Readers Comments (31)

  1. 10:36 My favourite one so far.

  2. Christopher Wells September 6, 2015 @ 4:02 am

    so cops are trained to assume everyone is a suspect or criminal? what happened to everyone is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law?

  3. That Indian guy was amazing

  4. disorderly conduct is a made up charge when officers have really nothing to charge you with

  5. MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE January 29, 2016 @ 8:21 pm

    hahahahahahhahahahahah love the last guy

  6. this was the best video I have seen in my life./ LOL

  7. Lmao I must admit funny video, but even funnier are people in this comment section not actually knowing their rights and talking deepshit. If someone calls the cops because of something, and they come to the scene and you happened to be there and you are resisting or not answering their questions guess what they have the right to detain you because of reseasonable suspicion. Please educate yourself next time. Also about the guy living in the university dorm, police may or may not need a search warrant for his flat, it depends on the lease that the student had to sign. But you all probably knew that right.

    • +AnoBananoSRO Usually they can enter the dorm but they can not search it. However, I do not know of all universities so Im not 100% sure thats for all.

    • +ashley rivera If it’s on the university university administrators can search it.

    • The university I go to they cant search it. they can enter but they cant like look in my closet and stuff. 

  8. Nice job guy’s stand up for your rights

  9. ” i just like to identify anyone im talking to..” then just ask me for my name you pig.

    • You’re aware that you can give a fake name, yes?

    • addamhussein420 August 14, 2016 @ 5:02 pm

      good point lol, didn’t take that in for account, i just usually don’t lie to cops or advise anyone to do so.. they will always find a way to identify you.

  10. hahahahaha wankers at the end taking themselves too seriosuly searching for alcohol at a university..lmfao

  11. There is a saying in Chicago. Only this worse than a child molester is a cop..

  12. Cop: “Do you know how many times a day we do this?” Guy: “What, harass people?” ~ Classic

  13. Haha last guy goes look at this guy 45 years down and has braces hilarious

  14. Angus Dewangus March 7, 2016 @ 7:45 am

    don’t kill cops…yet.
    kill their families first

  15. that physics lesson from the Indian guy ????

  16. Now you how a black man feels. I like the White dud 10:34, he got big balls.

  17. low key 16:42 that dude looks like tom brady XD

  18. Interesting that these guys are all white guys who have had a verbal altercation with the police and lived.

  19. lmfaooo ranch dressing all over his sweat pants

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