Am I being detained? Sovereign citizens and cop baiters getting owned!

Readers Comments (36)

  1. Some moron with Black’s Law dictionary thinking he is a lawyer and same old Bs script.

  2. “some people don’t know the law” … You’re right dufus, some DON’T !

  3. “You didn’t read me my Miranda rights!”

    Uh, you don’t have to be read Miranda rights unless two conditions are met. 1) you’re under arrest, 2) you’re being questioned/interrogated about the crime.

    They don’t have to read you your rights until they start interviewing or interrogating you about the crime.

  4. ” the party of the first part..” dumbass reminded me of one of those Marx Bros. movies. he needs to plead the “sanity Claus”.

  5. If you think you don’t need a driver’s license to operate a vehicle, why on earth would you go to the trouble of getting a permit?

  6. Tell this Idiot an automobile IS a Motor vehicle, and you must be Licensed ad the automobile on a public road. Blacks is a dictionary not a law book. The one thing these sovereign idiots seem to not read is the drivers Manuel which explains it simple terms that accepting the DL requires you to present on demand of an officer refusal to do so is an automatic suspension

  7. Why do these idiots post these videos. Don’t they realize it just makes them looks like complete assholes?!

  8. Doing this while his kid was in the car with him is disgusting. Also, smoking around his kid omg.

  9. Okay new game every time someone says Constitution you take a shot

  10. I loved watching this d-bag having to read the BS he printed from the internet. If you really believe it and have studied it, you shouldn’t have to fumble through reading it from a sheet of paper. Moron.

  11. Dude wrote everything down and still couldnt speak properly!?

  12. God just pull out your gun and tell him to step out. Stop letting them run their mouths!

  13. This dingus trying to study his notes mid traffic stop

    EDIT: AND he vapes!?!?! Kill me now
    EDIT2: AND there’s a kid in the car? jesus… call cps of something
    EDIT3: 2 kids, maybe 3, he can’t tell

  14. He was getting two things mixed up: Yes, a motor vehicle and automobile are legally defined as two different things. However, if you’re on a public roadway you must have a valid drivers license, insurance, registration, and vehicle tag. You signed an agreement when you get your license

  15. These videos make me root for police brutality.

    • Stewie .griffin March 8, 2018 @ 10:26 pm

      Sarah J hahah yes ,

    • Sarah J ???????
      OMG your comment caught me off guard…. that’ll teach me read, sip coffee and burst out laughing at the same time!!

    • Yup, the cops must be allowing these vids to be made..bcs they’ve realized it shows them to be the good guys who constantly have to deal with Assholes. I can’t think of a better PR coup and promotion for Police Forces..than showing them having to deal with Soveriegn Shitizens, Anteefa, and sjws!

  16. Cop baiting needs to be made illegal. They’re just wasting the officer’s time

  17. If you people want to travel freely get a horse and buggy or put your feet to walking driving a vehicle is a privilege not a right

  18. It’s funny how the Amish aren’t in these videos because they’re actually TRAVELING!!!

    • Cotter Weidman April 6, 2018 @ 2:29 am

      The Amish also don’t speed, or break most laws on the road. I’m not saying they are always innocent either.

  19. He smokes with a kid in the car. Unfit parent.

    • …in Canada, or maybe just Ontario…it’s illegal to smoke in the car…he should drive up here lol.

  20. As he vapes

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