Stupid Racist COPS getting OWNED 2017 Compilation #6 – Instant Karma/Justice

Instant karma / justice, dumb stupid racist cops getting owned compilation. The videos used in this compilation do not belong to me and credit goes to those who made those videos. All videos are unedited, raw, and were not shortened.

Readers Comments (16)


  2. all these so called cops ? who dont have any IQ whill rott in hell just like there kids 🙂

    • Perhaps you should have a two figure IQ before you post anything about the IQ of police. Have you heard of the Queen’s English???? I thought not.

  3. Little And Dr_RBLX December 31, 2017 @ 10:03 pm

    I think it’s illegal too smoke if your a cop.

  4. Wow if that was a black student in that cops face he would have for his head blown off and everyone in the comment section would be here justifying it

  5. Cops should not call people “dude”

  6. The world isn’t surprised the PIGS (cops) from one of the MOST NOTORIOUS ABUSIVE AND CORRUPT police departments on earth is on this video.

    • 1pilot2000
      Hahah your calling a cop a pig? So you think all Cops are bad? Your the most ignorant person on this planet! News flash NOT ALL COPS ARE RACIST YOU STUPID MORON!

    • Not all cops are bad. True there is corruption in the Law enforcement. But you can’t blame the entire organization.

  7. police stop abusing the law

  8. The Authentic Bleach April 7, 2018 @ 8:59 pm

    I’m done

  9. See! that’s white privilege..That would never happen if the skateboarder was black and the cop was white..

  10. Frank Nemdharie May 27, 2018 @ 11:06 am

    Nice to be white lol

  11. It is time that the police are held accountable for their actions. There jobs are not to fall victim to what other cops did before them. In this age cops will not be able to get away with committing heinous crimes.

  12. Hahahahah the truth is not all Cops are Racist! Dumb Cop haters! Do your research idoits!

  13. Nugroho Susilo June 28, 2018 @ 4:19 pm

    The best “Speech” from US citizen to the Police : You’re Going DOWN xxxxx …. for it Man … ?

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