Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – July 2018

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (73)

  1. That second guy. Just wants to fcuk with the cops.

  2. Carla Bonura - Pasley July 2, 2018 @ 10:20 pm

    That first one makes me laugh so hard lol

    • jay-H,Sui Juris July 4, 2018 @ 1:45 am

      That was considered compelled performance without just compensation and a breach of title 18 usc chapter 13 subsection 241 an 242 as well as 43 usc subsection 1983.. I wouldn’t doubt that the old feller didn’t know to file a explicit reservation of rights through common law either or a affidavit of Truth in fact or an affidavit of P.O.A as well as the agent in fact form …

    • Sui, you silly little Sov.Cit. Absolutely zero of that is relevant to you or that “‘old feller”. Lemme guess, this is your law professor:

    • “Ok, $25,000 warrant”
      “Excuse me?”

    • Dwight Stewart August 3, 2018 @ 9:54 am

      Oh, I so respect that first judge. The guy claimed he wasn’t there (he was someone else), so the judge issued an arrest warrant for him (failure to appear) and had him dragged off to jail. The police and the courts really do need to stop playing the silly games of these “sovereign citizens” wackos. That judge responded properly.

    • Back Into Games August 9, 2018 @ 5:48 pm

      Dwight Stewart Bro You Know you can ki…J/K* Ooooh he was the dude..*rewatches* Makes sense… * I Know not funny.

  3. I’ve seen this asshat a few times on video. I am wondering if he is either mentally ill or just a complete idiot.

  4. I yearn for sovereign citizens to be the next endangered species.

    • Lorilynn Morrow July 13, 2018 @ 4:54 am

      steve var the minuet you say “libtards” or “libturds” you lose all credibility.

    • Lorilynn Morrow Libturds/Libtards tears taste so sweet when WE Americans voted in Trump and adios to bathhouse Barry and his boyfriend Michael Obama as well as Billary Clinton. Too bad the libtards didn’t find a tall building to jump off of .

    • Sovereign citizen? The term is an oxymoron. Sovereign is most high and a citizen is a subject to the sovereign. Hilarious to say the least. But with that said, it is interesting that police take it to mean “a person who believes he is above the law”.. So I have an idea.

      Post a reply with all the documented evidence which shows these so called sovereign citizens robbing, raping, murdering, stealing, assaulting, infringing, violating, harassing, falsely imprisoning and victimizing other people and post it here. Then I will gather all the documented evidence which shows police and government agents and officials infringing, violating, robbing, raping, murdering, stealing, assaulting, harassing, falsely imprisoning and victimizing other people and reply here. Then we can see who the real sovereign citizens (persons who believe they are above the law) are.

    • Laura C. I actually yearn for them to get the private tag to put on their car and not cooperate with police. I find it delightfully entertaining when they say they don’t submit to our laws as the cops smash their windows and force them to submit.

    • Wondering if anyone has read The citation of US supreme Court decision in the Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. 419 (1793) case.

      Here I cite some of the opinions of Supreme court justice Wilson: ” that the people are the sovereign of this country, and consequently that fellow citizens and joint sovereigns cannot be degraded by appearing with each other in their own courts to have their controversies determined.”

      “For my own part, I am convinced that the sense in which I understand and have explained the words “controversies between States and citizens of another State” is the true sense. The extension of the judiciary power of the United States to such controversies appears to me to be wise, because it is honest and because it is useful. It is honest because it provides for doing justice without respect of persons, and, by securing individual citizens as well as States in their respective rights, performs the promise which every free government makes to every free citizen of equal justice and protection. It is useful because it is honest; because it leaves not even the most obscure and friendless citizen without means of obtaining justice from a neighbouring State; because it obviates occasions of quarrels between States on account of the claims of their respective citizens; because it recognizes and strongly rests on this great moral truth that justice is the same whether due from one man or a million, or from a million to one man; because it teaches and greatly appreciates the value of our free republican national government, which places all our citizens on an equal footing, and enables each and every of them to obtain justice without any danger of being overborne by the weight and number of their opponents; and because it brings into action and enforces this great and glorious principle — that the people are the sovereign of this country, and consequently that fellow citizens and joint sovereigns cannot be degraded by appearing with each other in their own courts to have their controversies determined. The people have reason to prize and rejoice in such valuable privileges, and they ought not to forget that nothing but the free course of constitutional law and government can ensure the continuance and enjoyment of them.”

      “the citizens of Georgia, when they acted upon the large scale of the Union, as a part of the “People of the United States,” did not surrender the Supreme or sovereign Power to that State; but, as to the purposes of the Union, retained it to themselves. As to the purposes of the Union, therefore, Georgia is NOT a sovereign State.”

      “Even this cursory view of the judicial powers of the United States leaves the mind strongly impressed with the importance of them to the preservation of the tranquillity, the equal sovereignty, and the equal right of the people.”

      ” In this land of equal liberty, shall forty odd thousand in one place be compellable to do justice, and yet fifty odd thousand in another place be privileged to do justice only as they may think proper? Such objections would not correspond with the equal rights we claim, with the equality we profess to admire and maintain, and with that popular sovereignty in which every citizen partakes.”

      In other words, according to Justice Wilson, to the extent one wishes to use the word “sovereignty” at all, sovereignty lies in the people themselves, not in any government formed by the people.

      Wilson rejected this feudal notion of sovereignty as inconsistent with “another principle, very different in its nature and operations [that] forms . . . the basis of sound and genuine jurisprudence.” “This is the principle that “laws derived from the pure source of equality and justice must be founded on the CONSENT of those, whose obedience they require.”

      Arizona State Constitution:
      Article 2. Political power; purpose of government

      Section 2. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.

      I have one last note to add to this. I am confused about all those people that believe a government, which is created by people, can be sovereign over its creators. It is akin to saying that God must follow mans rules. That man is the sovereign over his creator.

      If anyone would like to argue this comment I openly welcome all challengers.

  5. Miguel Domínguez July 2, 2018 @ 11:17 pm

    I’m having difficulties trying to decide which one of these assholes I want more to see tased until batteries dry out. The guy at the Police Station, definitely, but that woman in the third video is a serious contender. Her husband, not so much: he has punishment enough with having that woman wearing the pants in his house. What a miserable life that must be.

  6. 0:52 – would that be considered “joinder?”

  7. oopsibrokethecow July 3, 2018 @ 6:10 am

    I’m SO sick of these entitled, demanding, spoiled adult brats! These are grown-ups, who as children, never heard the word “NO!” and never had consequence for their actions. They probably overran their parents and ran the household. They demand respect on the spot, but refuse to give any. They are nothing but temper tantrum having overgrown toddlers that have JUST enough information to be dangerous.

    • oopsibrokethecow law enforcement?

    • oopsibrokethecow–You are probably right. Wait unless they are just using the state constitution.

      Have you read your state constitution? I will quote Article 2 Section 2 of the Arizona State constitution below:
      2. Political power; purpose of government
      Section 2. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.

      Which part of “consent of the governed” do you not understand? So when a man does not consent, he thereby removes all authority from the police officer. Because that authority is derived from his consent.

      So I have an idea. Post a reply with all the documented evidence which shows these so called sovereign citizens robbing, raping, murdering, stealing, assaulting, infringing, violating, harassing, falsely imprisoning and victimizing other people and post it here. Then I will gather all the documented evidence which shows police and government agents and officials infringing, violating, robbing, raping, murdering, stealing, assaulting, harassing, falsely imprisoning and victimizing other people and reply here. Then we can see who the real sovereign citizens (persons who believe they are above the law) are. Lets find out, as you say, who are dangerous….

    • Samo Meers its funny how stupid you are but how smart you think you are maybe go take a nap while the adults talk ok

    • So ad hominem attacks are what you bring to the table? And you call yourself an adult? Sad. Very sad.

  8. It does my heart good to see a Sovereign Citizens arrested. Makes my day. LoL

    • Because they think that laws don’t apply to them. When they break the law and get arrested, it just shows how wrong they are.

    • Joe Mama wait, are you talking about sovereign citizens or law enforcement? Either statement would be true.

    • Sovereign citizen? The term is an oxymoron. Sovereign is most high and a citizen is a subject to the sovereign. Hilarious to say the least. But with that said, it is interesting that police take it to mean “a person who believes he is above the law”.. So I have an idea.

      Post a reply with all the documented evidence which shows these so called sovereign citizens robbing, raping, murdering, stealing, assaulting, infringing, violating, harassing, falsely imprisoning and victimizing other people and post it here. Then I will gather all the documented evidence which shows police and government agents and officials infringing, violating, robbing, raping, murdering, stealing, assaulting, harassing, falsely imprisoning and victimizing other people and reply here. Then we can see who the real sovereign citizens (persons who believe they are above the law) are.

    • Dwight Stewart August 3, 2018 @ 9:52 am

      Oh, I so respect that first judge. The guy claimed he wasn’t there (he was someone else), so the judge issued an arrest warrant for him (failure to appear) and had him dragged off to jail. The police and the courts really do need to stop playing the silly games of these “sovereign citizens” wackos. That judge responded properly.

  9. Renegade Vile July 3, 2018 @ 6:41 am

    Just COOPERATE. It’s not hard. Why do these people insist on bickering. Unless the police officer is very clearly shady (and even then, I’d just note the cop’s name, badge number and maybe video tape things but for the rest do as I am told), if you just do as you’re told, and you have nothing to hide, you’ll be fine. Even if you got pulled over for a traffic infraction, if you cooperate politely and this isn’t the tenth time you’ve done it, they’re going to let you off easy. But no, have to make a fuss *rolls eyes*, I just don’t understand.

    • Lorilynn Morrow July 13, 2018 @ 4:50 am

      Renegade Vile I always told my kids when they were old enough to understand and especiLly when they began driving. Do what the cop tells you to when they tell you to do it. If they say “get on the ground” get on the damned ground! If they say keep your hands visible then do it! Do what ever it takes to get home in one piece. If the cop was wrong or used excessive force, we will deal with that AFTER you get home. Do what they tell you to do and you’ll be fine and not get tazed or shot for not complying with any order they give you. Period”

    • I agree that bending over and just taking it is not an option, just have in mind what the cops are trying to do: make sure that the law is followed. Its also your duty as a citizen to do that, so its not about cooperating witg the cops per se ita about cooperating with the prosess of law. In my experience people who just want to be assholes to cops either know theyve fucked up and want to see how they can sneak their way out, or have some serious inferioirity complex, theres cases in which the oficer comes off incredibly hostile from the get go but I would say those are the minority. With all their blunders its amazing how much respect there is for the law and how close cops stick to the law. Other countries arent that lucky.

    • Holly Buchanan lol now of you get a traffic ticket its a holocaust?

      Thanks for the comedy.

    • Holly Buchanan idiot

  10. Maxwell Edison July 3, 2018 @ 6:41 am

    That first one has to be the fastest sovtard takedown in history.

    • Dwight Stewart August 3, 2018 @ 9:53 am

      Oh, I so respect that first judge. The guy claimed he wasn’t there (he was someone else), so the judge issued an arrest warrant for him (failure to appear) and had him dragged off to jail. The police and the courts really do need to stop playing the silly games of these “sovereign citizens” wackos. That judge responded properly.

  11. putzthewondersloth July 3, 2018 @ 4:46 pm

    It’s amazing to see how pathetic some of these Sovereign Citizens are. Being intimidated is not a crime, threatened maybe, but not intimidated. Do you think that second guy’s pickup line at bars is, “Hey baby, you sure are intimidating. Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest!”

    • William Bonney July 15, 2018 @ 8:15 pm

      duck you are government is a domestic terroist group

    • putzthewondersloth July 15, 2018 @ 9:13 pm

      Anyone can be a terrorist/terrorist group if people are afraid of them.
      These people are unreasonably pathetic in that they are being “intimidated” by being politely asked to leave.

    • putzthewondersloth There were no sovereign citizens shown except maybe the guy in court but we didn’t get to hear that, only people who foolishly think that law enforcement is going to obey the law. A sovereign citizen is a very specific thing. It’s believing that written laws don’t apply to them for a variety of reasons. I didn’t see any law broken in any of those clips, just people who challenged the authority of the lawless police.
      Guy at police station had serious and legal questions, just didn’t behave correctly.
      In the state of Texas, a gun in your car is the same as a gun in your home and it can’t be “concealed” because it’s not in plain view. Concealed carry refers specifically to a weapon concealed on your person. A citizen in texas who has a concealed carry permit is only required to tell an officer that he has a weapon ON HIS PERSON and show his ccw, not disclose the contents of his vehicle…if its a gun or a donut. Further, by federal and Texas law, the gentleman didn’t gave to answer any questions, particularly if there are weapons in the car….unless it was on his person. It’s none if the cops business. That’s according to a little thing called the Constitution of the United States of America…dumbass.

    • Most of them have mental health issues.

  12. Saw these social losers misfits many times. Always wind up broken windows & thrown to ground cuffed.

  13. Citizens arrest Barney, Citizens arrest… Gomer Pyle 1963

  14. Entitle hood rat and her guy decide to play stupid games with Texas cops. Doesn’t work out to well, does it?

  15. AnneKatrine Davies July 5, 2018 @ 12:58 pm

    “That ain’t what we finna do“ .
    Follow a lawful order. You for real about to get tased.

  16. The dinosaurs left the earth many years ago and these moronic sovereign citizens will be next. That poor guy in the last clip having to put up with that yapping female is punishment enough but I wanted to see both of them tased with 50,000 volts up their arse, he did open the window so no need to smash that, but what about sticking an oily rag into her gob, do ya think that would stop her!!

  17. why do they always think they can get away with anything/everything?

  18. Gabriel Incognito July 6, 2018 @ 4:02 pm

    Dude comes into police station and starts shouting and making a ruckus but the cops are crazy, not him :’)))

  19. That black woman is so annoying.

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