Readers Comments (10)

  1. Very informative.  Just what I needed to see and learn a guide for women who are going through menopause.  Thank you Kari!   I have quit smoking and gained a lot of weight since the quit, I am also overweight and prediabetic.  This will help me 🙂

  2. Thank you for this!! Very informative and will definitely be necessary in my new journey!!

  3. This is such a good video. Really clear and specific. Thank you!

  4. Wow this is so helpful !!!! thanks -i wish this was on DVD or on paper so i could keep it handy !!

  5. Thank you so much. You answered a lot of questions I’ve had about menopause. Although I exercise most days I was just doing what I thought I should without a clear understanding of the reason or even the right combinations. I will also be using the Menopause Reset which seems like just what I need as I’m pretty organized. I can’t wait to see the changes. Thanks again.

  6. Maxime Demosthenes February 8, 2016 @ 8:40 pm

    Merci enormement pour cette video 🙂

  7. Thank you, this was a very well planned, informative and helpful video for those of us in the midst of perimenopause; dealing with all of the unwanted body changes.

  8. I’m disabled. and it really hurts to exercise, PLUS HAVE SEX WITH MY HUSBAND. HEY I EAT PLUS DRINK PLENTY OF WATER.!! AND I KEEP BELLY FAT. I’M CONFUSED!!!!!!!

  9. Healthy Eating/Fitness vlog July 4, 2016 @ 12:05 am

    is there a blood test for insulin resistance?

    • Guys I found a website that I had a very interesting diet plan to loss weight
      here is the link *DietTactic .Com* >>>

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