Readers Comments (41)

  1. He touched my winky ahhhh hahaha a 9 inch winky lol

  2. Mr. Professional July 12, 2016 @ 11:28 pm

    “He has just touched my winkie, he is sexually harassing me!” I had to laugh at that xD

  3. cops : wats in ur shoe
    man:my foot wat else ??

  4. cop: anything in your pocket?
    man: yeah!
    cop: what?
    man: you!

  5. He touch my winky. It’s on the side of my leg. My 9 incher ?

  6. Notice how most cops who are racist are white and almost always always never get fired or suspended not even close to jail for murder too

    • Ryan Cannon Thats because 99% of cops are white

    • Na there are more non-white cops who attacks and kill whites.

    • Ryan Cannon do you remember the riots in uk few years back it was for shooting a guy first they said he had gun then he tried shooting cops then he had no gun I’m confused I might YouTube and watch tonight

  7. That guy is known, lmao. Hes half Jamaican and half African (Moroccan). That guy is funny af.

  8. “Anything in your pockets that shouldn’t be there?” Yeah “What?” You

  9. grade a under a?

  10. that intro was aids

  11. I watched this few times cracks me up!

  12. “HAAAOOOWWW DOES THAT SOUND TO YOUUUUUU!!” Oh man this guy has had me laughing. i totally understand his anger, police just trying to oppress

  13. american cops would have shoot him by now lol

  14. Have u got anything in your pocket … yeah u LMAO What a legend!!!

  15. 4:13 I died of laughter 😀

  16. Love the Support Guys please sub and like all my other videos!

  17. Oscar is a cunt Face January 9, 2017 @ 5:28 pm

    2.59 “i got a nine incher its tucked down the side” ??

  18. The Football Centre January 11, 2017 @ 12:11 am

    i gotta 9 incher???

  19. He touched my winky

  20. Alternative News February 9, 2017 @ 10:31 pm

    The two policenmen are lovers trying to imprese each other.

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