Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – November 2017

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (38)

  1. I wonder what the difference between a statute and a law is as both words mean essentially the same thing .

    • 8aleph Sovereign citizen definitions:

      Statute: A law that I don’t have to obey because I have an inalienable right to do whatever I want, including to violate the rights of everybody else.

      Law: A law that everybody else has to obey because it gives me an inalienable right to do whatever I want, including to violate the rights of everybody else.

    • Well said, that’s about the way they look at things

  2. KnivesOfTheRound December 1, 2017 @ 1:59 pm

    You owe me $500,000 for reading this comment. Pay me now.

  3. “I’m not a person”
    Someone should tell this guy that legal rights only apply to persons/people. If you’re not a person, you have no legal rights.

    • apokalyps2547 Same with how they claim to not be citizens. “Oh well if you’re not a citizen I guess we better get immigration involved!”

    • YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO READ – before making claims and throwing allegations/slander! A PERSON according to BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY is a CORPORATION and not a HUMAN BEING NOR A People..! People refers to humans and IF you are not in your Proper Person IE A National of [YOUR] Nation by bloodright which at law looks like this
      { in propria persona sui juris } being in ones own Proper Person. Not being that, then you are CIVILITER MORTUUS = DEAD IN THE EYES OF LAW and that is what it means to be a PERSON

    • What flavor was the Kool-Aid? Black’s Law Dictionary is just that, a dictionary, not a law book. This is why you clowns lose

    • Official Poa: You are so funny in your ignorance.



    • Blacks Law is an American publication relating to United States law, and NOT British law get the facts right .

  4. It would have been completely ok to cutout the bits wit typing and only typing.

  5. Would be fun to see the video of him take it up with the judge or magistrate and see how well his argument flies in court.

    • Hopefully it went hilariously badly for him, most British Judges don’t tend to have much sympathy for morons.

  6. P Barnes UK cousin

  7. Oh jeez. You have those over in the U.K. too? My sympathies.

  8. Paranormal Encyclopedia December 12, 2017 @ 6:33 pm

    Attention sovs Gravity is not a law it’s a statute the government is illegally enforcing it. Jump off buildings to promote your right to travel freely the cops can’t enforce gravity on you.

  9. How long are these idiots going to think that by telling the police, judge etc that they are not a person is not working they are a person, individual or entity are all the same thing. You are a freaking person.

  10. another idiot who really believe in his statute as a more important human being with a fancifull status of being seriously special and to be believed.

  11. Ok, good to know not only America is having issue with these fucktards XD I mean, it’s bad they exist but we’re not the only people who deal with em

  12. I would love to see the same situation in America, now that would be fun to watch. These poms are too boring

  13. The telling word is cannabis. If anyone out there doesn’t think weed turns you into a deluded nutter, think again?

  14. I guess when all else fails…anything is worth a try..??

  15. And guess what he doesn’t have a job! These guys are missing multiple brain cells.

  16. I was extremely disappointed when he said that he had no plans to kill himself. I wonder if suicide is in this twat’s statute book. It’s guaranteed to be in Black’s Law dictionary, surely.

  17. Another poor soul trying to argue the law in a police station. Especially funny because he is wrong about the law.

  18. natho dynommiter May 23, 2018 @ 10:13 pm

    oh great , we got sovereign citizens in the uk now ……thanks American !

  19. 22:00 My fee schedule is 500k pounds an hour. As long as you’re dreaming why not make it 5 million

  20. Sleeps with mom & pop in damp dirty basement eating cheesedoodles & flat rootbeer. He’ll be traveling to prison. A wanker & deadbeat

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