Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – February 2018

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (33)

  1. The right to travel is not the same as your privilege to drive……It’s insane how dumb people can be

    • facetiousbadger March 25, 2018 @ 2:00 am

      RaspingPompano2 That’s not even remotely true. Quit your bullshit dude.

    • facetiousbadger These guy are so full of nonsense. They have no idea what they are talking about.

    • facetiousbadger March 25, 2018 @ 2:11 am

      FW in Florida They seem to think that if they spout off enough gibberish that it somehow becomes legit. Being that crazy must be magical up until the inevitable tasering.

    • The thing is that they think its high level legal theory that will open the eyes of the police and courts. It is nonsense of course but they believe it fully.

    • riikerman – Now thats a good point.

  2. The right to remain silent only applies when under arrest. The right to travel is only found in the Articles of Confederation, which is no longer in effect. You can indeed travel from one place to another with your legs, but if you want to use an automobile on public roads, you must abide by the regulations. There is no such thing as a right to “not” show an officer your ID. When an officer requests documentation, you are legally bound to provide it. You do not have the option to refuse to answer questions, regardless of how much “duress” you think you’re under. You can “not consent” to a search all day long, but your non-consent will not prevent the officer from conducting an investigation and enforcing the law. Bottom line: obey the rules of the road and you can travel anywhere you want. But if you flagrantly disobey the law, expect smashed windows and lots of jail time. These are very simple concepts.

    • Linda Lee not that scenario would go down that way especially with another person, but it’s a walk on the wild side, not that hell exists, you can forward my mail to me in hell.

    • Josh Walling You are extremely good at forming coherent sentences that communicate clearly to the reader the thought which you are trying to articulate.

    • Linda Lee speaking honestly , are you being sarcastic?

  3. I have a question, in my country, you’re required to give id if asked by a police officer.
    Is that also how it works in the US? Do the rules differ in various states?
    I’m asking because I’ll more than likely be living and working in the US for some time during this year, and I don’t wanna mess up if I ever get in contact with police while I’m there.

    • Castielz yes u are required even if it’s not I wouldn’t refuse and cause a issue

    • If you don’t know what to do, just ask. 9 times out of 10, you be nice and respectful to a cop, and they will do the same in return. For that 1 out of 10 time, just cooperate. For every bad cop, there are hundreds who will be there to help you.

  4. No matter how you state it or say you have the right to travel as you call it you are driving and need a DL

  5. These sovereign Citizens are tiny. But still funny

  6. Can we please have a smaller screen with lower resolution?

  7. I wonder if the guys think they are intimadating the officer by asking for their name and badge number.

    • Giacomo Ferrario May 10, 2018 @ 8:29 am


    • Giovanni Garcia June 4, 2018 @ 8:24 pm

      These assholes def think that the cops will reconsider their actions going forward after asking for their info… Then they are awarded a nice tall glass of Fuckery

  8. You have the right to travel (defined and YOU as a person), you do NOT have the right to use the PUBLIC thoroughfare without proof of your ability to safely do so (a drivers license), proof that your vehicle is safe (license plates/inspection), proof of your ability to compensate a victim in case of an accident (proof of insurance), and proof that you own the car (registration).

  9. If they want to travel freely get a house and buggey or get your feet to walking and don’t get in a car driving is a privilege not a right

  10. He’s choking me I can’t breathe… while yelling…

  11. what is this? a video for ants?

  12. i do not consent, i am traveling through LaLa land on my magic unicorn, am i free to fly away—

  13. “He’s NOT Andre…. ”
    Cops take him down
    “Hey Dre, I mean, Geronimo… ”

  14. 11 minutes of potato-vision? Come on man.

  15. keisuke takahashi May 3, 2018 @ 3:16 am

    Its so stupid these people asking the judge to stop but the man failed repeatedly to follow basic instructions he is required to follow because he is a citizen of the usa and if he wants to live here freely and enjoy his rights he must abide those laws

  16. What’s wrong with these people, didn’t you ever learn how to videotape something and get a good size screen.

  17. Wait if you’re a sovereign citizen then you don’t have rights.

  18. 99.9% of the time theses sovereign citizens try this crap because they either don’t have a drivers license or they have arrest warrants.

  19. For someone who’s saying he’s remaining silent he sure is talking a lot

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