Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – February 2018

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (43)

  1. He doesn’t have the right to AXE anyone. It does not matter if you are Captain Black Sparrow sleep sailing your wessel in the middle of the road!

  2. his language (slurring his words) gives the cops the RIGHT to give him a field sobriety test. Refusal to take the test (or the breathalyzer) gets him ARRESTED. He is blocking traffic, so that is probable cause right there. The first F-bomb is simple assault, so that is probable cause. The second time I (or my partner) asked him to step from the vehicle, that is violating a direct order (probable cause). I would have had the tow truck there in a less than two minutes of this pucky.

    • Renegade Vile July 3, 2018 @ 1:16 pm

      +Joe Cabral Or here’s a novel idea. Instead of being a suspicious prick, just give them your damn id and then be on your way to get your kids? How’s that? Also, “you THINK” he had autism, which is a clear statement that you do not know for sure, yet you then insult those officers and call them names as if you did know for certain. But you don’t. Probability dictates that the guy being drunk or on something is FAAAAR higher than him having autism, so again, them being suspicious and asking for id is perfectly reasonable. There is this thing called lying that criminals love to do, which is why they don’t take things at face value. If you just cooperate and things check out you can go on your merry way. These officers also have busy days so they are not going to drag their feet if they can help it so you’ll be on your way as fast as possible.

    • Should it be tased or tasered?

    • Joe, after reading the comments, still you think he broke no law?

    • Autistic people doesnt sound drunk.

    • he was sleeping in the intersection, he’s clearly fucked up on opiates or alcohol. you’re literally blind or live an extremely sheltered life if you can’t tell he’s under the influence.

  3. Brandon Billmire February 8, 2018 @ 10:52 pm

    Well this would be about the intelligence level of The Sovereign citizens

  4. PRMC Public Safety Officer Badge# 021 February 9, 2018 @ 11:13 pm

    Wait…. Did he say call Obama???? Lol

  5. Jamei Mcleod can you relax lmfao 70% of the comment section is just you

  6. I wanted him to be tasered

  7. this is why i could never be a cop, after making sure he wasnt having a medical emergency id have had him in the back of the car in cuffs without exchanging a single word, these people think they can drive with no licence, no insurance and no registration drunk and high putting every ones lives around them at risk, they need to be beaten bloody

  8. These cops are awesome. Staying as calm as they did. They should have hauled him out of the vehicle 3 mins in.

    • yeah thats some impressive patience for US law enforcement, its nice to see that sometimes^^ .

      btw is there a conspiracy theory about these sovreign citizen videos just being a promotional stunt by police departments xD?

    • Joseph Ratliff July 18, 2018 @ 4:36 am

      He tried lmao

  9. switchtalent123 April 12, 2018 @ 6:10 pm

    Why didn’t they rip him out?

    • witelievzmadder July 21, 2018 @ 5:29 am

      Because he’s black, and he would’ve whined and cried loud and hard (as they always do). Him, his friends and his family would embellish everything the cops said and did, and the media would just use this as more fuel in their campaign to demonize cops and white men in general. Don’t you realize that America is becoming an anti-white hell hole, like much of Europe is becoming? BTW, if anyone wants to throw out the old, outdated “slavery” card, ask them about the Barbary Coast slaves.

      I don’t read replies.

  10. These cops are too patient.

  11. I spent 20 minutes watching cops arguing with a moron. I need to be more productive with my time.

  12. To any police officers who may read this…
    Thank YOU for all that you do!
    You are appreciated!!

  13. this is where a solid bullet to his brain is a blessing to the world. The fact that he was allowed to breed is a failure of the human species.

    • Denzel Paul , exactly. However, he could be used for experimentation and the study of torture.

    • Denzel Paul or we can let the justice system do their job and put him in prison instead of using such barbaric means of punishment

    • look at this guy tryna be nice and humane in youtube comments. Trigger alert incoming

  14. Someone said you can’t get more fail than Flat Earthers. Sovereign citizens say, “Hold my beer.”

  15. I don’t think the officer should have to repeat himself more than 5 times

  16. NOLA GospelTracts April 30, 2018 @ 4:46 pm

    How many cops did it take to deal with this jack-ball?

  17. Jack Golding May 3, 2018 @ 7:12 am

    I don’t understand modern day policing. As a retired cop from the 60’s and 70’s we were taught to issue a command ONE time, clearly and concisely. If your have to issue the command more than once you have already lost control of the situation. Not smart ! This poor cop, however well intentioned, was enabling the driver (drunk) to continue arguing.

    • Gabriel Incognito June 23, 2018 @ 8:46 pm

      Jack Golding He was buying time for his reinforcements to arrive. The suspect is a big drunk male who could also have a weapon, not smart for a single officer to try and immobilize him. Fortunately everything went smoothly.

    • Jack Golding Back then you were allowed to do your job. Then Liberals and Democrats got involved…

  18. Brodoc Betty May 4, 2018 @ 1:38 am

    A blind person can see this man is drunk, So what is the problem he should have been arrested 5 seconds after he started talking.

  19. These is what we don’t see in the news. These police officers were more than patient with this whiskey bottle. Similar incidents don’t end up this way, sometimes people are hurt or killed for not obeying police orders.

    Besides, this is not even debatable, this guy violated multiple traffic laws and failed to follow police orders. What else were the police officers supposed to do?

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