Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – December 2017

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (84)

  1. I am a special snowflake because I read something on the Internet that said I don’t have to follow the law.

  2. “I have the right to remain silent” but they never ever do so!

    • Would love to see one of these cops respond: “You do have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity”

    • +Road Rants Actually they can remain silent. No one ever has to talk to the police. Ever. They are required to produce a driver’s license, registration of the vehicle, and proof of insurance which doesn’t require talking.

    • But they still comply with the police request, even if it in silence.

    • Christopher Crepon July 16, 2018 @ 8:40 pm

      They want to use their 5th amendment right during a traffic stop when it’s clearly for use during a trial….

    • flashstudiosguy July 20, 2018 @ 8:03 pm

      Yeah,too right. If they ever met me, I’d be:

      Me:Can I see your licence,sir? (for the sixteenth time!)
      SC: I have the right to remain silent. (for the sixteenth time!)
      Me: Oh,you have the right to remain silent, do you?
      SC:Yes,sir. Yes,I do.
      Me: Then do me a favour and FUCKING USE IT,WILL YA??

  3. I laughed so hard when the cop said his name beautiful just beautiful

    • Wish I was sleeping That could have been a fucking gun in his pocket. Sitting in your air conditioned room, never had to be in such a situation have you? You never know what people have on them. That is the reason why you never make sudden movements or reach for your pockets in front of the police. They are fucking humans too, with a family and will use force or a weapon to protect themselves from a potential threat. This cop didn’t get physical until he reached for his pocket.

    • Wish I was sleeping the supreme court has already ruled that police are not public servants

    • Jason Andrews actually he probably ran his plates and with that saw that his license was suspended so the suspicion can be justified for the stop. It’s normal now that cops can do this easily and tell by the plate who are the drivers connected to it and of their drivers licenses are current or not

    • Christopher Crepon July 16, 2018 @ 8:41 pm

      that awkward pause lol

    • Wish I was sleeping except he had obviously encountered that dumbass before since he clearly already knew who he was. So he knew he was driving without a license.

  4. Tatsujiro Kurogane December 22, 2017 @ 5:28 am

    I felt that the first example, Chris Westpott(?) did not consent to the jurisdiction of the attending officer according to his articles of confabulation but still managed to create joinder and therefore pursuant to and herbey in under the power of word salad sandwich will constitute an authoritative act, as per the verbiage spouted by the second guy.

  5. Jesse Sebestyen January 3, 2018 @ 3:27 am

    “Oh My lip, its bleeding!” said the soy boy.

    • MrMasterDebate April 24, 2018 @ 6:40 pm

      Jesse Sebestyen soy increases testosterone whereas meats saturated fat content decreases it lol

    • MrMasterDebate That is 100% false. Exact opposite actually. Why do you think people that muscular people eat a lot of meat?

    • MrMasterDebate May 11, 2018 @ 1:26 am

      Actually there are plenty of studies looking into it . The saturated fat in meats and other animal products decreases testosterone. Can you get big on a meat diet? Hell yeah, but its DESPITE it, not because of it. Evidence of this is just how hard it becomes for people to maintain it when they become older. Once the meats catch up to them, they cant do it .

    • MrMasterDebate No, there ain’t a single reputable study that says that. Red meat is proven to increase testosterone. Soy is very bad for people. It isn’t even food. It’s a gmo created plant that had never been eaten before the past 50 years

    • MrMasterDebate May 11, 2018 @ 3:58 am

      Alex West red meat doesn’t increase T levels , no
      Idea where you got that from

  6. Oh no,his poor lip is bleeding.
    Get him his $850.00 ambulance he gets to pay for when insurance doesn’t pay.-LMFAO

    • You know it, you’d have to be very careful come the end of the month when you are skint. Thank god for the NHS!

    • Elizabeth Britton I’ve been paying taxes for 20 years and never needed an ambulance, I would have preferred to keep my taxes and pay for an ambulance if I ever needed 1. The nhs needs to end, the costs are ridiculous.

    • Really? the best healthcare systems in the world are based around the same principle as the nhs. Just because you have never needed the NHS you would throw it away? do you understand ramifications of such ideology?

    • Elizabeth I understand the NHS provides ambulances for no charges when persons call in. That is good. But we are talking about idiots who feel its their right not to swear to the Queen like everyone else would do. The point of these people who feel they are not required to follow UK law and therefore can do whatever you want even if it means serious public safety risks to the rest of you. I hope you don’t feel insulted I respect your patriotism.

  7. I hope the first guy got nice and wet!DOOFUS!!

    • he probably doesn’t have medical either since he doesn’t believe in the system lol

    • I don’t think he infringed of his freedom of press since when he put him to the ground you could hear him say “put the camera down so i don’t break it” he probably wanted him to put it down so he could tackle him sooner

    • Why keep trying to reach into your pocket when a cop is telling you not to, it will never end well.

    • Pathetic People OBSERVER Your MAMA FAILED July 6, 2018 @ 5:17 pm


    • that first cop was not justified on his actions… and the guy was right to stand up for his rights.

      I think people get so caught up in their position of defending the police, in response to the claims that police are not to be trusted, that they lose objectivity when analyzing situations…

      from what we see in this video, the first cop was wrong. make fun of the guy he stopped all you want, but, as it seems, he was right to not cooperate.

  8. 300k? in CA that house would be 2 mil easy.

    • Taylor Queensbury May 25, 2018 @ 1:20 am

      Matthew Marn look and see what 300k buys in Alabama

    • Courtney Painter July 13, 2018 @ 10:13 am

      Matthew Marn lmao then look up how big of a house you could get in SC for that. Ours is worth around $250,000 and it’s about 2200 square feet on 1.4 acres. That’s one of the main reasons I’d never move to that overpopulated state

  9. First one is exactly why cops shoot people.

    • Cody all the man wants to do is drive around the community and thumb anyone who asks him if he is licensed or insured. His plea is that he has not broken any law since technically the Colorado Legislature has no authority over him since he is some kind of rolling nation. This goes for the IRS and the FBI as well. However, they take these cases now very seriously and simply declaring that you are free from US taxes on a mailed form is a five thousand dollar fine before any other taxes or charges apply.

    • MrMasterDebate April 24, 2018 @ 6:40 pm

      Cody Striegel hell no, you don’t shoot people who arnt risking killing someone

    • Katie Bayliss May 16, 2018 @ 8:23 pm

      MrMasterDebate he should be shoot so he can’t reproduce.

    • MrMasterDebate if he’s reaching in his pocket after being told not too, the cop has the right to use lethal force

    • MrMasterDebate the cop doesn’t know what’s inside his pocket. He was already being uncooperative so the cop didn’t know whether to trust him to see if its his phone or not

  10. No wonder the police shoot people, this makes me want to shoot the guy!!

  11. they’re not crazy…. they’re just sovereign citizens…. So they’re crazy.

  12. Tosca Tattertail February 7, 2018 @ 3:15 am

    i have the right to remain silent…..not until you are actually arrested..get your facts straight

    • Atlas, the right to remain silent is enshrined in the fifth amendment and as such is one of your rights when you are arrested or suspected of a crime. The Supreme Court has ruled this does NOT apply to identifying yourself when you have no reasonable suspicion that this would incriminate you (Terry v. Ohio and Hibel v. Nevada), meaning if a State has a law that requires you to identify yourself upon the reasonable suspicion you have committed a crime that is outside of the protections held from the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.

      It remains unsettled if you have a reasonable suspicion that giving your name would incriminate you on whether you can be compelled to provide your name. This would be a very narrow circumstance.

      In any event if you do not provide your name, then the police will likely arrest you until such time as you can be identified.

      Please, enlighten me on what was wrong in my previous response or this one?

    • Actually, you have a right to remain silent before arrest…it’s just that a police officer isn’t obliged to remind you of the fact until he has arrested you.

    • johnny cox no try doing some real research and you learn your own ignorance

    • Kernal Scott 2 like your first date I suspect XD “silence equal constant” right?

    • Atlas WalkedAway That is not true. If you read the 5th Amendment, it specifies that you have a right to remain silent if accused of a serious criminal offence. Obviously that’s the legal aspect, since as free people, we can choose whether or not we speak to anyone, at any time.

  13. The poor baby wants an ambulance. He hurt his poor widdle wip.

  14. Don’t these people “We of the People” should go to a mental asylum than to prison?

  15. 1:34 “do you know my name”
    “chris wesprat”

  16. Where the hell do these “sovereign citizens” come from? To think they can drive with no license, no insurance, no identification. They feel they are above the laws of the U.S. Constitution?? or laws of the states?? BS!!

    • Vincent their plea is that they are citizens of a nation that you invent in your head. Since one does not need to tax or insure your vehicle in said nation when you go off borders into uncontested Colorado, the state police and any city or local police can not intrude on your right of travel by filing charges that have no merit unless you recognize said Congress or Legislature. Since that’s not an issue with them at all no one can technically touch them.

    • Vincent O the internet which never lies because the internet says so

    • This never ceases to be hilarious. Since your (and their) interpretation of constitutional and state law is obviously invented in your collective heads, try that crap on the roadside with a police officer and see how fast you become cuffed and stuffed!

  17. why are these so satisfying?

  18. Try to steal my home, you’ll be a sovereign corpse.

    • Exactly. An act of terrorism by whatever name will be met with deadly force. Try me before a jury of my peers. IF you want to waste the money. What jury would convict?

  19. These people have no common sense

    • Karen they understand their form of common sense. Basically it is a creation of a legal code of your own personal doing or with counsel of advocates who are not licensed barred lawyers. They might know the basic principles of a few things, such as organizing a court process for postal crimes, (the IRS happens to have a few courts for that) but execute warrants for said courts outside the purpose of said services. The term “paper terrorism” comes from the fact that these thugs feel the threat of prosecution of sheriffs, court presidents, or other supervisory individuals can influence their decision to prosecute you or your friends based solely on the calculated risk they wont be counter charged for wrongdoing without justification nor backing of say the State Attorney General.

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