Muscle and Strength Training Pyramid Level 4 Exercise Selection

The complete in-depth Muscle and Strength Pyramid books

Part 4 of "The Muscle and Strength Training Pyramid" series.

In this episode I introduce level 4 of the pyramid, exercise selection.

Level 4 references

Readers Comments (28)

  1. Great series of vids Eric, thanks.

  2. Awesome. Do you coach non-competitors as well Eric?

  3. SorryIma Monster June 13, 2015 @ 9:22 am

    keep dat beard

  4. Instant like after the “muthle” intro!!

  5. I’m really loving this series 🙂

  6. Great info, learned a lot. Especially on recovery. Im having a hard time judging my recovery based on weekly volume. It’s hard for me to judge optimal volume per week with higher frequency.

  7. SacredTemplar8 June 13, 2015 @ 1:17 pm

    A rare gem of a series,we’re very grateful to have you spread such useful knowledge in a condensed and coherent form!Also,keep growing ze beard 🙂 ,looking good.

  8. Very good information

  9. Loving the more frequent videos Eric. Out of curiosity what is your current weight and best lifts?

    • +Dave M ~90kg and best squat is 225kg, bench is 152.5kg touch and go, 147.5kg paused, best deadlift is 252.5kg

    • +Team3DMJ Good stuff man. Going along with your recent videos, would you say you have gotten bigger / gained muscle with the increased strength since beginning powerlifting or have the majority of the gains been from neural adaptations? Or have you even lost some muscle since switching to powerlifting (for example I know Layne Norton said his arms shrunk 0.5-1.0in since he emphasized PL over BB).

      I like powerlifting and lifting heavy but sometimes wonder if all the programming and the like is worth it if it won’t even lead to more hypertrophy. 

    • +Dave M You’re assuming I train strictly for powerlifting 🙂

    • Bеst Musсlеее Building Fоods: Еaаt ТТТТhееееsе Fооds Тo Gаin Musсlе Mass Fаst Rеeeаd hеrе nоw => Musсlе and Strеngth Тrаining Рyrаmid Lеvеl 4 Еxеrсisе Sеlесtiоn

  10. Love the new website Guys! great job.

  11. He talked a lot about squat, bench, and deadlifts in regards to hypertrophy training, but not anything about OHP. I thought OHP is just as an effective of a compound movement as the bench is, in regards to overall upper body hypertrophy?

    • +Ryan Burnham Yeah it’s a great movement, i didn’t say it wasn’t, pretty sure in last episode I included it in the example templates in the beginning

    • +Ryan Burnham I had a pec injury and had to OHP in place of it while the pec strain was recovering. I lost no strength once pec healed and I firmly believe the OHP helped me save it. It’s a great exercise.

    • +nathan sauer how did u injure your pec? i once strained my pec benching and have since narrowed my grip (almost like a close grip) to prevent further injuries… hopefully

  12. Michalis Frangou July 2, 2015 @ 9:20 pm

    Eric, can you please clarify why EXACTLY compound excercises are superior to isolation for bodybuilding purposes (aside from imbalances and time management purposes)?

    If  the weight is being distributed ‘evenly’ across the muscles involved during a compound movement, why cant you produce the same results simply by doing multiple isolation excercises ? (case and point, bench press VS chest flys, front delt raises, tricep extensions.)

    • Chris Williamson Fitness June 16, 2016 @ 12:55 am

      From my understanding it’s because of a) the synergistic effects of using all those muscle groups resulting in greater hormonal response (I’m not sure of the bro science: actual science ratio on that statement so the main reason is…) b) Compound movements= more weight moved, meaning that the big movers get a better mechanical loading, and can do more volume, PLUS the smaller muscles (stabilizers and accessories) get to work at the same time.

  13. this is such an amazing series eric. lots of invaluable knowledge and gems you give away for free. subbed + liked

  14. Yash Sharma Fitness June 8, 2016 @ 9:58 am

    Superb and enlightening video

  15. Been lifting for 3 years (aged 19), relatively intelligently for a year, intelligent nutrition for 6 months, but your training and nutrition pyramid is gold. Application of this knowledge over the next year, see how far I can progress. Thanks Eric!

  16. Shawnda Kovacs August 6, 2017 @ 8:54 pm

    Hi! This is awesome! Looking at getting your book too! What do you recommend for an alternative to somebody who has repeated injuries on the incline bench press? It’s something I took a year off doing to heal and recover, but when my 3rd time in, even going light, I reactivated my injury. I’m hesitant to ever do incline again! : ) Thanks!

  17. Shawnda Kovacs August 6, 2017 @ 9:43 pm

    Also, do you recommend women to be more in the 8-10 rep range over the 4-6 rep range? Seems like Rippetoe recommends that, but I could be wrong ; )

  18. One more question, how often do you change your workout program/routine?

  19. So awesome Eric ?

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