Single Sided Strength (strength training, core, abs, total body workout)


Work your core more during your strength workout by training one side at a time! Join Jessica for this single-sided session that will engage your muscles and keep your heart rate elevated for maximum fat burning.

Equipment needed: One dumbbell (3-15 lbs., depending on level)

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Readers Comments (30)

  1. ujwala seethamraju July 8, 2014 @ 11:00 am

    Day 10 July AB challenge done. This is one of my fav, so did it as soon as I can in the day !

  2. ermalinda martinez December 1, 2014 @ 3:19 pm

    Day 1 and done. I switched between 5 & 10 lb weights. Worked up a sweat, it felt good!

  3. Oops…forgot to check in yesterday 😛 For Day 1 of the #QuickFit challenge I did one of your 10-Min walks as a warm up, then this Single Sided Stretch routine.  Since I still haven’t gotten the chance to buy heavier dumbbells (my dumbbells are just 3 lbs) and I felt my arms weren’t tired enough, I also did the 17 Minute Upper Body Meltdown. I wasn’t even halfway through the routine my arms were screaming at me HAHAHA! But I got through and finished.  Then to cool down I did the Quick Stretch.  I would have done more but things are getting hectic around here now and my schedule can change in a snap so I figured I’d kinda take it easy with the workouts this month and just stick with the December scheduled workouts and just throw in some of your 10-min workouts throughout the day if I find time.  Woohoo! Happy December everyone!

    • +BeyDuh Amazing start to the challenge! Wow – great work today 🙂

    • sometimes I use two weights in one hand if I need a little heavier resistance.

    • +WMayfield243 Hi! I tried that but since I have small hands and my dumbbells are metal ones with thick bars, it’s hard for me to fit 2 of them into one hand 🙁 it keeps slipping and I was afraid I’d drop it on my head. But thanks anyway for the suggestion…HUGS!

  4. #SpringAhead Week 2, Day 5 done. Really liked the focus being more on the arms with this workout. Those overhead tricep extensions were especially hard!

  5. Anita Lataille March 27, 2015 @ 5:39 pm

    DONE!!! You are sooo strong!! 10 lbs I could do the 8lb but had to go to 5lb for some of
    them and the squats can’t get as far DOWN as YOU!!!

  6. I’m glad you put this on the week’s rotation. I love the idea of working one side at a time like this. Always fun to go back to this one.

  7. Lauren Steadman July 26, 2015 @ 3:45 pm

    #SummerofStrength Day 22 done!  One of my all-time favorite strength workouts. Didn’t make time for the 1-hour HIIT Pilates Yoga Mashup, so I plan to do this one again later today with at least a 1/2 hour walk too. I am really enjoying the benefits of my increased activity – I’m finding my mental health has improved dramatically. I need to remember this and make physical and mental fitness a priority for myself. Thank you Jessica for guiding me on this journey 🙂

    • jessicasmithtv July 26, 2015 @ 5:07 pm

      +Elle Steady Way to go! Love that you are already noticing such positive improvements – keep up the great work 🙂

  8. Claire Richardson July 26, 2015 @ 8:01 pm

    #SummerofStrength – cannot believe we have started week four. This one is one of my favourite strength workouts so I was very pleased to see it in the challenge. I know I have improved because in a previous comment I said I had to shift down to the 2kg weight in parts – but I could stick with the 3kg all the way through today – thanks Jessica.

  9. Joanna Johnson July 27, 2015 @ 10:57 am

    #SOS day 22, can’t believe that we’re in the final week. I’m so excited because I did this with heavier weights than before and it felt great.

    • +Joanna Johnson I read your post and had to reply as I too, have done this before and was able to go up in weight today. So excited! Feeling great.

    • Joanna Johnson July 27, 2015 @ 1:19 pm

      +J Higgins that’s wonderful – it feels so great. Thanks for the encouragement.

  10. cant believe week four already! sos, definitely seen some improvements in this workout YAY 🙂

  11. This was great! I loved starting out week four of #SummerOfStrength  with this video!

  12. I absolutely love this workout! The toning in my arms has improved so much over the course of #SummerOfStrength!

  13. Karen Tannenbaum November 6, 2015 @ 2:22 pm

    I did this again today and the more I do it the more I love it. It was just perfect and is even better for someone my age who needs the balance challenge. Great workout and I am able to go heavy on some, 15 and 20, and then, 12s on others…perfect and challenging. Topped it off with total body in 10 another GREAT strength workout. Perfect combo! Love, love, love your workouts and your DVDs.

  14. great! thanks Jessica!

  15. Enjoyed this one big time. Really liked the advice re: evening out each side using a lighter weight on my stronger side. I will do that next time I do this workout. Many thanks.

  16. Day 5 of my Summer Shape Up Challenge completed! 🙂 Started out my workouts tonight with your 1 mile Express Interval Walk, as I hadn’t done a lot of movement today (lazy Sunday!). Then this one, which I always love. Feeling good, and proud of myself for doing 5 days of workouts in a row thus far! It’s been awhile since I’ve done that. And, I can tell I’m slowly getting back into a bit better shape already. Thanks, as always, Jessica (and Peanut!)!

  17. Thank you I’m Gona be doing your workouts LOVE YOU DOG ITS SO CUTE?❤️

  18. Wiebke Papenfus June 19, 2017 @ 3:00 pm

    Great workout! Thanks Jessica

  19. Robin Lindblad July 31, 2017 @ 2:01 pm

    SOS week 4, day 1 done! I really like this workout a lot; it’s challenging but not complicated. I used 8 and 10 lb. weights, switching out between them when necessary. For that one move where we were supposed to hold the weight straight up in the air while moving in and out of a modified triangle pose, I found that I needed to modify for the last few reps by switching the weight to the hand that was moving down my leg. I kept the other hand in the air, just without the weight. I could still really feel my side muscles working hard that way. As usual, another great workout!

  20. I couldn’t believe how fast this workout flew by! I really enjoyed and got a lot out of it. I especially liked all the floor work — my arms are all jelly now!

    Thanks for sharing your gift of teaching and coaching with the world!

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