  15. Some of these were not funny… Some appeared very cruel.

  16. Never ever let your cat get near a plastic bag, especially if that bag has got elastic bands in it, the cat could chew on the elastic bands, and it can get tangled in your cat’s intestines, thats happened to one of my cat. Also why the heck would you let your cat put his head inside a chip packet?!

  17. Laughing at cats trapped in bags and stuff is not funny. It’s animal cruelty.

  18. Nice video. But the footage about cats having their head in plastic bags isn´t funny at all but very dangerous due to suffocation risk and the stress they feel. Instead of laughing and making a video, their idiotic owners should help them. And you should be as wise to delete these flicks from your sample video.

    • +Genie Cooper

    • +Genie Cooper: Sorry, read your comment only now. Well, the reason is very simple. I think all other parts of the video are nice, because there is no situation the owner who filmed the footages, have had a chance to protect the cats and the accidents filmed weren´t serious. With only one exception: that plastic bag. Any sane reaction by a cat owner would have been to stop filming and to release the cat from it´s deadly terror and from getting hurt.

    • +Asriel Dreemurr: Well, in that case I hope you will get into a dangerious situation in which you fear for your life but don´t instantly get help from some bystander. May that bystander instead first pull his/her smartphone to film you till he/she laughed enough and got lot´s of “funny” film material to post it on YouTube. I bet this will change your opinion.

  19. hold it.

    before you say any of this is cruelty. consider the following.

    1. the cat stuck it’s head in that bag in the first place.

    2. the video is short. the bag most likely was removed from the cat at the end of the video.

    3. wouldn’t it be animal abuse if they put the bag on the cats head and left it on?

    but the cat stuck it’s head into the bag. the humans had nothing to do with the cat doing that. and the bag was taken off afterwards. so how could that be abuse?

    4.the cat falling down the stairs wasn’t the doing of the owners. once again, it was the cat. thought it is odd to see a cat go forward with something on their head, rather than backwards…

    so how could this be abusive?

    “the owner didn’t do anything!”
    oh but they did! we just didn’t see what happened when the recording stopped.

    “they recorded and laughed! ”
    of course. in all honesty the cat isn’t made of glass. if you’ve felt the skeletal structure of a cat, you find out that the ribcage bends quite easily. the impact for the cat to get hurt would have to be greater than falling down some stairs. we all laugh when someone gets hurt, but we only care if they severely injured. for animals, if they get hurt we care. if they flop around it’s funny.

    “the cat could’ve gotten hurt! ”
    COULD’VE gotten hurt. but it didn’t. if we didn’t do something because of the possibility we could get hurt, then life would be pretty fucking boring. and if the cat did end up getting hurt. then they would stop recording and help the cat.

  20. what is it with cats and bags on their heds? i mean srsly!

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