Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned 2 COMPILATION

argument they anticipate, why it’s wrong, and the court cases that back the IRS up. Sovereign ideas feature prominently.
The idea that one can claim sovereignty is dismissed early, with 18 court cases cited. The claim that a taxpayer is “not a ‘person’” is also thrown out in eight cases. The Redemption Movement is, of course, also dismissed. One section mentions the strawman idea specifically, stating it evolved from a “frivolous position under which a secret bank account (sometimes referred to as a “straw man” account) was supposedly created at the Treasury Department for each U.S. citizen that individuals could use to pay tax and non-tax debts and claim withholding credits. Those who put forth this theory often argue that the proper way to redeem or draw on the account is to use some form of made-up financial instrument.”

Readers Comments (72)

  1. Theodore Thomas Blackwood III November 21, 2016 @ 7:20 am

    I got a dui once because I had a prescription that was a day expired.

    I didn’t have any crazy confrontation with the cops, I was respectful to them and they responded in kind. I fought the legal subtleties in court, where those kinds of things are meant to be argued, and won.

    The street is not the place to be arguing what is or isn’t legal, you’re not going to win there. Ever.

    • Can you hear the way these people talk? It’s like they’re paranoid or something. They’re positive that their outlook on life is completely true and that ‘the man’ is out to get them. This is why cops are forced to carry weapons.

    • Dr. Squatch Woah! You mean to tell me that… you… an average human… And a confrontation with the cops… respectfully debated in court…. And got off with only a minor incovience?

    • these ppl dont undersand that, they act like they know it all cuz they grow up having all they want their way or the high way, they read a small book or watch a clip about these things or hear a story 1 in a million and think they can change the world by putting them selfs in these situations, in a sence total retards that have no value for the lives that were giveen to them, pathetic, in a way i actully feel sry for them…

  2. the wrong plates on your car implies you stole it. thats pretty serious.

    • The crack on the taxer would have been great here

    • Wrong plates, refusing to identify yourself, attempting to flee a traffic stop.
      Makes ya look _reeeeally_ suspicious. Suspicious enough to warrant probable cause for detainment.

    • A. Maus. That idiot got arrested for having mariujana in his possession . He’s lucky it wasn’t cocaine because it could’ve been a lot worse.

    • He’s a human being that is breaking the lae.

  3. The officer that pulled his gun on the guy attempting to drive away deserves a medal. I wanted to high five him right through my compute. Then he proceeds to break the window and extract the cry baby who “knows his rights”. A fine piece of police work. Great job officers!!

  4. They assert their arbitrary rights and use the US Constitution (inaccurately) to defend them???

  5. It’s an automobile not a vehicle, I’m a human not a person, I was traveling not driving…

    these folks are not to be trusted, I do not consent to their existence dammit

    • +Zombie Killer I’m being pedantic not sarcastic, I’m being autistic not moronic.

      Peace One Love

    • They think that messing with language is going to make them sound intelligent- instead they end up sounding like idiots and getting tased.

    • Durnheviir The Undead Dragon March 9, 2018 @ 7:42 pm

      Ian Schmitt I don’t consent to these people idiocy

    • Durnheviir The Undead Dragon March 9, 2018 @ 7:43 pm

      Lost Control Oh the harsh truth and they are following a rough draft for the constitution

  6. Officer: “Are you driving?”

    Citizen: “No I’m traveling.”

  7. The really sad part is that the sovereigns would rather make sure that they have a clear video than making sure that they are not shot by the police.

  8. That’s Why you Have the .50 Locked & Loaded Instead.

  9. The second one must have escaped from Arkham Asylum lol. Panting like a phone perv, standing in traffic kicking buses and then tells the cop who is extremely polite “why are you contacting me” while still breathing like Darth Vader..

    And then after being told he was standing in the middle of the street, kicking buses, ans then screaming and yelling, he says”someone is lying, I do not consent to contact” lol hahahahah.

    He needs to be in a padded cell in a nice white gown with lots and lots of straps, with “they are coming to rake me away hee hee ha ha ho ho” playing by Napoleon XIV.

  10. We’re not out there to debate laws. We have no authority to change, edit nor debate the reasoning behind the laws. We are there to make sure they’re being followed and to protect life, health and property.

  11. For the record, yes we do have the authority to make lawful orders. Note that we’ll never give an order that puts someone in danger, the dangerous part is when they’re *not* complied with.

    • don’tcha worry, people are getting dumber these days. who knows, maybe we get to migrate them to a deserted island to give them their proper free inhabitant land they wanted

    • I have no idea how the BIBS (Boys in blue – aussie slang) keep their sanity, fair dinkum mate what you lot have to put up with is insane….
      and PS & FYI…
      direct from several dictionaries and online dictionaries……

      noun: human being; plural noun: human beings; noun: human being; plural noun: human beings
      a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance.

      noun: person; plural noun: people; plural noun: persons; noun: first person; noun: second person; noun: third person

      1. a human being regarded as an “individual”
      synonyms:human being, individual, man/woman, human, being, living soul, soul, mortal, creature, fellow; 

      In australian we call that….. same dog different leg!

  12. Nothing better than the sound of squealing sjw?

  13. the second guy looks like a human form of Chucky.

  14. Dear “sovereign citizens”, If you don’t want to follow our rules and laws then please get the hell out of our country.

  15. The police should have an instant tazer policy for any person claiming to be a sovereign Citizen.

  16. 28:00 I wanna strangle him. “I’m asking the questions here. I’m the king!” Ugh. He needs a swift pistol whip to knock him off his narcissistic pedestal.

  17. Cops – 12
    Sovereign Citizens – 0

  18. Retro Controller February 5, 2017 @ 6:26 am

    “I’m not resisting you!” *pushes back against officer*

  19. WtF is wrong with these people I think they need mental help.

  20. Calm down! LOL – yeah, she sounds calm! 18:20 – this is great stuff. LOL

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