Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned – AM I BEING DETAINED?! – April 2018

Sovereign Citizens trying to bait cops and getting owned as always.

Readers Comments (52)


  2. The sovereign citizen disease is slowly becoming a pandemic.

    • Anyone know where they get this stuff from? Like, which videos they watch to decide this is a good idea despite all evidence to the contrary? I want to track the crazy to its source.

    • When you find the source of a pandemic you usually find the cure…at least that’s what movies have taught me.

    • Jeff…. my guess is that Flatards would be a good start…they have the same impeccable logic *cough* 😀

    • And that’s when oppressive laws get changed, duh!

  3. Only cowards cover their faces in that situation ?

  4. The first cop was channeling P. Barnes.

  5. They clearly need to drop these idiots off on some island and with luck they will do themselves in!

    • They just need to send them to Somalia because it has no working government, no laws and no police. All they have is a bunch of drug lords and the kill squads that work for the local lord in that area.

    • Oldandwize great idea!

    • All they would get is an AK-47 to the head and their kids would be f*cked into submission while their women would be sold to the highest bidder and if they failed to be good in bed another AK round just for the fun of it. Just remember without law women and children are just property holding no standing and are disposable.

  6. “I do not consent to being arrested!” Well who does you knucklehead, do you think people are lining up somewhere and BEGGING to be arrested?

    • I’m sure some are, knowing how weird people can get…and even they think these SCs are idiots.

    • Spinning Spin May 4, 2018 @ 11:36 pm

      I once went and demanded to be arrested, their was no line and the cops locked me up. I remember spilling two coffe’s in the cell they did not bring me a third. Needless to say I was very drunk at the time

    • Spinning Spin OMG so funny, fair dunkum bloke your a bloody cracka!! Couldn’t stop laughing ???

  7. These idiots all shout the same stuff over and over. And the police in England need more tasers.

  8. I read a book about antigravity i cant put it down April 30, 2018 @ 4:40 am

    Freeman of the Land translates in English to “I don’t want to pay my bills”

    • Gary Miller,

      We know that there are taxes, but just what do you imagine pays for all the services which you and other “freemen” still expect to be available,

    • I read a book about antigravity i cant put it down May 6, 2018 @ 3:40 am

      @silver fox – Freemen of the land want all the public benefits, all the free services, they just don’t want to pay for any of it.

    • WankersCramp69 June 29, 2018 @ 12:15 pm

      Then don’t use our roads, NHS etc.

  9. I didn’t think that british people can be as stupid as americans

    • Drew Gustafson May 5, 2018 @ 6:13 pm

      Despicable Me its actually mostly based on an essay by Henry David Thoreau. And he stated that civil disobedience be done in a gentlemanly manor. And the laws that they claim protect them were written before there were automobiles and terrorism. Thankfully the United States now classify sovereign citizens as a domestic terrorist group. Much like the motorcycle gangs. These videos will become much more entertaining now that law enforcement across the state’s are now aware of this bullshit. And are told basically to ignore anything they say. Which is what I’ve done for some time now. I just like to see them tazed and get their windows busted out, then hauled off to jail screaming how they’re going to sue everyone. Keep it up sovereign idiots.

    • Well you better add us aussie’s to that list…. I have a family of these sovereign citizens next door – and actually I’m more shocked they worked out how to reproduced, let alone read….

    • BLuecoLLarcanuck June 7, 2018 @ 4:53 am

      Mostly British politicians are that stupid.

    • WankersCramp69 June 29, 2018 @ 12:17 pm

      Idiocy is unfortunately a human condition.

    • You do know the history of the U.S.A. right? Remember where Americans came from?

  10. Awesome use of ace!!

  11. Why is it that it’s arseholes and criminal types that claim sovereign citizenship.

  12. Do they not have tasers in England? You really should invest in them.

  13. I wonder if you hit a sovereign citizen in the head do you get a hollow sound or a bunch of rocks?

  14. Awesome Face May 4, 2018 @ 4:58 pm

    I am a free man laws don’t apply to me (they then start quoting laws as to why they are above the law…morons)

    • Christopher Parks May 10, 2018 @ 1:49 am

      Awesome Face the American sovereign citizens do you one better: they do all that but the laws they quote are from the Articles of Confederation, which were completely replaced by the Constitution and thus no longer in effect since 1789.

  15. Normally I hate seeing the same scene over and over BUT this is so satisfying that I would watch a video of this first guy and smile every time. Thanks

    • Memukan of Persia and Media May 6, 2018 @ 1:17 am

      Why exactly was the first man tazed ?

    • ThunderPaunch May 6, 2018 @ 6:00 am

      Memukan of Persia and Media he came out of his car and started walking towards the officer in an aggressive manner. Since the officer had no time to make sure the person had no weapons, he was forced to think quickly and decided the taser was the best option.

  16. “Sovereign citizens” are little more than mynah birds; constantly repeating themselves as if we didn’t hear what they said the first fifty times.

  17. Alarichswiftpaw May 4, 2018 @ 10:10 pm

    Ok the guy at the end… How does one in custody of the police fail to show up to court when he’s in custody of police?? At that point it is the police’s responsibility..

    • robertofulton May 5, 2018 @ 7:20 am

      Alarichswiftpaw police will have put him before the court the next day. That court would say how do you plead….he would then either have plead not guilty or not made a plea and a trial court would be arranged….the court then bailed him t come back for that court date and surprise surprise he didn’t.

  18. jonne Westerlund May 5, 2018 @ 12:10 am

    love the English Police 🙂 They are the best

  19. john jackson May 5, 2018 @ 8:09 am

    If not a uk citizen then no free hospital, no free doctors, no benefit money. See how they like being told that..

  20. Super_squishy_awesomeness _ June 26, 2018 @ 10:24 pm

    I thought this was an American thing

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