Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – August 2018

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (41)

  1. Poor cop of the first clip, tired of dealing with all these shitheads

  2. Miguel Domínguez August 6, 2018 @ 9:01 pm

    The first video was particularly rewarding. The rest, not at all. I don’t want to watch them if they don’t end with some righteous violence on the criminally idiotic.

    • How sad it is that you cheer the violence against a fellow human being for simply trying to assert his rights. Look up Stop and ID laws and do some research. This has nothing to with sovreignty just existing laws that are there to protect our right. That “do whatever the cops tell you to do” mentality is week minded. Only 10% of the german people supported the Nazi party. The rest of the population just complied with authorities and look what happened. I used to think the same as you, just do what your told and nothing bad will happen. Please do a bit of research on stop and id laws. Be a little open minded and always be cautious with dealing with officers. It only takes one bad officer to ruin your life. I am not a cop hater! I am for good cops that will stomp out the bad ones.

    • Travis Hanna Sr August 9, 2018 @ 2:30 am

      Eli H. You guys can be laughing all you want. Because I’ve all ready won two cases this year! And I was the one laughing all the way to bank!!! So sad you have no clue!
      To what it is to be a real American! But that’s ok be a slave!
      And I bet you cried win Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump!!! in the presidential election. Yea your one of those liberal fucks hum! So sad!!

  3. Why on earth is the cop in the second clip even listening to his BS, just make your righteous request re-show me your license and insurance and what ever else is required, if not put the cuffs on!! Honestly, if this guy were stopped by the RMPC in Canada this BS would not take place, period!!

  4. AlwaysChristian August 6, 2018 @ 11:29 pm

    Lol the first guy… is it not illegal to drive on the roads with one working headlight? Therefore that’s why he was detained, and why he had to show ID.
    I can understand some citizens may be correct that they arent doing anything wrong and the police cant come up with anything to detain them for. But the first one was clearly obvious and the californian got more than he was expecting lol

  5. YukoValis Sword August 7, 2018 @ 3:10 am

    2:06 “he isn’t going to break my windows, this is my property” yes and you just broke the law.. let’s see how well that works out for you.

  6. Christopher Rubingh August 7, 2018 @ 6:05 am

    The most illegal thing in the 2nd clip is the vertical filming

  7. landscraper240 August 7, 2018 @ 6:33 am

    1:14 into the first video I heard the officer say “let you go with a warning.” The driver heard opposite and got his window killed. That window was innocent, INNOCENT. He’s not going break my window… dammit, my window broke!!!

  8. the second guy with the fez on his head thinks he is a moor well moors never existed in the United state the founder of Moorish Science Temple of America named noble drew ali his real name is timothy drew and he was born in north carolina in 1886 so even the founder was not a real moor real moors are in morocco not the United states all these moors are doing is skirting the law and making a joke of the justice system and i for one want to see them all arrested for violating the law

  9. morocco is in north africa and not in north america this kid needs to go back to school

  10. If laws don’t apply to you then neither do rights under the law, you fool.

  11. I cheered at the first window smashing

  12. Three things are certain in life…….. death, taxes and when they say “I’m not getting out if this car”, they actually wind up getting out of their car.

  13. What part of “nothing trumps the US constitution” don’t these idiots understand?

    • They don’t get paid to understand nor enforce the Constitution. They are paid to violate the rights they have sworn to protect.

  14. Kong The Destroyer August 7, 2018 @ 6:33 pm

    That first clip went 0-100 real quick lol

    • Kong The Destroyer the cop is cool. Let’s get this straight are you a sovereign citizen? Bam bust the window and out he comes.

  15. Kong The Destroyer August 7, 2018 @ 6:38 pm

    I was hoping they were going to tase the second dude for yapping so much

    • Miguel Domínguez August 8, 2018 @ 3:18 pm

      Me too. If there was any justice in this world, he would have been tased until he voluntarely ate those papers he was waving. But alas, some officers are way too lenient.

  16. What are these dumbasses thinking of?
    Simply comply with a Police officer’s orders!!

  17. JimBobthe Impaler August 7, 2018 @ 10:13 pm

    Hey FIRST guy if you are watching this… lol Did you get that badge “Brah”? LOL

  18. “I’m going to have your badge for this”.

    Never gets badge.

  19. Friggin’ Moors, low IQ thugs.

  20. I love how they sell from citizens are reading these pamphlets that have laws that haven’t been used on the books in the last 230 years

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