Readers Comments (22)

  1. omg A guy had a plant. call the police that plant is dangerous. bring in the gestapo swat team

  2. what ever happened to police being unbiased and doing their jobs

  3. “What’s up frank”

  4. You stand next to someone smoking weed…you will have to talk to the police. Use your head

  5. I didn’t see anyone get owned.  I saw some guy, obviously black pissed about being possibly being the target of harassment.  Yet, I highly doubt anything will come of it.  Young man, use the system to your advantage, get your degree, become affiliated with some for of Law Enforcement and become a beacon for change.

  6. You kids need to stop talking to these Nazi’s so much. You incriminated yourself far too many times in this short conversation with this pig. Tell them that you don’t answer questions from cops, and ask them what crime they suspect you of, and then you need to just stay quiet some more. 

    • Yeah! And then let ’em tase you and beat u up, and when they’re done, you take them to court where they’ll do completely nothing over it cause you’re black. Well, they may charge you and have u on probation for a few months but , that’s all. You’ll show them!

  7. Lol. I didn’t see the officer get owned.

  8. Who the hell cares if someone is smoking marajuana !

  9. OMG over weed??? What a waste of all our money and time!! Beer was illegal and people were killed over it. But today we have this… But, the war on drugs was a joke after proven the government flies it here…..

  10. You don’t have to give them your name.

    Being in the presence of someone who is smoking marijuana is not illegal.

    This is so wrong — cops say “I have no way of determining that” all the time:
    If they have no way to determine that someone has broken the law, then it’s time for them to LEAVE
    In order to remain on the scene, or to detain, or to arrest, they would need to be able
    to make that determination.

  11. guilt by accociation, your not being harassed.

  12. “You wanta go back and hear da tape? Whassup Frank? You wanta go back and hear da tape?” lol…

  13. I would say that the person filming got owned. He called to fill out a complaint form and they never gave one to him.

  14. All this fuss for marijuana?
    Please -let’s go after real criminals and terrorist…..Please!
    Not confront staff? Staff is not holy nor above reproach…..the Officer’s logic is flawed.

  15. No owning here, and you are an idiot for calling the cops or even talking to them ever.

  16. No, not Marijuana! You could nuke small nations with the power that is contained in the bud. At least that is what they pretend.

  17. I can’t wait until the police’s catch all of “drugs” is gone when the war in drugs finally ends

    • Taywi …..I would like to wait with you, however after some unknown species has finished looking at the fossilised remains of my leg , gone back to its rest area and eaten some organic cake it may help it to imagining what this life was like.

    • The Extreme Reality Puppet Show October 13, 2016 @ 10:22 pm

      new meow order


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