Seated Exercise for Obesity and Limited Mobility – Stage.1 Ep.1

Looking for more? Go to and own the complete Launchpad Workouts collections! Purchase and download all the episodes and workout when and where you desire.

Do you or someone you know suffer from Obesity or health issues that might make a regular workout difficult? Then LiveExercise Launchpad is for you! We've designed this Series to get you started and help you gradually work your way up. Follow along with your workout partners Sara and Rob as they lead you through an introductory workout to get your muscles moving and blood flowing.

To lose weight and build up your strength you need to workout at least 3 – 4 times a week. So start with Lauchpad Episode 1 and every other day follow another episode. So for example on Monday do Episode 1, on Wednesday do Episode 2, and on Friday or Saturday do Episode 3, then the following Monday start on Episode 4, and so on. If you're feeling strong then do 4 workouts a week and just repeat your favorite episode for that week.

If you are chair ridden and need a very low starting point then this workout is for you! Take control of your fitness, take control of your life! Join us today!

Purchase your complete Launchpad Workouts collections at .

Readers Comments (53)

  1. now this is what i wanted to see. not just  some buffed guy or some hottie guiding the workouts, but also the inclusion of a fat man doing it as well. i know calling him fat is mean and rude, but i used to weigh 375 lbs. over 20 years ago, so deal with it. this is definitely my new favorite channel.

    • Welcome to the family +john randall! Although we don’t like to use the word fat +Rob Graulau is working hard on his weight and not putting out excuses. Stay tuned as we’re working on relaunching our Launchpad shows very soon!

    • Hey +john randall If you liked this original Launchpad series you’re going to love The Launchpad Project with +Rob Graulau! It’s a pro-mental health, body-positive program designed to get you moving and feeling great. Checkout the project here and be sure to share it with your friends!

    • +Alecia Krance this is not a get slim fast workout. This is a build your energy levels & get onto your feet again workout. If it’s a fast thing it likely won’t work. Not only to mention that but the people who need to work out sitting down are WAY beyond a 90 workout or quick fat burning thing. This is a lifestyle change.

    • Anthony Edwards June 2, 2017 @ 1:32 am

      LIVEexercise j

  2. Marjorie Alejandra Posadas May 2, 2014 @ 2:37 pm

    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism which is difficult to keep weight off. I started out at 460lbs and with one month of doing this workout i am at 413lbs. I have done so many workouts but never had a result like this one. this is the first one that has made me feel comfortable and has given me a result. i wish i had found it sooner

    • LIVEexercise May 2, 2014 @ 4:12 pm

      Thank-you +Marjorie amaya posadaz and congratulations!! +Rob Graulau will be very happy to hear about your progress. Don’t stop though, keep working out 4-5 times a week and you’ll be amazed at the changes you’ll see. Also stay tuned as we’ve got a whole bunch of surprises coming soon! 

    • I just started this workout and would love to see the kind of results that you have seen. You inspire me! May I ask, are u following a diet as well? If so, what kind? PS: Congratulations on your success! 🙂

    • Marjorie Alejandra Posadas May 15, 2014 @ 5:07 pm

      Yes IanzGurrl i am following a diet as well. I am on a low carb high proteins and no sugar diet, as well as no bread or grain. If you want more info or recepies that will help you feel free to send me an inbox message….good luck

    • Marjorie Alejandra Posadas I got hydrothyroidism as well does this work out really work as having it really affects pains in my legs

  3. A Fat Girl's Journey June 4, 2014 @ 1:13 am

    Oh wow. … exactly what was looking for! With having fibromyalgia and being obese (368 lbs) this is something I can do! !! Very excited! ! Thank you! And please feel free to follow me on my journey to thin living!

    • LastxNamexEver FirstxNamexGreatest October 31, 2016 @ 9:37 pm

      +Allena Rust Your very welcome!

    • LastxNamexEver FirstxNamexGreatest October 31, 2016 @ 10:16 pm

      +Allena Rust if you want, I could give you my kik or whatever social media app you have, and we can do this together. It’s hard doing these things on your own and help and support is the best thing for weight loss.

    • +LastxNamexEver FirstxNamexGreatest  that would be great.. here is my email and then you can send me your kik and then i will give u mine.

    • LastxNamexEver FirstxNamexGreatest October 31, 2016 @ 10:24 pm

      +Allena Rust Give me a few minutes, I’ll be happy too.

    • Roxy Mcculloch April 26, 2017 @ 7:59 am

      I really tried everything to loss some weight:exercises ,lots of diets , pills .I had to lose weight quickly because I was obesity. I finally found Weight loss greenstore Tea after a long research. I tried with some fear, but I got really excited to notice ,after a short period of time , that I lost 16 pounds.. I was 174 lbs. Thanks Weight loss greenstore.

  4. ok I have back problems and FINALLY I have found something that so far has not hurt my back! These videos are great, thank you for them!

  5. I’m very happy that I found your video series. I’m a former high school/college athlete that quit exercising but kept up the same eating habits. Now I’m 50 years old and I’ve had 4 knee surgeries and I’m 6’6″ and am about 490 lbs. Went through several years of chronic depression and picked up a LOT of weight. Today was my first day working out with you and I’m looking forward to making a change.

  6. Dear Sarah and Tod or Rob… I have been disabled for ten years now. Anyway I have suffered the usual weight gain and limited mobility. I had bought a treadmill because I used to walk three miles a day outside and realized if I had the treadmill, I could use the treadmill no matter what the weather was and in whatever I wanted to wear. However even the treadmill would aggravate my left knee and it would take ten or fourteen days to get the pain under control. So my activity level dropped. My energy was gone and my body was always fatigued no matter how good my sleep was. I have a five year old grandson and one year old granddaughter that I want to play with and knew they would really work me over. I wanted to get in better shape to be able to ENDURE. My son recommended Yoga. While searching out that activity, I came across your series. I decided to act… and the first three weeks I lost six pounds. My energy is up. I never take a nap during the day, and I feel good which is probably the most important factor. Anyway I wanted to thank you and extend my appreciation on how good I feel your videos are. I see you both every day.

  7. That’s what’s up an exercise with a heavy person so you know it’s legit…

  8. William Graham April 10, 2015 @ 3:57 pm

    I have lost 18 pounds its hard work but its great I have degenerative disk disease so standing for long periods is very painful I also have hip impingement. This is awesome like rob said if I can do it so can you. Lets all lose weight together.

    • Hell yeah. We can do this! Eating fresh fruits and veg help me stay energized for the exercises too

  9. William Graham April 28, 2015 @ 8:21 pm

    Thanks for the encouragement I have lost 21 pounds so far I still have a ways to go but I am gonna keep at it

  10. William Graham May 9, 2015 @ 9:58 pm

    hey everybody thanks for the votes of confidence I started at 469 I am now down to 439 I can actually see the difference in myself which motivates me even more if your just starting stick with it

  11. Teresa Holmes June 1, 2015 @ 5:13 pm

    Love it! It felt good to exercise.

    Thank you! I did forget to breathe until Rob said breathe.

  12. briarpatch2009 June 23, 2015 @ 3:02 pm

    Recovering from 2 strokes in 10 months and this was great! I felt good and challenged without feeling like I was gonna die, lol. Thanks so much 🙂

  13. exactly what I need since I cannot walk for excersise . thanks for the encouragement I enjoy the  video.

    • +Crystal Jackson i have to some problem and weight aint no joke

    • Gail Owens1972 June 12, 2016 @ 2:48 pm

      Awesome. 80-90% of it is diet. I used to be morbidly obese myself. Start very small concentrate on good nutrition and keeping hydrated. Build up slowly. I am a Personal Trainer. I lost 150% myself, I know how hard it is!

    • Debora I feel the same way have been really trying to walk but it is so painful I can walk around the house and to the mailbox but I can’t my block its too far…..On a great diet have changed my eating totally no bread, sweets sugar potatoes hardly no fruit at all just baked meat lots of veggies and salads has brought my blood sugar down so much but the wieght is coming off to slow for me after 4 week had only lost 7 lbs so I think this will really help me

    • +Teresa Graham
      Well done you. Sometimes it takes a long time to lose weight but you are doing awesome. I lost 140lb it is hard, but you are doing it 100% the right way. Every blessing from Ireland

    • Thank you for the encouragement I am not giving up taking it one day at a time saw a little show about dead African American Actor’s and was surprised to know that most them died due to sugar or blood pressure with 7 grandkids and 2 great grandkids makes me press even harder to to make this happen.

  14. Finally a set I can do! Thank you so much!

  15. “Don’t forget to breathe. You guys are doing great!” Love Rob! Thanks guys.

  16. im a big guy and ive always put off doing exercise because i have it in my mind that im not doing anything because i dont see it. i just went through this video and i felt the muscles work and i worked up a sweat. i plan on doing this daily now for awhile to see where i get. feels good 🙂 hopefully i keep at it

  17. The Terrible Turophile March 20, 2016 @ 1:48 pm

    This is awesome! Finally a low impact workout for obese people. All too often I’ve seen documentaries with obese people where their trainer will have them doing squats, lunges or even jogging and all I can think about is the impending injury that comes from putting all that pressure on those joints so suddenly. Three days later the obese person will be talking about their back flaring up or knee dislocation and I have to wonder what their trainer was thinking. I’m not a certified PT, but it just seems like common sense to not have someone weighing close to 400lbs jumping or putting all that pressure on their joints so suddenly.

  18. Redman Chronic August 3, 2016 @ 4:19 pm

    Question….how much does the big man weigh now?? This was posted over three years ago….how is he doing?

  19. I am 62 years old. I have so many illnesses that I call myself the family medical record. I have 2 autoimmune disorders that have me paining like you wouldn’t believe but even though I was in a little pain I scheduled Fridays as my day for chair exercise and said to myself, “too bad I’m gonna do it.”  I searched YouTube and found you! Luv iiiit! I’m now a subscriber and will be seeing you every Friday. You got me breathing hard and sweating but it’s all good. See ya Friday!

  20. Anyone else feel energized after this?

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