Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – May 2018

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (77)

  1. Well, that 2nd guys going to prison…

  2. It’s amazing how some people believe the stupidity that they can drive without a license

    • John Five do you like getting a fine if you dont have health insurance?? Lol, you and other guy have no clue how the economy works now a days. I bet you dont even know how fiat currency has ruined this country.

    • Travelling means moving from place to place, but doing travelling with a vessle requires drivers licence, insurance and registration of the vessle.. people using a law which was written before cars were a thing

    • Janne Heino lmao, what do you think an “Automobile” is??

    • William Cooley July 16, 2018 @ 12:13 am

      J-P Vasquez. In there defence lol evil convile the stunt guy back in the 70s never had a drivers linces only id card and he rode bikes

    • Mandy Karevicius August 8, 2018 @ 7:01 am

      I assume that “Travelling” means “Passenger” and not “Driver”. A person travelling is sitting in a taxi/uber, not driving it. But that’s my guess.

  3. fightinggamefanatic May 30, 2018 @ 4:50 pm


    • Andrew eby lol makes a lot more sense than a picture you linked me of some random car.

      What next? You´re gonna link some pictures of your bathtub?

      lmao I won´t even ask how ´s like to live in wonderland cause, well, we already do.

      Anywho, it was nice, my man. I already had too many laughs at your expense, let somebody else have his turn.

      Peace, and try and keep your car window safe for a week, at least, will ya.

    • Arlindo Melo some random car and house lmao?? Your dreams my dude. Laughs are at you, not my expense bud. Cause people who actually have a brain gets this stuff. Keep on keepen on in your land of freedom bud ???.

    • Andrew eby hey man, I think your neighbour is staring at you from his left window =0 lmao

    • Arlindo Melo ?? knew you would say something pathetic. Keep on my dude, life is good knowing what reality i live in.

  4. The black guy should file suit against his grammar teacher. Have any of these CS sued and won?

    • They might have a better chance if they’d stop hiring Squeak to handle all of their cases.

    • Sittingstraight12 June 23, 2018 @ 8:25 pm


    • shortfacebear 63 June 24, 2018 @ 6:43 pm

      No, unless the police err in paperwork they invariably lose in court. Mostly because they rely on the articles of confederation to back their case, with the complication that the AC were superseded by the constitution when it was ratified.

    • Well.. they do. Apparently now they have their own courts where they play judge and Lawyers. Like kids play house. They filed a suit against judge hurley and it was decided against him. For 5 million? Or 100? Something crazy.

  5. What the hell is “desortion”?

  6. you should not be getting legal advice from a guy named “squeik”

  7. Never trust a lawyer named Squeak..

  8. is it the same dude both videos? and where is the video of them catching him!?

  9. Taking legal advice from a guy named squeak? FAIL

  10. “I plan on suing you tonight”…yeah, I’m sure that’ll work out for you.

  11. Maxwell Edison June 1, 2018 @ 9:27 pm

    Aww, come on! He runs and we don’t get to see him chased and arrested?

  12. Is so easy to use the black law dictionary against the sovereign citizens
    Lets see what the dictionary says:
    “Motor vehicle” means every description or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power.
    The cop just have to say “Is this automobile is being propelled by a mechanical power? Yes? Then you’re not traveling you’re driving”

    • Brandt Nicholson in Florida you are required to show identification

    • Brandt Nicholson June 11, 2018 @ 5:49 pm

      James Stern if that’s truly the case you got me

      They should not be smoking weed late at night while driving

    • Brandt Nicholson that’s not there reason for the legal traffic in another video seen same guy he is a known trouble maker who drives without a license the weed was probable cause to remove him from the car, break the window and lock him up legally!

      I see you are a loyal boot licker of the socialist sovereign citizen movement poor Soros bots!

    • lol, sovereign citizen detected. just show your fucking license and get on with your night like every other person on that road that isn’t mentally deranged.

  13. sharon russomanno June 4, 2018 @ 11:26 pm

    People like Timothy McVeigh and Ted Bundy were caught during traffic stops. I bet their victims families are glad the officers insisted on ID at those traffic stops. This fool is the one threatening the police with a lawsuit. LOL

  14. This video needs subtitles when the driver talks..

  15. What time do they tase this idiot so I can fast forward

  16. Kidnapsation??? WTF does that mean…

  17. These are the dumbasses that bring out BLM

    • “These are the dumbasses that bring out BLM”

      Funny that you call the anti-federal government, anti-taxation, hyper-nationalistic black people BLM, and not as right-wing terrorists, which they are classified as according the FBI. But please, tell me more about how not murdering black people is the same as letting people drive without a license.

    • You clearly misunderstood the initial post

    • Thad Stevens you try posting in a way that makes you seem intelligent, but prove just how ignorant you are by completely missing the point.

    • Zachary Stevenson August 6, 2018 @ 11:24 pm

      Thad Stevens except for the FBI hasnt declared right winged anything as terrotists. You need to go do some research, moron. If anything blm is a terrorist organization

  18. Jeff in Australia June 10, 2018 @ 1:23 am

    Love the sound of smashing car windows on these wankers cars.

    • Jonathan Retkinski August 3, 2018 @ 2:20 pm

      real chop he’s saying that sovereign citizens live in their little pretend world of not needing abiding by the law. He’s not being a racist against color creed or nationality. If anything, he’s racist against SOVEREIGN CITIZENS

    • Susanne Griffin August 3, 2018 @ 2:46 pm

      real chop you are the racist!! Nothing in this mans reply gives any indication as to his beliefs. You, with your pea brain, made profiling assumptions.
      Keep your thoughts to yourself and let people wonder if you are an idiot, or post this crap, and remove all doubts that you are an idiot!!

    • They are sheeple following their Sovereign Citizen Guru’s mantra ‘no victim, no crime’. These po folk don’t get that We The People employ The Police to ‘Prevent’ crime on our highways and byways byway of having everyone on our roads operating a MV have a license to drive, reg, tags, & insurance as proof they are qualified and in full compliance to operate a MV by our LAWS. These laws were imposed per victims’ groups and their activists/advocates who suffered financial hardships filing lawsuits against those who caused their MV accidents, hit & runs, etc. This system prevents criminals from getting away from their obligations to their victims. Look up case laws on the subject for better understanding.

    • Acyutananda das August 6, 2018 @ 2:38 am

      “I do not consent!!” smash, waaaahhh waaaahh

    • Acyutananda das August 6, 2018 @ 2:39 am

      We’re ‘traveling’ you to jail

  19. Quoting crap they think they know everything yet he said “KIDNAPSATION”??!! WTF is that mr know it all !!

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