Readers Comments (18)

  1. only if you idiots realized what the police do is good, if there were no police most of you would be dead

  2. who the hell is the foot balol player you no life 50 year old

  3. ?
    ? maby you can make sense next time about your damn rubber wallpaper that you feed on at night you nocturnal cow, and yes i love my house, my mom and dad and sister treats me very well

  4. sumthin wrong in description. shud say… “Stop destroying our lives! we are humans, unlike you fucking pigs!!!” agreed?

  5. this is the greatest video i have ever witnessed. tears roll down my face.

  6. Yhe pople out number the pigs like 10,000 to 1 when we realize this there will be no morepolice brutality

  7. BrainEatingZombie October 6, 2010 @ 4:55 pm

    lol owned!

  8. 0:29-31 did randy orton’s punt kick

  9. actio = reactio

  10. JULIO ACOSTA OFFICIAL March 8, 2011 @ 12:12 am

    THese ants came to the rescue

  11. balf1111117373 May 14, 2011 @ 1:01 pm

    hope we start seeing more of this around the world well done


  13. A.C.A.B.

  14. this was the greatest youtube video I ever saw… hahaha

  15. fucking owned the pigs at the match

  16. NinjaWarrior7469 January 19, 2014 @ 11:49 pm


  17. 4vs1… 10 seconds later 4vs1000

  18. Whistling Canine May 1, 2014 @ 11:52 am

    Pure justice..

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