"Sovereign" citizen thinks he is above the law yet hides behind the law to try to get away with his crimes. What happens next is no surprise.

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Readers Comments (58)

  1. what an idiot! omg this is so hilarious!

  2. “You broke my window again” my god this is sad … feeling guilty for watching and making fun of mentally deficient people. These people don’t have a single family member that can talk some sense into them, not a single friend who has the education and desire to sit them down and explain how life works … that is what makes it so sad.

    • file folders Youre a christian? just nevermind man, the marxist turned you guys out 50 years ago. The bible and equality huh? hahaha sure bud. Except those chosen. And yeah sure, even though I am completely civilized and give benefit of doubt to a fault as I have been told by almost everyone who knows me the 40 years I have been on earth , yeah, its me “strutting” all around Baltimore, Philly, Detroit, East Cleveland, Chicago etc and causing all the crime. And how bad has tv got you? I am angry cuz I spoke the truth about race? What I guess all those evil toothless fat skinhead you saw on CSI must be real? And thanks for showing me the new liberal christian argument ” I didnt see any crime, so it doesnt exist”. But i guess what other choice do you have, we destroyed every other excuse you put up, cultural bias on IQ testing, poverty causes crime, early nutrition, more money, more programs, etc etc.. You have to be a boomer, or well, you at least parrot just like them.

    • file folders wow, you kinda do know whats going on, thats crazy. Yeah most of us really dont want violence. We know its possible, and likely if SOMETHING isnt figured out. And yeah the bible is pretty tribal. Even in the new testament. They may say alot about everyone being christian, but they dont say anything about us all living in this multicultural/multiracial dystopia. Multiculturalism is disrespectful of all cultures and destroys them. It gives them no space to breathe and grow and live. But anyways, I am actually impressed that you are realizing we arent a bunch of maniacs who havent read more than a stop sign in the last 20 years. I think that is a a good microcosmic sign for the macro issues we will all be facing.

    • Will Morrow
      Love what you said..
      That was awesome and so true..

  3. “You broke my window AGAIN!”

  4. All sovereigns are domestic terrorists and should be treated as such.

  5. I thought Elmer Fudd was a fictional character.

  6. ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴ March 9, 2018 @ 8:38 pm

    They really believe they become immune to traffic laws by declaring their car to be not a car, but a “Moorish traveling chamber”?

    • Drew Gustafson May 7, 2018 @ 3:45 am

      ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴ the funniest thing is that first idiot is saying his nationality is “mormish” hahaha

  7. He’s Mormish!!

  8. They need to arrest these idiots selling this material to people. This man was taken advantage of… giving him the belief he was safe.

    • file folders I think you misunderstood me, I don’t uphold these people using this movement at all. Most use it to be rebellious and that is very frustrating for the officers and it costs tax payers also. I do, however feel the law should get to the bottom of the morons selling all this material. They are only out to make money.

    • Ellison Rodgers July 13, 2018 @ 3:01 am

      Catlady : Fortunately, being a fool is not illegal. Some foolish acts are illegal, however.

  9. RoboBongoCuckooCop March 26, 2018 @ 2:12 pm

    this guy isn’t Moorish, he is Mormish. jesus, get it right 😛

  10. TechSys Engineer March 28, 2018 @ 3:52 am

    LOL – these Sovereign idiots provide so many hours of laughter – I’d like to shake the hand of the guy who came up with this silly crap. Sure he’s a crook – but the priceless laughter !

    Threatening to axe a police officer is a felony I believe.

  12. Adam Wakefield April 12, 2018 @ 8:06 am

    Finally a cop who treats them like they deserve

    • Adams Snapworld
      You broke my window AGAIN!!!
      Apparently he didn’t learn the first “Window”!

  13. Do they have Moorish speech therapists?

  14. Maxwell Edison May 2, 2018 @ 10:19 pm

    He got it wrong. It’s not Moormish, it’s Moronish.

  15. Patty Lanenga May 5, 2018 @ 2:41 pm

    He doesn’t even know how to pronounce his own “nationality”. It’s MOORISH not moormish, you moronic moor!

    • Rock Dumbass* is one word. There should be “and” after mean.

      But he’s the dumbass?

      You’re a dumbass racist.

    • Moorish isn’t a real nation. There were Moors which was a blanket term for Arabs and such people. There is a group of demented people people called the Moorish Scientific Temple but as group aren’t recognised by any authority. They should be kicked to the kerb when seen or encountered.

  16. George Ishaq May 8, 2018 @ 3:58 am

    It’s rather unfortunate that Police Departments don’t have a “Sovereign Citizen Slayer” division

  17. High Overlord Snarffie Beagle May 9, 2018 @ 1:44 pm

    I still don’t understand, why is there some special kind of person who buys into this? It’s so strange because they’re all the same, it’s the same thing repeating itself over and over with them. The outcome ends up being the same each time, over and over. It amazes me that there is some % of people who think that this makes sense to do.

    • People are gullible and capable of believing the craziest things, regardless how little reason there is for believing it.
      This is just one more in that very long list of unfounded believes.

  18. It’s like Timmy from south park was driving the car. TIBALAAHHH!!! TIMAAAY!!!!

  19. Boogaloo Shrimp May 11, 2018 @ 5:45 am

    A window being shattered and a perp being dragged out is one of my few pleasures in life.

  20. Whats the difference between mentally challenged and sovereign citizens


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