Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – April 2018

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (41)

  1. Rooster Cogburn April 4, 2018 @ 5:03 am

    bunch of ignorance going on

  2. BrokenTree Usauka April 4, 2018 @ 5:13 am

    Story one seems to indicate that all white people look alike since the officer can’t remember being at the “scene of the crime.”
    Sovereign Citizens – A very expensive hobby.

    • there are Sovereign Citizen and then there are Moorish Americanisms. Difference is the Moorish Americanism are black Sovereign Citizen in a religious cult. They believe they are they indigenous to America. Most of them are completely mental. Ok all of them are.

  3. Cotter Weidman April 4, 2018 @ 5:46 am

    Simple question to all you “sovereign citizens”? Where have you lived within the last 6 months? If you live somewhere within the Unted States of America, you are under the same laws as the rest of us.

    • Duly noted. Thanks for the chat!

    • Zachary Berridge June 11, 2018 @ 11:12 pm

      The unlawful system you’re an idiot.

    • The unlawful system – you realize that the Constitution sets up a framework for legislating laws, right?

    • The unlawful system – You might want to read all of the Constitution. It grants power to the States to establish their own laws and courts. It’s the courts that interpret and settle any conflict over what law is, not some deluded individual that only sees the parts of law they want to see.

    • Graham Kennedy July 15, 2018 @ 7:59 pm

      This isn’t the truth. The Constitution is the ultimate law of America, but the Constitution allows the government to pass laws that you need to abide by. If you don’t, you’ll be punished. All perfectly legal.

  4. Joshua Sharrock April 4, 2018 @ 12:20 pm

    LMAO that fictitious name was given to you by your mother. I also think it’s funny that they choose the term Moor when that was an extremely racist term given to blacks from Europeans hundreds of years ago… I concede their education is overwhelming 🙂

    • Julie Mitchell April 4, 2018 @ 1:53 pm

      overwhelming…it’s so funny! They sure think they’re smarter! At least we have something to laugh at.

    • Jamal Yusuf Ali Bey June 11, 2018 @ 1:19 am

      Joshua Sharrock Moor, is a historical ancient ethnographic geopolitical term, that identified the various nationalities that made of majority of subsaharan, tribes that allied themselves throughout history with the various regional power’s. The term was mentioned by the Greek historian Heroditus, as well as various Roman historians and subsequently the medieval periods surrounding the Moorish conquest of the Iberian peninsula, or “Andalusia”. We have also in history, seen it’s various usages within the Numidian, Carthaginian, and Phoenician empires. In the United Nations Council of Nationality, Moor is recognized as that same historical ethnographic geopolitical identity, especially in Morocco, Mauritania, Mali and the entire North Africa, including Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey and Egypt and genetically and physiologically we’re comprised of African Bereber tribe’s, Arabs and In Europeans. The individuals here in this video are obviously confused.

  5. Stop misidentifying your videos as “ownage”. It makes it difficult to weed through the videos of sovereigns talking for hours and going nowhere from the ones where they actually see consequences. Downvote.

    • Gregory Dearth June 10, 2018 @ 11:07 am

      These idiots did get owned… especially the last one. The first clip showed Moors trying their USA=Morocco crap when filing allegations against a detective, who then called them delusional to their face. While not quite as satisfying as other types of ownage, this blatant dismissal is a type ownage nonetheless.

      In the second clip, the idiot argued around with the cops during a traffic stop, ending in the golden-standard of ownage: a broken window and arrest. How much more owned could that sov be than arrested? Convicted? Executed?

      Your bar for ‘ownage’ might be a bit high. LOL

    • A lot of people watch these videos in the hope of the Sov Citizen(s) getting their car windows smashed or a P. Barnes style Tazering. Due to Sov Citizens being so long-winded many of these videos turn out to e an anti-climax. Perhaps some of the videos could be edited- take out a few “I do not consents”/ “I’ travelling” etc.

    • Downvote boy this ain’t reddit

    • Marina Proger July 9, 2018 @ 8:36 pm

      Nah. The conversations are amazing insight. The sweet taser sound is just a cherry on top.

    • They should be called “dismissed”s.

  6. I would like to point out that under the articles of confederation that these sovereign citizens operate, the penalty for not obeying local laws is to have a large spike inserted so that they cannot sit down, for a first offence.
    You cannot pick and choose which laws apply to you. If you choose the articles of confederation then you accept them in their entirety

  7. I put these sovereign/moorish clowns in the same category as flat-earthers… in fact, I bet most of them are flat-earthers.

  8. Iam ThePoliticalHack April 22, 2018 @ 4:59 pm

    It’s really too bad we can’t euthanize these SC morons

  9. judopathoftruth April 30, 2018 @ 12:53 am

    Moorish names.
    From someone from. The arab world.
    Moors aren’t ‘black’
    Arab isn’t a race.
    Moors spoke arabic.
    Black people can’t just latch on to something that comes from Africa like moors.
    North Africa doesn’t mean = black panther.
    I stopped after this segment.
    SC nonsense.
    Good day to all

    • Right. “Moors” were Muslims from Morocco, North Africa and the Iberian peninsula areas, generally Berber in origin, not sub-Saharan African.

    • Indeed. A large percentage of Africans aren’t black. Which makes the whole “African American” thing kinda meaningless when it comes to colour.

  10. keisuke takahashi May 3, 2018 @ 2:55 am

    “This is Morrocco. Oh you didnt know that?”

    • Shouldn’t they be speaking in Arabic or in native Morocco which is Darija? these clowns are only good for entertainment value LMFAO

  11. there are Sovereign Citizen and then there are Moorish Americanisms. Difference is the Moorish Americanism are black Sovereign Citizen in a religious cult. They believe they are they indigenous to America. Most of them are completely mental. Ok all of them are.

  12. Richard Joe-Leonn May 8, 2018 @ 6:26 pm

    Too little too late SMASH” OH alright I’ll come out”

  13. I finally realized I’m actually racist. I really hate Moors ???

  14. teresa castillo June 13, 2018 @ 5:26 am

    As a member of a Native American Nation, if the land mass known as North America is Moorish claimed territory then it is another case of non indiduous people claiming land not theirs.

  15. These sovtards are so insufferable to normal folks that they get themselves pulled over on purpose just to force somebody to listen to their crap.

  16. The old “We’re in Morocco” defense.

  17. What is up with that guy’s breathing?

    • Steve Sievers Yeah, I went back and listened again. I agree that he is either scared to death, cold, or smoking. LMAO

  18. Spanner Monkey July 2, 2018 @ 11:54 pm

    I think the minute they say they are not subject to the laws, they should be shot just because they are effectively outlaws.?

  19. I bet you these black sovereign citizens take food stamps, medicare, money from the USA while living in Morocco… what a pair of lunatics!

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