Readers Comments (67)

  1. This is how animals behave

    • +SBB1809 wow you had to reply to everyone’s comments good job. Now you can work on getting your life back, finding a job, moving out of your parents apartment, getting a boyfriend, and going to church. Don’t bother commenting back cause I just blocked you like a NFL lineman.

    • +Jeremy Richardson ROFL,,,,a NFL lineman…..That’s rich

    • +Art Van Norstrom another reason why majority of white men are under cover homosexuals. Why are you checking out +bbigrocker1​’s legs?

    • Lol

  2. my girlfriend likes black men……she likes them out side picking cotton and she likes to whip them

  3. LOL I’m reading these comments
    Why are you mad because good ole Ashely like the taste of black coffee. A lot of those good ole girls do you just don’t know they double dipping

  4. Martin Rodriguez March 20, 2016 @ 4:53 am

    Ashley not only enjoys play time with my fellow brothas, she enjoys train rides with my Hispanic people. together we can get all the ashleys in the world and have ourselves a fun trainride my brothas cx

  5. john hempstead May 3, 2016 @ 3:16 am

    them black racist really showed their IQ

    • Thepharcyde4ever August 10, 2016 @ 4:37 pm

      +Twenty Øne Liøns​ I was quoting the op. If you couldnt understand that then you’re just as stupid as he is.

    • Flower Power 2016 August 10, 2016 @ 5:08 pm

      How am I stupid? Half the people on here can’t even produce a comprehendable sentence because of the lack of punctuations and two different thoughts in the same sentence. That’s not stupidity, that’s an educated person correcting a mess.

    • john hempstead you sound stupid

  6. Racism goes both ways. Can’t we all just get along?

  7. ” Yo Daughter Likes Black Coffee No Sugar No Cream ” Lmaoooooo YESSSSSS

  8. Such intelligent argumentation. “You daughter loves black meat”.

    Can anyone name one good and prosperous place in the world where black people are in control?

  9. LMAO, this should be the opening to an interracial porn

  10. black coffee no sugar no cream

  11. those sheriffs give me a clan vibe

  12. Everyone in this video is a racist, Period!

  13. Black olives matter!

  14. Typial racist white pecker wood for you. That brother put em in his place! That gringo was scared! Haha

  15. Black Panthers are racist motherf#ckers!

    • +Neo Anderson wow is all you have is racial stereotypes to provide for an, argument,plus the fake liberal thing ain’t working, wow you are something to laugh at lol

    • White people have never gave anyone especially black people government assistance actually actual statistics prove that white women actually receive more government assistance because they’re considered a minority as well please stop trying all this b******* has an argument it’s not working I mean no one’s entitled but you white supremacist please don’t play that I minority card as well because you’re classified as white

    • +Sanai Davis just get to work, stay out of trouble, apply yourself, make a positive contribution, be a good role model.

    • Harold Cartwright May 21, 2018 @ 2:53 pm

      I deeply disagree but if you just OPENED your mind and read, tell me where have BP talked of destroying and killing a whole race (white)”of people ? Hell you’ve NEVER even heard a BP tell YOU to “GO BACK TO EUROPE” (after all this isn’t your country either.) IF and I do mean that IF !! you opened your mind,you would see that if the BP are racists, you would understand why they would be but your whiteness wouldn’t dare venture and see. What the BP’s or any BP showed YOU any racism.

    • Spoder Man how

  16. she can’t get enough of that black meat

  17. That white man about to go home and mercilessly beat his redneck wife.. lmao

  18. Every white dads nightmare in a video…. lmao

  19. “Yo daughter like black coffee , no sugar no cream ” ????
    There’s a lot of undercover Ashley’s out there

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