Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – May 2018

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (66)

  1. These people love to hear themselves talk. And it’s all BS.

  2. Ryan Grey/Gray May 10, 2018 @ 10:58 am

    Again, they are bred by lack of knowledge, common sense. They are ignorant and most obviously have mental disorders/illness. It’s sad that some humans are this unintelligent and or have this bad of mental issues.

    • Keith Bannister June 26, 2018 @ 2:35 am

      They like arguing so much they argue with themselves…when the cop left he argued with the camera…

    • This has to be a Joke, these people cannot be this stupid or ignorant. These clips are better than a Seinfeld or Curb episode, brilliant comedy! If it’s an act, and mental illness if it’s real! LMAO

    • James Barnes lol, dumbass

  3. What an idiot speeding kills innocent people. Who the hell does he think he is?

  4. Just taze these lunatics and take them to jail already. Then impound their unregistered car and have it crushed. Let them travel in that.

    • rockridgefarms May 19, 2018 @ 12:18 am

      exactly….after 10 seconds give them a wakeup call with a tazer

    • Mother fuckers i can prove we are sovereign!

    • The Dank Knight June 20, 2018 @ 7:33 am

      Louis Boyce this old man needs tazed

    • AnneKatrine Davies August 9, 2018 @ 11:07 am

      texxtrek i love how they “Travel”. They act like they’re above the law. An issue of travel! Speeding isn’t an offense? Thank ! It is breaking the law. Period.
      West African vs Amore? Still all a bunch of BS.

    • AnneKatrine Davies August 9, 2018 @ 11:10 am

      Russell Sandidge don’t you love how they just keep repeating themselves?
      It is said there are now well over 300,000 of these “sovereign citizens” in the US.

  5. I would invite any of these SC idiots to show me where the “right to travel” is listed in the Constitution. Articles of Confederation sure, Constitution not so much.

    • From what I’ve seen, SCs contend the “right to travel” (something that arises from the Privileges and Immunities clause in the US Constitution), essentially granting them the right to go “…from Point A to Point B” (their words, not mine, as though if it were from X to Y, it would somehow to incorrect). In fact, since the right had actually not be fully defined, in Paul v. Virginia, 75 U.S. 168 (1869), the Court defined freedom of movement as “right of free ingress into other States, and egress from them.” It has no relevance to someone traveling via their own personal conveyance. It relates to the ability to go between States in an unhindered fashion. Under the Articles of Confederation, each State could erect border checks and turn away others. The US Constitution forbade that. Moreover, in many cases (e.g. Hendrick v. Maryland 235 US 610 (1915), Hess v. Pawloski 274 US 352 (1927), and Reitz v. Mealey 314 US 33 (1941), for example), it is well established law that because of the 10th Amendment, States have the power to regulate traffic, including vehicular traffic. For arguments sake, if by some odd permutation of the law there was identified some right to conveyance in the US Constitution, that “right” would not imply that States have no power to regulate traffic. The Supreme Court has ruled, and continues to rule even today, that States have that power, and because of precedence, that interpretation stands. If that were not the situation then, all the 2nd Amendment supporters would not have the “right” as it stands to bear arms. It is only because of precedence from more recent Supreme Court rulings that have classified the right to such an extent. So please all you SCs out there, take the time and stop reading the incomplete Cliff Note version of your rights from which you all seem to copy your notes. Your legal citations during traffic stops mean nothing. You are in fact wrong, and anytime one of you gets away with something, it’s because the officer has discretion (to an extent) in the remedy for any observed offense. Most likely, they just wanted to go home to watch the football game and really did not want to have to deal with the report. It is a sad fact that it’s those interactions which encourage the legal insanity to which you all cling; it is not from the legitimacy of your legal arguments.

    • Patrick Comley May 25, 2018 @ 2:46 am

      Darrin T
      Some of them have used wording in driver’s handbook about traveling. Indie handbook it mentions operators drivers and travelers. And they say that they are traveling not driving. Unfortunately by every definition of traveling that they use if you are operating a vehicle you cannot be a traveler. Plus if you’re operating the vehicle you must by law show that you are confident and able to handle cervical and the only means of showing that is by showing that you have Proficiency in the vehicle as per the DMV. It is the only way of showing proficiency and competency and operating a motor vehicle.
      I’ve even seen some of those morons coding a Black’s Law book. And personally I would tell them I don’t care what book you got your definition state or constitutional law.

    • Richard Articles of Confederation no longer applies. The Const. Now does.

    • They’re basing it off a Supreme Court decision (cant remember the specific case) regarding interstate commerce and non-commercial entities not needing paperwork to cross state lines.

    • Richard it IS in the Constitution, but it refers to the FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT BETWEEN STATES, not “I can drive around without plates, license or ID and you can´t stop me” like these loonies think.

      They live in unicorn land, just ignore them.

      And oh, yea, they´re making the car window retailer´s profits skyrocket.

  6. Hilarious , love how they break the law and preach the law at an attempt to save themselves. I wasn’t aware we can pick and choose what laws we follow as a society. They probably don’t even know the first amendment wasn’t Incorporated into the States between 1925-1947.

  7. Must be from the Mor-on tribe , I notice the Handicap placard in his sun visor why he need to apply for that. Wait so he’s claiming he’s not a citizen ? Great he has no rights

  8. Dude you’re not Native American, maybe a native African. You have a right to travel but in a motor vehicle. Fool. Moorish fool’s claim that their land is actually in Morocco. Hope you go to Morocco and stay there.

    • hehehe but your ancestors were at one point, so you are a descendent of an immigrant. good to know

    • hahaha  your the dumbass. some say the bering strait some say the Atlantic ocean. the fact is native Americans were here first thousands of year prior to immigrants ( a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign land)  anyways he is still not native American

    • Go troll somewhere else you immigrants descendant…..

    • hahaaha no no I am indigenous to this land not an immigrant.

  9. Fiona Greig-Fraser May 11, 2018 @ 9:58 am

    Ok, excuse my ignorance here but I’ve heard this same sentence “I have the right to travel” uttered so many times by these SC people. I have a question: WTF are they talking about? Where in their version of the rules does it permit them to operate (personal or otherwise) an automobile without a licence? They seriously confuse and annoy the hell out of me!

    • TheCheesySquid May 11, 2018 @ 5:44 pm

      Fiona Greig-Fraser Basically, they have a right to travel freely across state lines and to travel by foot without a license, but they do NOT have the right to operate a motor vehicle without a license. ,

    • Fiona Greig-Fraser May 11, 2018 @ 9:40 pm

      TheCheesySquid Thank you for the explanation.

    • It’s because the state owns the roads. You can operate a vehicle without a license, on your property or someone you know who allows it. It’s when you drive onto a public road (99% of all tarmac) is when you need a license.

    • Fiona Greig-Fraser May 21, 2018 @ 4:29 am

      Cjx0r Thank you

  10. NOLA GospelTracts May 11, 2018 @ 3:45 pm

    I can’t believe the cops are taking so much of their crap.

  11. No smashed car windows
    No arrests or tasing.
    Thumbs down.

  12. How you gonna say you sovereign? And say you have constitutional rights?

  13. These people are just plain stupid and they think others are just as stupid.  Taze these morons and lock them up is they choose not to pay for the same services that the rest of us do.

    • Stupid people almost always think they are smarter than the rest! I have no idea why though? LOL!

  14. What are you, Native American or from West Africa? Can’t be both. He can do more than write a ticket. I’m tired of hearing these idiots say they can “travel” without a license.

    • Sylvain St-Pierre May 19, 2018 @ 12:16 pm

      The whole thing is based on their claim that thousands of years ago, there was a worldwide Black African empire that colonized North and South America first. Of course, that true history has all been censored by the evil White people to justify their dominance. The evidence is rather tenuous, and mostly relies on the perceived negroid features of Olmec monolithic heads; and the fact that during a relatively short period in its history, Egypt was ruled by black pharaohs from the kingdom of Kush.

    • SYKO THE LAST OUTLAW July 17, 2018 @ 3:22 am

      Sylvain St-Pierre they think north America is morrocco as part of that theory.

  15. WAIT A SECOND,,,The 1st guy at 3:50 outside the Wal Mart has PROSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!!!

  16. Douglas Kenney May 15, 2018 @ 4:29 am

    I laugh every time I hear these people say they are native Moorish American and show all the BS paper work. Police have seen the Bs papers before and the people almost always went to jail.

  17. he should get arrested for that shirt

  18. Brigmann Bailey May 18, 2018 @ 3:51 pm

    In none of those scenarios were they “owned”! They were all allowed to go, which is why these idiots continue this crap!

  19. David Atteberry May 20, 2018 @ 9:11 pm

    I’m not watching this video. I’m viewing it.

  20. If I come across one of these people I’m not going to hesitate.

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