Instant karma / justice, dumb stupid racist cops getting owned compilation.
The videos used in this compilation do not belong to me and credit goes to those who made those videos. All videos are unedited, raw, and were not shortened.
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Readers Comments (69)

  1. KripticEyeGaming August 1, 2017 @ 10:39 am

    Wow when the first guy showed his face his hair blew my minds. Lul I didn’t expect that

  2. Mate, you look like a college professor. The dreads look good

  3. Why do I watch this stuff….it pisses me the hell off.

  4. 54:56
    I’m gonna make more money on this video, than the price of the ticket

  5. PappyxFredo World October 7, 2017 @ 12:03 am

    Pulled over for having ear buds in his ear ?

  6. You know something is wrong with the system when you should call the cops on the cops…

  7. Just drop a nuke on the America

    • Neko T. Farmer August 5, 2018 @ 7:15 pm

      Professr 93 Because we’re not reckless with them, maybe? Sure, let’s just let everyone have nukes because we had to use a couple to stop a nation of people who were literally trained to dive bomb planes into their enemies. Japan was the old school equivalent to thr Taliban back then, but it was an entire nation with that samurai, either die or live mentality. Like the other guy said, we VALUE our soldiers lives which is why we spend so much on defense, try to keep nukes out of the hands of psychos and nuked Japan rather than lose millions of soldiers in a pointless endeavor.

      War is dirty, its hell and its rough. Sometimes there is no peaceful way, so just accept that the world has bad stuff in it sometimes and let it go.

    • Nobody here knows how to take a joke. YALL NEED JESUS

    • James Stripling August 10, 2018 @ 4:03 am

      +Professr 93 They bombed pearl harbor you POS, they got what was coming to them, now all their women want is BWD

    • James Stripling August 10, 2018 @ 4:06 am

      Why does it have to always be because your Black, lol take out that fake hair if you think it’s cause you got dreads, or oh wait just grow hair like a real man and nuts to

  8. When in the second one I heard that mother crying and she felt compelled to get out of the car because she didn’t want to lose her child, it ripped my heart out. I could hear the pain and the fear in both of their voices, especially in hers. Those cops fed on her fears because they felt they could manipulate her and they never even faltered. It’s so fucking disgusting that they did that to those parents and did nothing but lie to them–and for what? Because of the color of their skin? God, no matter how much we like to think we’ve progressed, the institutionalized racism that’s been prevalent in every aspect of our society since it’s inception hinders that very progress. We’re still 50 years in the past and that is so saddening to me. I’m so sorry that this is the reality for a whole demographic.

    • Michael Jordan July 13, 2018 @ 2:18 am

      And the funny part it’s mostly black citizens and for the stupidest reasons

    • Michael Jordan July 13, 2018 @ 2:20 am

      Your right only guilty people argue to get out of the situation but Not everyone in this world is a criminal

    • Michael Jordan July 13, 2018 @ 2:25 am

      I guess you’d let police arrest you for a made up reason huh and like you said you would argue if your guilty but you’d choose not to argue because your NOT Guilty

    • Lucas Alvarado you are so so absolutely 100% wrong.

  9. Any updates for the second clip??!

  10. Its so sad that they’ve had to memorize their rights because this happens so often…. Thanks to racist assholes.

    • Ryan Hill You need help you need to get off of YouTube you are toxic shut the f**k up you are probably a little brat who got mommies phone and made a YouTube account you are toxic

    • Raphael Onyejizu July 30, 2018 @ 9:12 am

      Presley Smith you mean your white brothers?

    • it`s sad that blacks brakes law so often.

    • Neko T. Farmer August 5, 2018 @ 7:01 pm

      Raphael Onyejizu Stfu, just because people share something so random and silly as skin color doesn’t mean theyre all the same. Take you and I for example… We’re both black, but I think your an idiotic racist with no future.


  12. The 4th guy @ “I don’t wanna die today”
    nope darling you won’t.
    I don’t even know what to say. this is painful to watch.

    • Lucas Alvarado July 9, 2018 @ 5:19 am

      First off the guy did have his headphones in which is distracted driving and is illegal.

    • Lucas Alvarado , your an idiot.
      You do realize that people use Bluetooth headphones when talking on their cell phones.

  13. Number 3 he had the details and she got so mad when he started talking about his rights

  14. 41:07 the black says that black and blue need to form relationships and the cop says he disagrees?? Am I actually hearing this correctly?

  15. Kill a cop = death sentence

    Cop kills you = suspended license

  16. “I’m not getting out the car, I’m scared for my life.”

  17. Cop : Roll your window down

    Man : (rolls window down a tiny bit) my window is down


  18. dumber than donkey

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