Police Officers get owned while harrasing a homeless man

From Naeem Brisco : This homeless man who we have been trying to help for the past few days has continuously been harassed by these community support officers. Today the whole community on Evington road leicester stood up to support the homeless man. Because your homeless doesn't mean your scum or that you don't have any rights, I was happy to address these officers in ther wrongdoing as the homeless man felt threatened by them. A month later Naeem Brisco Went homeless for 1 night to raise over 5k for the needy link below from local newspaper.

"Communities working together to better humanity"
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Readers Comments (91)

  1. I love this guy, Naeem Brisco!

    I’m a white Londoner but the next time I’m in Leicester I want to eat in your parents restaurant. I don’t know why I mention my race but I thought it was made all the more poignant that you stuck up for a guy from a different race. I love this solidarity in the face of tyranny.

  2. This guy sounds like GradeA

  3. you are a legand

  4. Legend has it that’s the guy speaking is GradeAUnderA

  5. Dear All, we currently have projects in the UK & abroad helping the needy ….
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  6. U r a good man!??

  7. God bless.

  8. We need more people like u nice man

  9. i feel a bit sorry for the police they were just asking the guy to move they did not put hands on like another cop would

    • He has no where to stay so he has to sleep outside, no matter where he goes they are going to ask him to move. He also gets given free food in that community so why would he want to

    • After reading the comments on here,I can see there’s people on here without a drop of compassion. I spent 12 months living in the streets after a career I loved ended. Just because a homeless person is sitting somewhere,does not mean he is begging. He could be sitting down with cover over him because he is cold and tired. If there are no squats to bed down in,you have to sleep in a doorway and guaranteed you will get woken(if your lucky enough to fall asleep,seeing as concrete is cold and hard) by a prod in the kidneys,from a real policemen’s boot. Telling you to move on because you can’t sleep there. I can understand your concern for your business and customers. But have you tried talking to a homeless person and explaining the situation. You might be pleasantly suprised to find they listen and understand. Not all homeless are pissed up,drug using belligerent bastards. They are still human and don’t look down on someone unless your helping them up. We are all one financial mistake away from being made homeless.

    • they not real police mate lol they are Community support officers dressed up as police

    • that they’re not a pollice officer but there only to harrass people (harassers) do u get it now.

  10. ‘Your not a police officer’ **Title says POLICE OFFICER**
    ME: ?

  11. “They’re trying to help the community but actually they’re just harassing the homeless” Respect to this man????❤️

    • Jamie10Henshaw 100th like

    • Riley Aldridge and how do you know he has a home and a fucking drugs habit? Or do you see all homeless people like this. Sorry,it’s how you PRESUME all homeless people to be,unless of course you have evidence as in photos of him leaving his house and him using drugs.

    • Lee Bartlett seriously he sounded a tad bit drunk so not sure what to mke of it

    • Farhat Bi that’s a fair comment bro and admittedly I didn’t pick up on that.

  12. Those PCSO were probably telling him to move because he’s outside a store front and probably not compiling so this idiot stepped in and got salty for no reason.

    • Kaviraj Nosib EXACTLY thank you

    • Kaviraj Nosib the shop looks empty to me, people should be helping people, whats wrong with humanity these days.

    • Dave Explores Its probably the fire exit. Imagine falling over him in the event of an emergency. I back the poor homeless man also. The guy deserves 100% respect.

    • and wat u cant camp outside a shop or store nowadayz watz the world cmin to public space u can use it 24/7 !

  13. This guy sounds like GradeAUnderA.

  14. you’re a nice guy <3

  15. These officers are the worst

    • Luke Osborne Made it worse How? By offering to feed the homeless man who said he felt harassed by those plastics? Probably only the shop he sat outside of complained. Clearing the street & when u call them about a break in or house robbery they either take hours to reach or don’t reach at all bcos they don’t have budget to cover such non emergencies? My local ones a few years ago injured my colleauge just because they could totally unnessary & still tried to get them done in court. Got thrown out acquitted because the WHOLE station were under investigation for corruption. Dude. Please. Have a seat. Your gung ho defence of them across this video suggest your one or you have one in your fam. Some of them abuse their position & you know it.

    • The worst?? Come on they were completely reasonable. Just doing their job, this guy may not have had an issue with him but you can bet someone would complain about a homeless man sleeping in a local shop door way. I feel for the guy but the police have a duty to serve the tax payer also.

    • Hugh. J Arshole April 7, 2018 @ 3:16 pm

      Andrew Tolan they aren’t police officers they are community officers

    • Luke Osborne Yeah I realised that afterward, just the title states “police”. Still what’s the difference? If it was my shop, and I was potentially losing revenue I wouldn’t care if it was the police or a community officer that stepped in. Same circumstance, they have a job to do and they were completely reasonable with this man.

  16. Two nerds thinking there hard

  17. You rarely see people helping a homeless man on the street but once the camera is out everyone is hating on community officers and supporting the homless. they are just following the rules and doing their job. You see loads of homeless people where I live but most of them aren’t even homeless just looking for way to get some money. The councils helps the homeless but wont bother if they have history of violence or drugs.

  18. Im hungry now want sum curry

  19. Sacconejoly lover January 7, 2018 @ 4:12 pm

    Please respect the police there the ones who save us every day form losing our lives it’s true every day without the police you would probably be killed and robbed and if you feel like they are targeting you then you need to realise that you are the problem here not the

    • Sacconejoly lover some officers are helpful and others are complete fucking trash.

    • Margaret Navallo May 31, 2018 @ 12:36 pm

      Sacconejoly lover some of there are,but when iy comes to homeless people,some of them,there hearts are going to shut down

  20. Bless this man helping the homeless. Big respect

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