Only cats can make us laugh all the time – Funny cat compilation

Cats are the funniest pets ever, they make us laugh all the time! Just look how all these cats & kittens play, fail, get along with dogs, get their heads stuck in boxes, react to mirrors, make funny sounds, get angry… So ridiculous, funny and cute! What is your favourite clip? 🙂 Hope you like our compilation, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos!

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"­­­Barroom Ballet, Feelin good, Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Readers Comments (88)

  1. I love how most of his videos are titled “Cats are kings of fun” “Nothing can make you laugh harder than cats” “Cats are so good at making us laugh” “Cats never fail to make us laugh” “Cats really can make your stomach hurt”

  2. Hello everybody ╰(*´︶`*)╯

  3. All the people who shove their faces into the cats face deserve to be bitten in the face.

    • Dus The Shiny Glaceon November 5, 2016 @ 2:17 pm

      Duo Maxwel honestly, I can shove my face RIGHT INTO MY CAT and she doesn’t care / starts purring

    • +Bartz same. It’s about compassion. Obviously the people on these videos have cats that don’t like it. They just do it to make a video.

    • Cats that are raised by loving caretakers will let them do just about anything because they know that it will not hurt and likely will feel good. That is called loving a pet.

    • Duo Maxwel my sis does she gets bit on the nose I am sitting there I am like what are you doing

  4. The dabing panda November 4, 2016 @ 1:44 pm

    I just don’t laugh

  5. You know that you are not supposed to wash cats. Right? They can clean themselves. Their saliva is meant to do that

    • rose Bourignon I would advise you look up the definition of a bully and please stop being so PC.

    • +Loki Laufey, I would suggest ignoring her, she thinks she is better than others, thinking she knows all about everything, her head is so far up her own arse,  i read your comments to her  and I see no where in your convo to her did you give false information, she as made that up to justify herself and her rude  behaviour towards you, even I am done with this idiot, she will keep responding  which will show that she wants the last word in, I suggest ignore and not respond and if she carries it on report her for harassment, she will not even read your comment because she is so stuck up, she has shown herself what she truly is, your right a troll, I don’t believe for one min she is a vet assistant,  think she googled information on cats and that’s all

    • +rose Bourignon i now, she made bullshit up, i am going to ignore her, she has reponed again but m not bothering, you can tlk to people who think they know everything, in there minds what they say goes, i am not going to waste my time with a lowlife

    • +1jazzyphae, t said cat and dog slivia is similar, which it is, the only difference is that cat slivia harbours germ while dogs kill it but read this  if you can be bothered too……

      If a cat has been hurt, it will normally find a quiet place to lick it’s wounds. This is your cats way of giving itself fist aid, as a cats saliva contains a natural antiseptic.

      Dogs actually have a natural antiseptic in their saliva, so even though both lick their butts, dog saliva kills germs while cat saliva can have germs but having said that both cat and dog have slivia that contains an antiseptic

      Yes, there is an antibacterial substance in cat saliva. It helps keep their fur smelling good

      this is from a medical research does on both cats and dogs

      also I suggest reading this medical page f you get bitten, if you follow these simpe seps you will not die from a bite, ignore them then you risk  it

    • KawaiiTomKandy Boi, tf you mean “wet sandpaper”? Wet sandpaper feels waaayyyyy different front a cat’s tongue. I’ve experienced both. My cat grooms me constantly. It’s kinda funny. But I am so confused; how in the known universe does a cat’s tongue resemble wet sandpaper in the slightest? It’s a little “spiky”? Oh my, I guess that means wet sandpaper is just like some leaves, too.

  6. wait… why am i ended up here? oh ya… homework

  7. Cats hurting themselves does not make me laugh.

  8. poor kittys -.- dont wash cats!!!!!!

  9. ScreamingScallop November 4, 2016 @ 4:20 pm

    Once again, too many assholes provoking their pets for the camera.

  10. chell n ellie Austin November 4, 2016 @ 4:24 pm

    that little kitten tumbling down the stairs was not funny it could have been seriously hurt

  11. That Awkward Chick November 4, 2016 @ 9:44 pm


  12. TheOneTrueKaliban November 5, 2016 @ 2:41 am

    My little buddy died, two nights ago. Last summer, he stuck his head through the grab handle of a grocery bag. When he couldn’t shake loose of it, he came up to me and silently asked for help. As things are, I’m glad that I complied, instead of waiting and enjoying his frustration as I’d have done, as a younger guy. RIP, Marlowe, old friend.

    • TheOneTrueKaliban November 6, 2016 @ 8:35 am

      +Ethan Swords
      I gave him his evening meds and he didn’t struggle, the way he usually did.  When I set him down on the bed, he rolled over on his side.  Both these things told me all I needed to know.  I put him under the covers with me, when I went to bed, so he’d be warm.  My plan was to take him in to the vet to be put down, the following morning.  However, when I woke up during the night, he’d already passed.  I’m waiting for his ashes to come back from the crematory.   

    • MattySpeedbuilds November 8, 2016 @ 1:02 am

      I feel so sorry 🙁

    • TheOneTrueKaliban don’t tell me it was FIV…. I adopted a lovely cat about 5 years ago. I had her for a while, but I started noticing symptoms of something bad. I took her to the vet and he said it was probably some temporary disease and gave her antibiotics. however, it got so much worse. I literally felt her life slipping away over a few days. I took her to another vet and they told me to leave her there overnight because she was badly dehydrated. what a surprise in the morning, to call just to be told that they discovered she had FIV and had to be put down because it was extremely hazardous for the other pets staying at the clinic. I was and still am incredibly upset about that… I am glad that he spent his last moments with you… if it was PIV, in 2 months or so you should be able to adopt another lucky one. bless you

    • Nightmare Annimations November 8, 2016 @ 8:03 am

      TheOneTrueKaliban duck now im crying. i hope he has a lot of kitty treats n toys in kitty heaven. :’33

    • Kenny The Koala Bear November 17, 2016 @ 4:12 pm

      Nightmare Annimations thats so true!! all animals go to heaven

  13. So many people don’t know how to handle cats or don’t understand their body language… cats are not dogs

    • We call my cat the reincarnation of our dog, we found Chester(the cat) a week after we put him down(I believe it was late March). Neither of our cats are a year old yet, it’s kind of nice. I’m sorry to hear about your dog, though…

      My brother’s cat(Biscuit) meows outside my door every night after he goes to bed. Regardless of what time it is. It’s a little annoying but it’s so sweet at the same time.

    • RoseOfTheNight4444 November 25, 2016 @ 12:11 pm

      It’s very rare to see people who actually know what a cat’s mood is o3o

    • rukhaia sultana March 1, 2017 @ 1:10 pm

      sarah.k very true

  14. I just dont see whats funny if a cat or any animals get hurt

  15. I am here because Trump won the election and I need something to heal my soul.

  16. I needed this..after last night’s pathetic election. #ripamerica.

    • How can you say “God bless America” in one breath and then “I don’t care” in the next?  Just the same, I’m so glad we’re getting our constitution back.  All these so-called do-good laws to protect people just create more tension and protest.  When are people going to learn to stop labeling each other and just recognize whose Image they bear in love!?  We’ve become a society of fear, and there is no love in that kind of fear.  Just look at these animals, and you can surely see that.  Even though I’m totally blind and have been all my life, I’ve always found animals to be so accepting; so much more than their human counterparts.  I’m about to retire my Guide Dog, and how I wish I could get out more and get another one, but circumstances here just don’t make that easy.  Atlanta is not a pedestrian-friendly city, and our public transportation is a mess!  Thank God for these animals who can bring so much happiness and joy.

    • Reyna Aizu How to make America a better place again

      1.Put tape on Trumps mouth
      2.Put him in jail
      3.Let Hilery win
      4.Put Trump go away far from America
      5.Put Trump in the garbage

    • Volleyball Queen November 13, 2016 @ 1:47 am

      I feel ya

    • Heather Campbell November 27, 2016 @ 5:35 pm

      Reyna Aizu lol

  17. ok but the music… let the natural sound, it much more funny than with this terrible music…

  18. Timeless Sorcerer63 November 15, 2016 @ 11:31 pm

    70% of these vids are either
    1. Cats v dogs
    2.cats v cats
    3.cats v themselves
    4. Cats v humans
    5. Cats v baths.

  19. MswishWash stoning November 18, 2016 @ 2:13 pm

    This video is mostly a compilation of cats either falling dangerously or people who don’t know how to take care of their cats -.-

  20. Damn son where'd you find this. November 20, 2016 @ 12:00 pm

    I don’t get why cat’s getting their head stuck is so funny for those cat owners. So much fun for them when their pet is suffocating.

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