Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – Compilation

The sovereign citizen movement is a loose grouping of American and Canadian litigants, commentators, tax protesters and financial-scheme promoters. Self-described sovereign citizens take the position that they are answerable only to their particular interpretation of the common law and are not subject to any statutes or proceedings at the federal, state, or municipal levels;[1] that they do not recognize United States currency; and/or that they are "free of any legal constraints."[2][3][4] They especially reject most forms of taxation as illegitimate.[5] Participants in the movement argue this concept in opposition to "federal citizens," who, they say, have unknowingly forfeited their rights by accepting some aspect of federal law.[6] It is similar in doctrines to the freemen on the land movement, more commonly found in Britain and Canada.[7][8][9][10]

Many members of the sovereign citizen movement believe that the United States government is illegitimate.[11] JJ MacNab, who writes for Forbes about anti-government extremism, describes the sovereign citizens getting owned movement as consisting of individuals who believe that the County Sheriff is the most powerful law-enforcement officer in the country, with authority superior to that of any federal agent, elected official or local law-enforcement official.[12] This belief comes from the movement's origins in the "white extremist group" Posse Comitatus.[13]

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) classifies some sovereign citizens ("sovereign citizen extremists") as domestic terrorists.[14] In 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) estimated that approximately 100,000 Americans were "hard-core sovereign believers," with another 200,000 "just starting out by testing sovereign techniques for resisting everything from speeding tickets to drug charges."[15]

According to a 2014 report by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), a survey of law-enforcement officials and agencies across the United States concluded that the movement was the single greatest threat to their communities, ranking above Islamic terrorists and jihadists.[16][17][18] Sovereign citizens have also been identified as a potential terrorist threat by the New South Wales Police Force in Australia.

Writing in American Scientific Affiliation, Dennis L. Feucht reviews American Militias: Rebellion, Racism & Religion by Richard Abanes, and describes the theory of a sovereign-citizen leader Richard McDonald, which is that there are two classes of citizens in America: the "original citizens of the states" (or "States citizens") and "U.S. citizens". McDonald asserts that U.S. citizens or "Fourteenth Amendment citizens" have civil rights,

Legislated to give the freed black slaves after the Civil War rights comparable to the unalienable constitutional rights of white state citizens. The benefits of U.S. citizenship are received by consent in exchange for freedom. State citizens consequently take steps to revoke and rescind their U.S. citizenship and reassert their de jure common-law state citizen status. This involves removing one's self from federal jurisdiction and relinquishing any evidence of consent to U.S. citizenship, such as a Social Security number, driver's license, car registration, use of ZIP codes, marriage license, voter registration, and birth certificate. Also included is refusal to pay state and federal income taxes because citizens not under U.S. jurisdiction are not required to pay them. Only residents (resident aliens) of the states, not its citizens, are income-taxable, state citizens argue. And as a state citizen land owner, one can bring forward the original land patent and file it with the county for absolute or allodial property rights. Such allodial ownership is held "without recognizing any superior to whom any duty is due on account thereof" (Black's Law Dictionary). Superiors include those who levy property taxes or who hold mortgages or liens against the property.[20]

In support of his theories, McDonald has established State Citizen Service Centers around the United States as well as a related web presence.[21]

Writer Richard Abanes asserts that sovereign citizens fail to sufficiently examine the context of the case laws they cite, and ignore adverse evidence, such as Federalist No. 15, where Alexander Hamilton expressed the view that the Constitution placed everyone personally under federal authority.[20]

Some "sovereign citizens" also claim that they can become immune to most or all laws of the USA by renouncing their citizenship, a process they refer to as "expatriation", which involves filing or delivering a bogus legal document to whichever county clerk's office they can get to accept it.

Readers Comments (85)

  1. ‘Call the police!’ – *Sir, we ARE the police.* ROFL

  2. As a police officer I’d just like to clarify the difference between detainment and arrest since many people don’t quite understand the difference.

    When you’re being detained, it means the officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that crime is underway, and is investigating to see whether his suspicion was true or false. You cannot leave until the officer is finished trying to find the answer to that question.

    Arrest is when you are stripped of certain civil liberties and *CANNOT* leave. While being detained it’s reasonable for you to assume that you’ll be on your way freely within just a few minutes, you’re still in control of your future – ticket or not.

    When you’re under arrest you are not going to be on your way freely any time soon, and have no choice in the matter. Nothing you do will change this fact. Your future is decided by the court, not you.

  3. “Open the door!”
    “Am i under arrest?”
    “Open the door!”
    “Am I under arrest?”
    “Open the door!”
    “Am I under arrest?”
    “……. Open the door!”

    Best standoff ever.

  4. SUPER STUPID POOP July 5, 2017 @ 4:43 am

    Sovereign citizens/free inhabitants get all the rights, but don’t have to obey any of the laws? In that case I’ll just go on a bank robbing spree and tell any cop who confronts me that I’m a sovereign citizen so they let me go.

  5. Why do people think arguing with the police is gonna get somewhere

    • Carmy how is it even possible to argue with cops in the US? In the Netherlands if you don’t show your ID you’re under arrest immediately, they won’t wait for that bullshit

    • Christina Wellnitz August 7, 2018 @ 1:20 pm

      Carmy people are learning the law and are finding out that they have not been following their own laws . The people do not swear an oath to a constitution, but federal agents do and they are required to obey it, but we are not to obey any piece of paper . We obey God and their laws are contrary to Gods . “For we are justified by Faith, without the deeds of the law” . KJV .

  6. Oh God, I desperately want to buy ALL these officers a beer! True heroes don’t wear capes, they wear a shroud of patience that prevents them from ripping out the throats of these sovereign miscarriages. I only wished they tasered more, and that it lasted much longer. That is all.

    • yeah for some reason the cops think that they don’t have to follow laws so no they should be getting gangbanged in a prison.

    • nathan McFarland April 4, 2018 @ 3:58 am

      Glueman Degrossi get out, you have no understanding of what is going on. Get off of YouTube. And come back with why someone Deserves too be shot. I’ll wait.

    • Christina Wellnitz July 30, 2018 @ 11:13 pm

      Michael Caplin you are one sick person, you wished they tazered more of them, they are human beings who are defending what they believe is right. Why do they not have a right to choose their own beliefs ? Sovereigns believe that if no human was injured or damaged, then there is no crime, not that they believe that no laws apply to them, this is the government trying to demonize them .

  7. Why do these people think that the police require there consent after doing something illegally?

  8. Clever McGenericName November 6, 2017 @ 2:27 am

    I think these people have some odd electrocution fetish.

  9. Me: Here’s my license and registration officer.

    Officer: Okay thank you. Let me run your info and make sure it checks out.

    3 minutes later.

    Officer: okay well it all looks good, just slow down and I’ll let you off with a warning.

    Me: Thank you officer. Have a nice day.

  10. If your legal argument contains more than 3 “uh’s” in less than 15 seconds, it’s little wonder you are face down on the road getting arrested!

    • Chris Bohannon May 20, 2018 @ 6:32 pm

      I actually think that dude was drunk or on something. Either that or he’s really slow with talking naturally because that’s weird.

  11. that first woman should just go ahead and die.

  12. the fucktard at 6 mins is traumatising his kids just because he thinks whatever imaginary thing he has in his head must be real if he really REALLY believes it.

  13. As on officer I can tell you that the time to argue your point is not with the officer, on the street. The time to argue is with the judge, with your attorney present. These people all saw some You tube videos that told them to say all of this crap. One issue with everyone having a “voice” today, is that there are too many ignorant people, and they use their voice more often, and more loudly than most.

    • Police Lives Matter July 6, 2018 @ 7:48 pm

      N.H.Alicia Ok let me look again.

    • Police Lives Matter July 6, 2018 @ 7:52 pm

      N.H.Alicia It said that before open firing, the police told him to show them his hands, he ran, they chased, he had his phone in his hand and it looked like a gun, and officer yelled “Gun”, and they open fired. It was a mistake, but he should’ve complied and listened. He shouldnt have ran. Thats on him.

    • Police Lives Matter They still shot an unarmed man. What consequences did they face? Why does running make it excusable?

    • Police Lives Matter July 6, 2018 @ 8:00 pm

      N.H.Alicia He was running and reaching in his pants. Wtf else do you expect?

    • Police Lives Matter July 6, 2018 @ 8:01 pm

      N.H.Alicia When we kill them (usually out of self defence) its bad, but when they kill us its all good.

  14. The Articles of Confederation? You mean the Articles of Confederation which were declared void 200 YEARS AGO?

  15. Notice how many of these idiots have a Southern accent. These are the same people who believe the Earth is flat and Chemtrails are real.

  16. “Is speeding a crime?” Someone didn’t go to kindergarten.

  17. “All you had to do was give me your drivers licsense.”

    • NoSimCardInstalled July 6, 2018 @ 4:10 pm

      Hayden Schmitt OMG YESSSSSS

    • Christina Wellnitz August 7, 2018 @ 1:23 pm

      Hayden Schmitt yep they make surrendering our God given rights seem easier, but that is because the right thing, is always the harder thing to do . .

    • Christina Wellnitz except for the laws you fools live by were superseded by the constitution of the USA

  18. 12:00 he’s all rubbing his hands like “damn I gotta get these beautiful hands dirty”

  19. “I do not consent” lol. Everyone say that. This is the pussies we raise. Welcome to the 21th century.

    • Wow. Just curious. What are they talking about??? Are there any passages in the constitution that excludes certain people? Just curious, as I said.

    • +Christina Wellnitzare you okay

    • “I haven’t done anything wrong” , dude the cop asked you too do something simple and your refused, so the cop had to use other means.

    • I’ve been trying to watch and study this stuff so I know how to respond once I become an officer. These cops are INCREDIBLY patient

  20. As a person from Russia where cops are cruel and stop drivers for bribes only, I don’t understand all these people reaction… Cops are polite, calm and kinda nice actually – why do people refuse to do easy things like open a window or say a name..? I know that there are bad cops also, but guys in this video seem to be good, no?

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