SUPER WEIRD CATS that will totally CONFUSE YOU! – Extremely FUNNY CAT VIDEOS compilation

Here are videos of super weird cats and kittens that will confuse you and at the end, most important, make you laugh! These cats are so super hilarious that I bet you will laugh your head off! The most impossible try not to laugh challenge ever! Just look at all these weird cats and kittens how they fail, behave, meow, spin, beg… So ridiculous, funny and cute! What is your favorite clip? 🙂 Hope you like our compilation, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos!

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"­­­Hamster March, Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod (
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Readers Comments (92)

  1. Learn Defense Dont get Bullied May 17, 2018 @ 1:05 pm

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww,,, so cuteeeeeeee,,,

  2. Alessandra Tio May 17, 2018 @ 1:07 pm


    I’m so proud of myself

    I was playing a game and my notifications blinked and I clicked on the video so hard I thought I might have brooke my acre l screen

    I might not be first because my phone is very slow☺??

  3. Crazy CharChar May 17, 2018 @ 1:08 pm

    The thumbnail ??? bruh?! ?

  4. 1:36, I guess sometimes cat forget that tail is one of the parts of their own body. ??

    • I’ve read their tail is likely controlled by a sort of sub conscious, which most creatures below primates can’t access or acknowledge. So the tail is pretty much driven by instinct, programmed to do certain things at certain times based on the factors of the situation. But I imagine it varies by breed, my cat has never chased her tail, but I’ve known other cats that do it all the time. I’ve even tried to get her to see her tail as not being part of her, holding her tail in her face so all she can see it the black tip waving around, no predatory response at all. It’s interesting. I also think some breeds are further along the chain of evolution than others.

    • Joshua Johnson May 22, 2018 @ 3:24 am

      most are young or just playing. they groom their tail. so they know its a apart of them. the probably see it in the corner and wants to chase it when bored.

      it also depends on the cats intellegence. you see some cats reconise the tv screen while others act like its magic. most likely some cats have higher comprehensive skill.

    • yes, you are right.

    • Wow, true facts, thanks for info.

    • ????????

  5. this is why i love cats?

  6. Ommgggg cats waving there hands in the air Me:falls off bed with laughter *HAHAHAHAH* Cats chasing there tails. Me:falls on ocean with laughter *HAAHHAHAHAAHAH*

    • Sheldon VanCleve nope 13??


    • Amanda Myers hye fcvcfb

    • PLEASE READ STORY: ? I was driving to work one morning and I saw the car infront hit a kitten and kept going, I jumped out and put her in my car and drove straight to the vet. She is 10 weeks old, her lip was ripped back and her pelvis was broken I paid for her 1st mouth surgery. Her pelvis wounds have split open and are exposed. She has no skin on her bottom half and also no meat under her chin. I wish I can help her more. I have been taking off a work to provide her with 24 hour care, she is fighting to live please help us fight! Her doctors are not recommending to put her to sleep because of how hard she is fighting. She is in need of a few surgeries. Please help her get the help she needs❤

    • TheSurvivor 10859 July 19, 2018 @ 2:23 am

      amanda Myers:coments a cringy roleplay coment me: slits throat with a knife

  7. I don’t like the ones where people are a bit cruel or laughing like hyenas.

  8. Sir Evans - Funny Animals May 17, 2018 @ 3:54 pm

    So much fun ! I love it !! perfect entertainment… i love cats, anyway, and heres another masterpiece… great !???

  9. Lollll

  10. Cats are proof the internet loves us and wants us to be happy.

  11. so cute cats??

  12. Dude wrong end! that’s not where the teat is ??

  13. Tail chasing isn’t a normal activity for adult dogs or cats and if they chase their tail all the time, there could be a medical or behavioral reason for it.

    • My friend has a dog that was diagnosed with down syndrome (or so he says…) It kept running into doors so they took it to the vets.

    • Rikka Chan Some of the times, they didn’t have the simulation of hunting so they just chased their tails out of boredom. My cat does it whenever she’s bored since we moved to the city. Before, she gets to hunt birds and lizards so she never chased her tail.

    • Yes, you’re correct about that. It’s important to play with your animal at least 15 minutes a day to prevent abnormal behaviours.

    • BerryFlierRoblox July 19, 2018 @ 4:19 pm

      Rikka Chan You know you just gave me *T E R R I B L E A D V I C E* for owning a pet for when imma get a cat *S O O N* so after all your not giving me much inspiration unlike these *V I D E O S* so what I’m just saying is “ *S T O P I T G E T S O M E H E L P* “

    • You’re not making sense in the slightest, you find abnormal behaviour inspiring to you? It’s clear you know nothing and not ready to own a pet. Cat or not, every animal has a chance to not be mentally healthy if they’re deprived of physical interactions, they are hunters after all – you as the owner must stimulate those instincts with them on a daily basis by simply grabbing a toy. So, you want a pet? Don’t do what these people are doing. Terrible advice.. tsk, I don’t know what kind of mindset you carry, but clearly someone needs to stop watching trash memes and learn a thing or two about common sense.

  14. I have had cats my entire life. A good way to determine when an animal is in distress is to think if you have a baby or toddler that has something in it’s mouth that is potentially dangerous, then it is also dangerous for your pet. If your baby had a plastic bag stuck around it’s neck you would not leave it there while getting a video and laughing the whole time. You would be a terrible parent for leaving the bag where your child could get it. It’s the same for the person caring for an animal. They trust you to care for them. They don’t need someone that puts them in harm’s way just to get something on video that makes them laugh. Many of you won’t agree with me but the next time you watch one of these videos look at the pet as you would a child and if you think an act would harm your child then it is harming the pet. The person taping should have stopped and helped the pet. In this video a good example of something dangerous was the Kitty that has what looked like tape with something on the end of it was stuck to it’s tongue. The little hooks on a cats tongue do not allow the cat to spit something out like a person can. Many times a cat has no choice but to swallow something that is stuck to it’s tongue. It could have easily choked. Their owner should have set that camera down and helped the cat immediately. I urge people to let Tiger Productions know you don’t appreciate this content. There are many funny cats doing funny things here without throwing in the tapes of cats, dogs and other pets in harm’s way.

    • Sandy Smith people are kind to me im just mean online

    • Sandy Smith I agree it’s bad ?

    • Sandy Smith I do agree , but it is funny so unless it starts to choke or something bad starts to happen then it’s ok.

    • Christie Barricks July 13, 2018 @ 11:51 am

      Sandy Smith goodness

    • PLEASE READ STORY: ? I was driving to work one morning and I saw the car infront hit a kitten and kept going, I jumped out and put her in my car and drove straight to the vet. She is 10 weeks old, her lip was ripped back and her pelvis was broken I paid for her 1st mouth surgery. Her pelvis wounds have split open and are exposed. She has no skin on her bottom half and also no meat under her chin. I wish I can help her more. I have been taking off a work to provide her with 24 hour care, she is fighting to live please help us fight! Her doctors are not recommending to put her to sleep because of how hard she is fighting. She is in need of a few surgeries. Please help her get the help she needs❤

  15. jesushatesyoutoo May 18, 2018 @ 3:01 pm

    People that tie or put things on cat’s tails need to punched in the face!

    • jesushatesyoutoo It’s not like they are cutting off blood flow

    • I agree, its like putting thing on your lower spine.

    • Shadowtrollswords July 2, 2018 @ 1:10 am

      but the difference is that its a completely different part of your body that is sticking out and its just a small hula necklace thats not cutting off bloodflow

    • Einstien Nutella July 3, 2018 @ 6:41 pm

      You are saying that people need to be punched the face for that, but what about your username? That deserves a punch in the face if you ask me.

  16. Kurt McKelvey May 19, 2018 @ 2:52 am

    Cat’s are from outer Space !!!!!! ?

    • Muhairi Abdullah July 15, 2018 @ 4:42 am

      Kurt McKelvey catch up to me tomorrow night

    • PLEASE READ STORY: ? I was driving to work one morning and I saw the car infront hit a kitten and kept going, I jumped out and put her in my car and drove straight to the vet. She is 10 weeks old, her lip was ripped back and her pelvis was broken I paid for her 1st mouth surgery. Her pelvis wounds have split open and are exposed. She has no skin on her bottom half and also no meat under her chin. I wish I can help her more. I have been taking off a work to provide her with 24 hour care, she is fighting to live please help us fight! Her doctors are not recommending to put her to sleep because of how hard she is fighting. She is in need of a few surgeries. Please help her get the help she needs❤

    • Henrik Tamminen July 22, 2018 @ 3:06 am

      Kurt McKelvey I’m telling you they’re alien spies

  17. Cats chase their tail because they look like snakes. Egyptians liked cats because they killed snakes.

    I don’t know I just made that up.

  18. All vids were nice. But I just didn’t like those where people intentionally put a rope or something on their cat’s tail just to make cat more confused. That’s not nice…please don’t do that

  19. Kimberly Gentle May 19, 2018 @ 6:56 pm

    *I had a beautiful Orange tabby….*
    *Mr.Kitty’s story*
    One day, me wnd my little brother were playing with my frisbe.
    Well, he threw it but I couldn’t catch it, so, it went into out neighbors yard.
    We walked to the neighbors yard and quietly grabbed the frisbe.
    But we saw a beautiful orange fluffy cat!
    So, we kinda watched it for awhile
    The cat walked up to us and purred and rubbed up against me
    The owner ended up giving us the cat.
    One day I woke from my bed and the cat was in my house!
    Then my mom told me it was ours now.
    We named him Mr.Kitty!
    To be continued…..
    *if this gets to…3 likes I’ll continue!*

  20. Konuşan Kedi Tom Türkçe Videoları July 21, 2018 @ 8:43 pm

    A Very Beautiful Video Is not That Mi Friends Participants Random Reply Please

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