Stupid Racist COPS getting OWNED 2017 Compilation #5 – Instant Karma/Justice

Instant karma / justice, dumb stupid racist cops getting owned compilation. The videos used in this compilation do not belong to me and credit goes to those who made those videos. All videos are unedited, raw, and were not shortened.

Readers Comments (11)

  1. this is why i hate police but some cops i have good relastionships with not all cops are bad

  2. The first video those guys are really classless

  3. That cop was mean to him

  4. I need to hang out with the boys that play basketball

  5. Debbie Clapper March 1, 2018 @ 3:14 am

    So so sad blue isis

  6. what do you think about the last 2 comments in the video? ”listen to rosseta stone ‘instead of the music you listen to’ ”(he doesn’t know what music he is listening to, only making an assumption). and choosing a detergent that dosnt make you itch. based on the same assumption of music, i have an idea of what this comment may mean. what are your thoughts?

  7. Mersadies Brooks April 20, 2018 @ 5:39 am

    He cant find nothing on the guy he’s wants him to get out of character to have a reason to beat him or arrest him but the guy handled it well.

  8. Cops being racist, shocking.

    • Boistyle34 this is not shocking.They just protect us from the niggas wich are some dangerous animals

  9. The last cops are very racist.

  10. The last cops were def a racist

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