Readers Comments (48)

  1. Im sorry but i would not have been able to stand there watching my friends be abused like that, Especially when there is a ridiculous amount of evidence to absolve anything i do. Protecting a fellow citizen against police brutality is not illegal, What they just committed was a crime against humanity, Something i do not stand idly by and what. When the police become brutalists, they deserve a good beating, regardless of what their principles were, they are obviously no longer adhering to the basic police principle to uphold the law and protect civilians, both of which they broke.

    • I commend you for being able to say something ignorant in an eloquent way.

    • +Janet Hong Ignorant in what way?

    • +Star Wars Battlefront News! What the police were doing was legal. The sidewalk is a public place as explained in other comments on this video, “Technically the protesters are allowed to protest on public property, but, while a sidewalk is a public property, it can be regulated by law enforcement. The refusal to clear the sidewalk is resistance and can be met with reasonable force. The use of pepper spray in this video is “by the book” 

      There should be a lot of space between an allowable police move and a crime against humanity – not according to you. relax, it’s just some pepper.

    • And you would be dead now, and the cop(s) who killed you would walk.

    • Jacob 7080905 June 9, 2018 @ 4:09 am

      how is chanting “shame on you” getting owned

  2. This is your idea of police “getting owned”…

    Your use of terminology and the fact that you think it was some sort of victory for the protesters shows how out of touch with reality you are…

    • chrisstoffel van Tonder August 8, 2014 @ 6:48 am

      Every Action has an equal and opposite reaction… Except violence and hatred. When you resist with anger then you will be met with even greater anger aka pigs with high tech weaponry that will make your BB gun and knuckle dusters as effect as a wooden spoon

    • chrisstoffel van Tonder August 8, 2014 @ 6:49 am

      Then you will be cast in prisons and concentration camps legally and be subject to torture and death when the economy crashes and every body turns well evil

    • chrisstoffel van Tonder August 8, 2014 @ 6:50 am

      Then a New World Order shall arise out of the chaos of war and death

    • chrisstoffel van Tonder August 8, 2014 @ 6:55 am


  3. cops have a special place in HELL!!!

  4. united police states of america.
    other countries wouldve had a revolution by now.

  5. lollll, if this thing was happeing somewhere outside of north america, where poeple got ball, these cops would be hitting the ground

  6. The morons were blocking the public walkway. They should get sprayed.

    • +Dena Campbell I agree with you. They have no right to block other peoples way. But in Finland, Police would have carried them to jail and then they get a punishment or a warning

    • +Jay Buc You err. Rights follow people everywhere, even on private property but discern, this is not a private school.  

    • +deorgang Why should people have to give up their right to walk freely where walking is the purpose of the walkway, for people who are misusing the walkway. You should give up your slave mentality.  

    • +aj w My flag pic shows I love my country, moron and stand up for my rights instead of letting others trample on them like you degenerates obviously do.  

  7. i don’t see any police getting owned I just see some butt hurt hippies

    • Bruce Humphrey April 8, 2014 @ 10:52 pm

      I suggest you watch it again, they unblocked the path by using pepper spray and force but in the end there were 10 times more students in the path and they were retreating.

  8. Just putting in a little practice before the MAIN event!!

  9. it’s all fun and games until the pepper spray comes out then it is hilarious

  10. Gimme Cardigan March 21, 2014 @ 1:03 pm

    noo noo too many hippies they think they saving the world but all they do is get high and play bad music.

    • Hippies? You’ve got to be kidding. Is that the label automatically given to anyone who protests. Pretty weak slur.

  11. Lol’d at the little girl cop at 1:26 fearfully nudging that guy with her nightstick, your taxpayer dollars at work right there. Worst part is she probably makes $100k/year.

  12. I only see a bunch of college kids getting “owned”, not the police.

  13. Bailey Renolds June 23, 2014 @ 1:16 pm

    Shayme Un Yu
    Sum Ting Wong
    Wi To Lo
    Ho Lee Fuk

  14. that would be so funny if someone pulled out a gun and killed all of those cops

  15. People don’t realize their power in numbers. That little crew of 10 or so cops could have easily been beaten down by the crowd of at least 100+ surrounding them. Should have jumped in and arrested all of those jackasses with their own zipties

  16. The bistanders should have taken these cops down and pepper sprayed them  This is what we need to start doing to them.  This is not Nazi Germany.  This is why we need a Active, Armed Militia.  These are the real terrorist.

    • +Pancho Zerofux  

      FYI: That was your third attempt at a cogent response.  You might want to bring this up at your next therapy session?

    • you critique everyone so and u are kind of boring … i wont respond anymore have fun being a nuisance and a troll. 

    • Steve Aktrolly May 11, 2015 @ 12:38 am

      You aren’t that smart to realize if they attacked the Police and pepper sprayed them the citizens would become terrorists and making militias would divide the nation up. Do you even understand how it works?

    • K Wolf would u have said the same wen u were caught in trouble..???
      then at that time police shouldnt interfere. then you will surly understand

    • It’s going to happen.

  17. archetypeparadigms April 18, 2015 @ 7:00 pm

    shame on the crowd for not rioting.

    • archetypeparadigms May 18, 2015 @ 8:02 am

      +Mike Pat careful Mike you’re using language that Alex might find triggering! In fact this comment has triggered me! I need a 500cc of warm milk and a nap SAT

    • +archetypeparadigms
      Hmm, I don’t care, lol.

  18. Where is the part the police got owned ? Cause the only one that got owned where the people sitting on the floor having maze sprayed in their face

  19. Thomas Leifseth June 16, 2016 @ 6:41 pm

    I saw A lot of PEOPLE OWNED BY POLICE? The head line is wrong I think

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