Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – May 2018

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (35)

  1. First. Notification squad.

  2. Taylor Queensbury May 16, 2018 @ 4:14 am

    Moorish Americans, if you were invaded by Europeans and Europeans control the country doesn’t that mean you were conquered and lost the war? ?

  3. Can’t take a ‘bloke’ seriously. Bunch of pissed off softies.

  4. Happily Retired May 16, 2018 @ 5:28 am

    Poorly edited with no conclusion

  5. You are not a Moor but you are an idiot who just loves to hear himself speak. You are an embarrassment to other sovereign citizens; go away.

    • Nikita Georgy Khrushchev June 10, 2018 @ 11:09 pm

      I haven’t seen one yet that doesn’t embarrass themselves. If you are one then I’m sorry but you’re a halfwit.

    • The real Moors would piss on these blokes. Trust me, I would know.

  6. Somebody declare open season on these idiots, please! ?

  7. This Moorish Americans is a totally BS thing

  8. Oh no the cancer is spreading to England

  9. putzthewondersloth May 19, 2018 @ 8:11 pm

    Oh good, a conspiracy theory without any kind of evidence. The laziest form of argument.

  10. “this is going on youtube” -every person who thinks theyre a badass

  11. “Acts and statutes are not law, we both know that.” I think that we all know that “Acts of Law” are in fact “Acts of LAW”. The clue is in the title.

  12. Lol seriously…. calling a copper ‘a pathetic little boy’ and ‘arsehole’ – yep that’s gonna go sooo well. Oh and the driver says he’s a tea total…I think the dropkick meant to say teetotaler (I’m not sure I’ve spelt that right)

  13. Christ, looks like we even have these sovereign idiots over here in Gloucestershire as well! God help us!

  14. Where’s P. Barnes when you need him?

  15. sad denial of reality

  16. I am confused . When did the United States of America become the United States of Moor ? I don’t know what a moorish American is ! All these sovereign citizens and moors Americans think they don’t have to obey any laws of this country , but they believe tthey have all the rights . Who started all this insanity in the first place ?

    • Christopher Wisniewski August 8, 2018 @ 11:33 am

      kdl28 Just because they call themselves “Moorish Americans” doesn’t mean they are whatever the hell that’s supposed to be. I’m a White guy, that’s like me calling myself a african American (I find that “nationality” complete bullshit) and pulling that pathetic race card that they hold so dearly close to their interested heart… Doesn’t fucking work like that lmfao

    • I have seen only a couple of videos where the sovereign citizens won.. And I strongly believe one was fake , because the cop let this person go free when he had no license , registration and had a warrant . This was a white cop and the citizen was black (not that mattered in the least ). And when the driver pulled away he said to his camera , ‘and that is how you do it. I win the cop lost’. That blew my mind .

  17. 1st guy, even his passenger didn’t take him seriously! Could hear the giggles every few seconds.

  18. Nikita Georgy Khrushchev June 10, 2018 @ 11:07 pm

    That second idiot doesn’t even have the capacity to realise how dumb he is.

  19. The last guy on the video is a complete moron. As far as it is known and I’ve heard or seen no evidence to the contrary, there were no Moorish Americans in the US before WHITE settlers came and settled/invaded the Native American lands. No Moors in sight for quite a few years.
    I know there’s a lot of crap to be found on the internet, but does everybody have to believe in the really stupid parts and decide to live their lives as if any information they find on the net is all true? I also notice that the stupid bits on the net supercedes the correct bits and they always seem to take the stupid bits to be the truth and the correct bits to be lies.
    Anti Vaccination videos for one instance, Sovereign Citizens, Moorish Americans, Rape Culture (1 in 5 women raped on campuses etc.) and the list goes on and on and on. Sigh!

  20. natho dynommiter June 11, 2018 @ 12:05 pm

    the fist video needs more tazering , lots more

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