Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – Compilation

Readers Comments (34)

  1. Please impound and crush his car

  2. “All he had to do was give me his driver’s license.”
    That’s what always amazes me about these idiots.
    But I guess they help the auto glass industry.

  3. Chris Autenrieth August 4, 2017 @ 11:47 pm

    I come in peace? Crime is afoot!! Awesome phrase! I do not consent ! LMAO!! You do not smell marijuana! What he trying to do Jedi Mind trick! You tasered my nuts!!

  4. Chris Autenrieth August 4, 2017 @ 11:53 pm

    This cop is getting pissed! Speeding is not a crime!


  6. Officer whats your name badge number and a good auto glass repair shop ??

  7. That woman’s voice..she should of been shot

  8. Christopher Manuel August 27, 2017 @ 9:19 pm

    Articles of Confederation are not the Constitution and no longer a valid, they are not law. It is like trying to say that the world is flat because it was believed true at one point.

  9. Call my lawyer. What does he have an attorney on retainer

  10. The Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation in 1788. The woman in the first video is 229 years behind the times.

  11. I wonder if he will scream “i do not concent” when his cell mate…Ben, Ben Dover turns his little brown eye blue!

  12. Emmanuel Martinus September 30, 2017 @ 7:43 am

    Help, help I’m a victim of the law. This makes me want to become a cop even more.

  13. Suzette Randall October 2, 2017 @ 5:12 pm

    The 5th Amendment does *not* say “you have the right to remain silent” you *asshats*, that’s part of the Miranda Warning. The 5th protects a person against being compelled to be a witness against himself or herself in a criminal case in court.
    I’m so happy to be retired, we didn’t have to deal with this douchbaggery when I was a LEO.

    • You realize that’s part of the Miranda Warning because of the 5th Amendment. I agree these people are annoying, but legally they do have the right to remain silent.

    • They are very much related, but are separate things. The 5th amendment protects a person’s right to not be compelled to give testimony against one’s self in a criminal proceeding. Technically, being arrested is not a criminal proceeding. However, once arrested, the individual does not have to answer any questions. The Miranda v. Arizona case, and subsequent cases, explained the distinctions in great detail, but the point is, telling a cop that you are invoking your 5th amendment right, and then claiming that it means you have the right to remain silent, is incorrect.

    • Suzette Webber
      During my younger wannabe scarface days, my attorney always told me to comply with lawful orders, with the exception of the whole “i smell weed, let me search” line many cops abuse. However, once it went any further than giving my ID, insurance and registration, and telling them I’m coming from or going to my house from my friends house (answer the same every time), the legal advice was KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. They tell you to step out and cuff up, do it but immediately tell them you want an attorney before you answer questions.

      Polite, respectful, courteous, compliant and quite. That’s how to stay out of prison. Might get you a few free nights on the county’s dime, but typically the lawyers can keep it at that.

  14. I think if I had to wake up to that woman’s voice every morning, I’d hang myself.

  15. WhoWantsToKnow81 October 20, 2017 @ 8:05 pm

    “Call the police!”

    “Sir, we are the police.”

    Never gets old.

  16. The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the Constitution and no longer apply

  17. Paranormal Encyclopedia October 25, 2017 @ 5:55 pm

    Suggested defenses for Sovereign serial killers:
    I was not shooting people my bullets were traveling
    I did not kill anyone I unalived them
    I do not consent to you shooting back when I shoot at you
    I’m executing killing people not commuting murder murder is for commerce and I am not engaging in commerce
    Murder only involves killing persons those people are sovereign people not corporate entities

    • I am not stealing, I am an undocumented owner.
      I am not kidnapping, I am an undocumented parent.
      I am not lying, I am creating fiction with my voice.
      I am not rioting, I am exercising my right to free expression.
      I am not doing drugs, I am self-medicating.
      I am not assaulting you, I am punishing you.

  18. damn I love it when they get tazed! Pure entertainment gold

  19. “I am not whatever you think I am!” Yes, dude, you are.

  20. If the cop is still talking after calling for back up, you are fucked because all he is doing is waiting for the pain to come down on you once they get there.

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