Police officer harasses man then gets owned

CHECK OUT MY LATEST REPORT : Police officer harasses man then gets owned

Freedom Fighters.

Today I received a video from Maurice Temple Jr. In this video Maurice firmly believes that this officer is harassing him for no reason. It is the belief of this officer that he was involved in some kind of disturbance that happened earlier. Maurice explains at first that he doesn’t know what the officer is talking about. He then asked the officer to take a few steps back because he felt threatened. Here is the video as to what happened next.

All I can say about this interaction is, this cop, got owned. The upsetting part of this story is, A few days after the incident you just watched, Maurice was coming out of a bar in that very same town, cops approached him again and when he started to record, officer Bozick, Badge number 1 0 4, pushed him to the ground and hit Maurice with an elbow to the left side of the skull. When he was on the ground, Bozick started to choke out Maurice. Because of this claim, I am following up with this police station to see if they have any dash cam or body cam footage of this incident, so i will update you all when i have something new.

These kind of police interactions is why we should always record. The kind of behavior of these type of cops is getting out of control.

Remember people, when dealing with the cops make sure you always record them.

Link to source Video

♦Disclaimer: This video is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing the footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating.

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BlackLab3L CopWatch falls Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for «fair use» for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Readers Comments (23)

  1. Please give us an update on this.

  2. Stupid tyrant. They love going after the good guys gloriefing Satan smh.

  3. people need to start going after these cops. they come after us, we go after them. when that starts happening policy will change.

  4. The cop is mentally ill and shouldnt have a badge or gun

  5. he need to be fired

  6. Click bait.. these titles ruin it for the real Cop Blocks.

  7. what police dept is this?

  8. Clearly the dude is a young thug wanna be.. And I bet he was at the fight.. Which this is probably in a bad neighbor hood with a bunch of thugs running around gang banging…

  9. Oink oink bacon breath

  10. We need a lot more cop killers to serve some real justice – I love ambush killings …

    • Bambam Bullies I understand how ya feel and trust me, I’m all about the constitutional rights, knowing my laws, and not letting these thugs(so called police officers) get by with any unlawful activity. But doing to them what they do to us wouldn’t solve anything. It would just ruin someone else’s life and they would have to look at the walls of a prison for the rest of their days. But again, I completely understand your point….

  11. SuperDominicHoward August 26, 2017 @ 3:01 am

    funny how everything changes once they camera.

  12. 1VegasPitbull 1 August 26, 2017 @ 7:21 pm

    I just love it when ??s get put down like the nasty piglets they are.

  13. Live stream them. They will take your camera and delete the video

  14. Typical bad cop behavior. The officer acts like he has the emotional development of a third-grade playground bully. The citizen is acting a little douchey himself, but it is not illegal to be a jackass. As well, the police must always be held to a higher standard than random people on the street, given that cops are public servants who should strive to avoid and de-escalate heated encounters, act as civil, reasonable models of rational behavior, and refrain from bothering individuals who are acting peaceably and are not showing obvious signs of engaging in criminal behavior. More and more often, cops act capriciously in singling out individuals or groups as targets for investigative detention (Terry stops). An LEO can always come up with some justification for calling a person’s behavior “suspicious” (e.g., person doesn’t make eye contact, person makes too much eye contact, person doesn’t “belong” on this particular public sidewalk, person’s gait is unusual, person sings, person is resting on a public bench, person is engaging in his or her photography hobby…). The excuses given by cops for invoking RAS are, far too often, just plain stupid, prima facie.

  15. This man should not be a cop he’s looking to cause trouble.

  16. DoesNotConsent Ever October 5, 2017 @ 2:56 am

    And the police wonder why everyone hates them?

  17. Rusty Shackelford July 19, 2018 @ 12:41 am

    Kid did a great job… makes it so much easier for the next guy to stick up to the police. I’m tired of seeing people with the sound of fear in their voice giving up all of their information and following unlawful demands. That’s what’s giving these cops the idea that they have all this extra power and authority over us.

  18. This is the police force that we have to live with in the U.S. A police force that bullies the people, escalates a situation and cops have an orgasm being the perceived tough guy.

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