Readers Comments (10)

  1. michaelberryakabez March 7, 2012 @ 4:47 pm

    tell em straight

  2. well the old bill are doin this all over its a joke in fact that are just crimes them self’s now forcing people to be crimes, just so their can get arrests and stuff for bonus do their know what a crimes is ne more. did’t get me started on laws most need reform in ways people need to look at the bigger thing look at what most of them do there’s some good bills but not so much ;p

  3. Would help if we could see

  4. Good stuff mate u handled it well 🙂

    check out my entounter with the scum at….. Chief274

  5. They cannot stop you from filming either.

  6. Smashed it mate !! Well done. go to the IPCC with your evidence. The more ppl that stand up to these power hungry pricks the sooner they’ll start behaving as they should.
    A copper is the epitome of hypocrisy….. going around breaking the very laws they should be enforcing… The psychological assessments they undergo before they can become police officers ensures that only certain mind sets get in. Pricks. My encounter /watch?v=8h2Cx6icXKE

  7. Those dirty pigs got OWNED! About you can’t point the camera in her face, silly copper!

  8. Geoblack opschannel May 10, 2013 @ 10:15 pm

    And they wonder why a lot of people don’t like the police lol

  9. Stephen Wiltshire September 23, 2013 @ 9:41 pm

    You have a right to film anything in a public place including police officers.

  10. Riding a bike on a cold night with his face covered is a real crime in Nazi Britain! Disgraceful policing by clowns in uniform who think it is funny to abuse innocent members of the public going about their lawful business! Laughing and deriding this man for standing up for his rights – who the hell do they think they are – I would refuse to speak to police like this and you can point your camera anywhere you wish! These officers are obviously corrupt and dont even bother to get the facts of the incident before they start harassing members of the public! This is a prefect example of why people do not trust police and do not like them! Who would want to interact with slugs like these?

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