Am I being detained? Sovereign citizens and cop baiters getting owned!

Readers Comments (23)

  1. This stuff never gets old. These idiots never learn.

  2. All these sovereign videos i think the cops are right, but this one on the phone gets a little out of hand. He doesnt respect anyone who isnt a resident of his state? Let me guess, Alabama?

  3. The last one needs to bone up on her history! “Pursuit of happiness” is not in the Constitution! Its in the Declaration of Independence, which conveys no rights at all.

  4. Did that savage just break the window with his bare hands lol

  5. When are these idiots going to learn that if they tell you to room down your window and you don’t they will break your freaking window

  6. For the first one: Just mail it to her. They did that to my idiot buddy who wouldn’t sign the ticket.

  7. Just get your drivers license and pay your registration

  8. People are crazy…

  9. i would love to see cops hitting these bastards.

  10. Unfortunately the first cop was wrong. She legally didn’t need her window down any more.

  11. You need to make an exception and mail me what I want because I don’t feel safe.
    These SC’s are residents of the state of Delusion.

  12. Douglas Kenney May 21, 2018 @ 2:51 pm

    It’s great that these people video their own ignorance.

  13. holy crap.. I would have hung up of the first guy a long time ago

  14. you can’t claim that you aren’t an American citizen and then claim that your constitutional rights are being violated.

  15. The first thing she can think of is she’s having a baby

  16. I think theses idiots think that sovereign citizens and diplomatic immunity are the same thing

  17. “Wow that’s cool, I like being first.” Love it

  18. Borderline paranoid schizophrenic.

  19. If they are not a citizen, turn them over to INS

  20. “Well cool! I like being first.”

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