Sovereign Citizen FAIL! Social Justice Warriors GET OWNED REKT! POLICE Are Amazing!Compilation 2017!

Social Justice Warriors vs. Sovereign Citizens. (2017)
Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned Compilation 2017!
Police Patience is just Amazing in these clips.
I just don't understand how these people think they can get away with breaking the law. Give an idiot a cell phone and he becomes a Social Justice Warrior! Everyone thinks they are the most important person in the world. Enjoy!

Readers Comments (74)

  1. Can you give us a warning at the start of the video because this is extremely cringe-worthy

  2. 6:30
    “Call the police! ”
    “Sir, we are the police.”

  3. how do people get so brainwashed?

    • They watch CNN and smoke pot all day jacking off in their moms basement hoping Hillary will be their president one day. lol it’s America ?? it’s crazy but i love it!

    • Grizzly Country October 9, 2017 @ 2:37 am

      ?drugs are bad ?

    • You want to drive without laws? Go get your own country, pave your own roads and have a grand old time. Otherwise, you are subject to the laws of the land you occupy. Go peddle that natural world garbage out in the wilderness away from modern civilization and its laws. Otherwise, behave and cooperate.

    • Choppytehbear1337 February 8, 2018 @ 7:45 pm

      Bumble The Abominable Snow Monster The sovereign citizen movement was started by people on the far right.

    • It’s called METH!!!

  4. Shoulda been titled “cringe compilation”. I lasted til 7:10. Couldn’t watch any more. My blood pressure was getting too high. Grey, I’m gonna have to report you for endangering my life. That is my right. And my right means you’re wrong. ?

  5. “Crime is a foot” cop in second video

    • Grey Disciple Best Judge Judy Presents February 15, 2017 @ 10:14 pm


    • xc5647321 xc5647321 September 21, 2017 @ 4:22 am

      He said that crime is afoot. An old term to mean its in progress. a·foot
      adverb & adjective
      in preparation or progress; happening or beginning to happen.
      “plans are afoot for a festival”
      synonyms: going on, happening, around, about, abroad, stirring, circulating, in circulation, at large, in the air/wind; brewing, looming, in the offing, on the horizon
      “evil plans are afoot”

    • Анатолий Шпалин June 1, 2018 @ 7:56 am

      xc5647321 xc5647321

  6. Is there some sort of pamphlet out there that says upon a traffic stop first stop the officer and ask for their name and badge number. Then refuse to consent to providing any information and answering any questions the officer may have. Also apparently speeding is not a crime except for commercial vehicles. If there is a pamphlet it was probably written by George Soros. Whatever happened to just respecting the officer answering the questions and quietly going on your way? I wanted to throat punch the first guy. That officer was so patient.

    • Montgomery Burns July 10, 2017 @ 3:46 pm

      +Darkplaces_28 Thanks for your post. I could not agree more. People like us, who respect police officers and simply cooperate with them, are being assaulted by these SC people. They need to be shipped to “Stupid Island”, where they cannot waste any more of our time and tax dollars, nor detain Police from their duties from helping other people.

    • Cynthia Rosario July 29, 2017 @ 3:42 am

      Montgomery Burns so agreed

  7. The 5th amendment is not “the right to remain silent” like these moronic sovereigns believe. It is the right to not be compelled to be a witness against one’s self in a criminal case. Providing basic info like name, driver’s license, and address is not being a witness against one’s self.

    • ModerateGiant X July 28, 2017 @ 12:21 pm

      Danimal1177 it. You’re both right and wrong. It is the right to remain silent as to not incriminate yourself. However, like you stated, name, dob, drivers license number, etc are not protected by the 5th amendment.

    • ModerateGiant X correct – basic information about yourself such as name and date of birth is not and cannot be incriminating in and of itself.

      A lot of times these morons don’t want to provide their info because their license is suspended or revoked and they think they’ll be able to bamboozle the cops into letting them go without running their info.

    • Al. MORAMER Zero June 28, 2018 @ 1:58 pm

      … that is incorrect.

  8. funny they don’t believe in the federal government but yet they are fast to invoke the constitution on the bill of rights.

    • That’s always the case with idiocy/evil–ALWAYS hypocritical.

    • +Jim McDonald ….my favorite example was the sovereign citizen who called the cops on that car dealership when he couldn’t get his free NISMO 370z. Somebody commented that the cop should’ve told him he’d love to help, but unfortunately you canceled all your contracts with the government 😉

    • Jim McDonald And they use roads.

    • Анатолий Шпалин June 1, 2018 @ 6:46 am

      Children always want all the rights but without any responsebility

  9. lmao LMAO the second officer ” I have a reason to believe crime is afoot”.

  10. Dwaine Higgins April 13, 2017 @ 6:37 pm

    Lol, 17:59
    He goes on with his rhetoric and in the middle of it – “aaaaooOOOO!”

  11. I’m not driving I’m traveling. ? wtf

    • I would have asked him if he was playing basketball.

    • ModerateGiant X July 28, 2017 @ 12:24 pm

      BeastMode these idiots have it in their minds that driving is a legal term for people who drive as a job. Aka, truck drivers, school bus drivers, limo drivers, etc. They believe that if they are not driving in this capacity that they have the legal RIGHT to “travel” on the roadways without a license as long as they are not being paid to drive. Obviously they are 100% wrong but this is what they believe.

    • ModerateGiant X they also believe that using a passenger vehicle is the only way to travel and if they stop they preventing them from traveling freely. As I recall walking is another form of traveling

  12. Smoking pot with their kid in the car. Now that’s class.

  13. In Febuary 2001, I was visiting Texas from Australia, & despite not having the right Intl Drivers Licence, I addressed the gentleman as sir, complied with them. They let me go. No screaming, no trauma infront of children. American’s need to start acting like adults. Damn …

    • +potterj09 LOL you know you have sovereign citizens in Australia, too, right? So I guess that makes them a good representation of you 😉 Damn… start acting like an adult.

    • Monster Maker 754 September 24, 2017 @ 3:14 pm

      potterj09 oh my god, your not even a American citizen and you behave better

    • potterj09. Thank you for your post! Not all of us Americans are like these” whack jobs” you see in these videos! Greetiings from Arizona!

    • Says the guy who doesn’t know how to use apostrophes properly. Adults should know how to do that.

    • I live in Texas along the gulf coast and the cops here are pretty good. We have bad apples of course but I’d say 90% are out there to help. In my town they do a weekly meet and greet at the city park and it’s always really fun and the kids learn young that these ladies and gentleman are not the bad guy.

  14. “I do not consent!” Damn hippies need an attitude adjustment.

  15. Why  yell  HELP  ?  Who do you think  is  gonna  help ?

  16. He tried to taze my nuts, that is not proper use of the device.

  17. “ve-hick-le”

  18. Cathy Romanczuk July 27, 2017 @ 5:07 am

    I wouldn’t last a day. I would be tazing people.

  19. “Call the police!”
    “We are the police” *airhorns*

  20. P. Barnes is legendary. “That was a nice speech, but you’re still not coming in.

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