Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – November 2017

Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – November 2017

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (25)

  1. “we’re gonna break the window and get you out of the car.ITS THAT SIMPLE”. i love it!!

  2. Awww a lot of paperwork showing what happened with sad reflective music all in vein

  3. Justin Hutchinson November 30, 2017 @ 6:50 am

    I love these idiots that think they can do whatever they wish. You live in a country with laws. Specifically laws that require you to have a driver’s license to travel in a motorvehicle as the operator of such. Most states require insurance (Texas I believe is one that it is not required). Sovereign Citizens are a bunch of asshats.

  4. Maybe the dramatic music is for following sheeple?

  5. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Just cooperate with law enforcement if you have nothing to hide for pete sake. The courts don’t abide by the Articles of Confederation. They use the wonderful document called the Constitution.

    • MichiganWildcat It is a privilege but we also are not a nazi Country where we have no rights. I have no reason to not cooperate but i also have the right to say no thank you as well.

    • You can say whatever you want however you still are legally bound to follow the laws.

    • Hugh Torrance July 9, 2018 @ 3:42 am

      MichiganWildcat: A reply to Nicole M: What a pair of dicks (even though technically biologically impossible). And the background music, my God those idiots tried to make out that they were storming a fully defended position in the face of heavy enemy fire – pair of tools. And the music at the end – Amazing Grace – my God these really are a pair of idiots and they supplied their own text just in case you didn’t realize how stupid they were. And as for Nicole, it is not a Nazi country otherwise the stormtroopers would have dragged that idiot out of the car who was driving and pistol whipped him as soon as he started to act stupid, which was pretty much straight away. And saying no thank you will never get you out of a traffic ticket or stop the officers from legally demanding your license, registration and insurance papers. Simple, so simple and yet it seems to elude so many people.
      And what recourse do people have for drivers who hit them or their vehicles with no insurance to cover the costs. A lot of legal battles and probably a losing one.
      And the part when they show the BS paperwork is if it’s printed it must be legal – roflmao! Only the court documents were real and the marker pen comments were not worth a pinch of crap. Sad sad people who live in a dream world where everybody else has to pay for them to live their weird and wonderful lifestyle.

  6. Why are Sovereign Citizens vehicles so gross and dirty all the time. Seems like a requirement lol.

    • Because pieces of garbage live in filth.

    • Andrew C. The people who adopt this ideology are overwhelmingly lower class, poorly educated and unemployed or on the bottom of the corporate ladder. Translation: they’re lucky they can afford the POS they are driving.

  7. Travelling from a to b by driving a car.

  8. These people live in a fantasy land. You don’t like government and laws? It’s called Somalia, move there.

  9. Failure to provide ID is an arrestable offense. To the wife, if you had insurance they may have let you drive home.

  10. Correct madam, you are not free (to pick and choose which laws you will and will not obey).

  11. Here we go again. Another idiot thinks he’s going to give the police some paperwork that doesn’t mean anything but they think the police will just let them go. Yeah good luck with that.
    Another sovereign citizen who thinks he’s above the law and he can pick and choose what laws apply to him. 99.9% of the time theses idiots don’t have a drivers license or they have arrest warrants.

  12. Wait you’re a sovereign citizen then you don’t have any constitutional rights

  13. Maybe if you’re piece of trash husband had a drivers license then you wouldn’t have to go through this.
    But it’s always someone else’s excuse

  14. Maxwell Edison July 3, 2018 @ 6:21 am

    Don’t you just love how much they whine about being a “victim” of a situation that they created?

  15. She’s right about one thing,, freedom isn’t free.. paying for a drivers license and insurance is always cheaper and a lot less hassle than getting your window broken, car impounded, going to court, etc. Will these idiots ever learn that they loose in the long run. I and many many before me and since have paid dearly for our freedom. These idiots want anarchy.

  16. The fact that they still have the audacity to claim it a “win” because they took a plea shows you how truly delusional these idiots are and how even after all that, they still learned nothing.

  17. Can’t hear anything with that music

  18. You fought the law and the law won

  19. The music is to loud can’t hear what they are saying

  20. Really LOUD MUSIC OVER ALL THE AUDIO??? Terrible

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