Lying cop owned by judge who throws out the case !

A video of Judge Frederic Schott becoming angry with a prosecutor during a hearing in Seminole County. The exchange between Schott and Assistant State Attorney Diana Miers happened on March 11 and was captured on courtroom video.

A jury had just found a woman guilty of driving under the influence when the attorneys and judge started discussing the woman's license suspension. The Sanford police officer who made the arrest caused the defendant to lose her driver's license for a few months because of a mistake on the arrest paperwork.

"Are you going to nolle pros that case? Or am I going to get mad at you today?" Schott asked.

The judge and Miers got into a heated argument because he wanted the police officer to be charged with lying. "I want you taking him up on perjury," Schott said.

"He admitted it was a mistake, your honor," Miers said.

After the exchange, Schott decided to reverse the jury's verdict to not guilty.

"This whole case was fishy," Schott said.

Miers tried to argue against Schott's dismissal of the case but he didn't agree.

"This is again evidence, direct evidence, and not circumstantial evidence," Miers said.

legal analyst Belvin Perry, former chief judge for Orange and Osceola counties, was surprised to see Schott's behavior in court. "That is a very poor example of judicial temperament that judges are supposed to display," Perry said. "He should've counted to 10 and kept quiet."

Officials told Eyewitness News that as a result of the incident, Schott will soon only be presiding over civil cases.

Readers Comments (66)

  1. flourescent adolescent April 26, 2017 @ 7:36 pm

    A REAL judge. We salute you sir from England.

    • Gene Loren she accepted a charge of wreckless driving with alcohol involved over DUI. It’s not perjury (not really sure how you think it would be). Also many times a defendant requests a plea bargain. This is because even though they committed DUI they believe we all make mistakes and many times charging them with the less serious crime will make them learn there lesson (which is the goal in the end) without ruining their entire life. She was smart to accept the plea, DUI would have wrecked her life.

      Also your default plea is not guilty (since you are assumed innocent until proven guilty). So not entering a plea will just keep your plea as not guilty. No case is going to be dismissed simply because you refuse to plea. Again not sure how you could think that

    • it don’t matter perjury is the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation.
      lying under oath, giving false evidence/testimony, making false statements, willful falsehood : : the voluntary violation of an oath or vow either by swearing to what is untrue or by omission to do what has been promised under oath : false swearing so when you have a DUI and you plea to a lesser charge of wreckless driving its perjury and you will be charged period when in fact could have walked away with no charge and DUI dosent ruin your life I have had 4 of them and I still have my CDL with endorsments cause I know how the court scam works Fact.

    • Gene Loren, Yeah and I have x ray vision, a billion dollars and a luxury jet…..Something tells me you don’t have the first clue about how the legal system works. You sound more like a sovereign idiot than anything.

    • I’m not a sovereign I am an American that has been breaking the chains of the crown, and what I say is fact and can all be proven, maybe you should spend some time and do your homework fact 1 the united states is a corporation only has jurisdiction in district of Columbia, 2) the united states and the social security is owned by the crown (queen of England), 3 you are a slave as is everyone that believes in a lie, and trust me you’ve been lied to since birth, 4 if your paying taxes and your not a corporation or a federal employee then you’ve been dupped, 5 all courts and laws in the usa are run by the crown under roman cannon law and admiralty law and the uniform commercial code is the law of commerce, google this A Treatise on the Writ of Habeas Corpus and get a copy make sure it has jurisdiction false imprisonment writ of error and 3- others after it to get the right one and read it magna carta is banking laws from roman cannon law took over the US and most other countries the queen is a real piece of work thanks to the king of England that made up and funded both sides of the war freemasons dressed up as Indians did the boston tea party start the revolutionary war the king financed both sides and the USA pledged all citizens to pay back under the constitution and read that says right in there all debts owed to the king before the document(us constitution) are payable owns Canada, Australia, England, France, the United States many others when you learn the truth it really pisses me off too bad all the slaves don’t do there homework.
      yeah I know he law real well because I’m not a slave anymore. and I am far from a Idiot think you were describing yourself. also google it a 12 year old girl proved that all the US presidents are related by royal blood except 1, just another scam they been pulling all these years and you think you vote for them lol they are not elected they are selected they are run by the queen and must be royal blood bush, Obama and many others are directly related to the queen why you see every president bending the knee to her maybe you should look up the queens powers Freedom From Prosecution – Under British law, The Queen is above the law and cannot be prosecuted – she is also free from civil action and just so you know the pope owns everything.

    • Yeah you clearly got your legal education from some select websites. Next time you should probably look up the actual cases and laws you speak of rather than take the words of other nut jobs that have never won a court battle using that crap. I will tell you right now, I have spent years listening to and researching the exact same claims you are making and have found Everytime that it is misinterpreted, selective reading and many times doesn’t exist at all. You are wasting your time with that crap. Do some actual research and read the actual laws for yourself. You’ll realize just how wrong and stupid all that really is.

      All that crap has been disproven, there is a reason that movement is dying.

  2. Shane Phillips April 29, 2017 @ 1:05 pm

    finally a judge who is working for justice and not the prosecutor. major props to this judge. God bless him

  3. It is unbelievable that in a 1st world country, a driving license can be suspended with immediate effect for six months, without a blood, breath or urine sample being tested, just because a law enforcement officer estimates that driving was impaired by alcohol.

    • Ipswichborn we live in a police state

    • Thank the blue backers and the system that refuses to prosecute cops and take their every word over the victims. Notice she was found guilty still and if the judge wouldnt have thrown it out she would have that on her record

    • Nick Edwards, I blame the people that believe the media at face value and do no other research.

      Notice here that she was actually was drinking and driving, that this was never about drinking and driving and that the Judge got in trouble for this, yet look at all the people thinking she never was drinking and driving.

      Notice here too that the judge turned around shortly after this and set up a new trial for her were she was convicted and she now has it on her record.

      Bet you didn’t see that coming.

    • 3rd world mentality

    • Too many people nowadays assume that the accused people are automatically guilty until they get proven innocent. Sad, really. This is why I strongly recommend bringing in a secret camera just in case.

  4. A semen-hole county judge?

  5. No breathalyzer was done for a DUI case. The state took the case to court. The jury came back with a guilty verdict. The judge throws out the charges. The PD wants the case thrown out. The state is appealing and want to still pursue charges. WTF is going on here?

    • Looks good for their stats and arrest/conviction ratio, filling the arrest quota, the legal process and incarceration/prison systems are big business now.

    • Dont need a breath test to get a DUI.

    • matthew kessler when he put in his report that they was no one from the sheriffs office to do a breath test? But then still put in his report she failed a breath test, so in this case it’s falsified evidence ? Lol did you even watch the video

    • TheRovinwoz, he accidentally marked the box that said she had a BAC over .08 on the paperwork which caused her license to be suspended automatically. It didn’t have anything to do with the DUI.

      What he is saying is you don’t actually need the breath test to be charged with DUI, which in the state of Florida this is very true. He never falsified evidence as that report was corrected before it was entered into evidence. It’s OK though, the video was misleading. That’s what the media has tends to do though.

    • Brandon Wilson May 18, 2018 @ 9:16 am

      shootforlife Some bullshyt that’s what’s going ????

  6. cops can lie during an investigation do not trust one of them.

    • Traviesita Roundtree November 24, 2017 @ 4:12 pm

      Jessica Taylor does “good” are hard to find this days, they’re rare.. Especially if you are a ” minority”….

    • Traviesita ~ I am a minority and the cops you’re all hating on have literally saved my life more than once….the attacker being white males in all 3 situations. They have done EVERYTHING they can to empower, help and support me. All 3 cases resulted in prosecution and me being safe. Most cops ARE good people looking out for those who need their protection πŸ™‚

    • Faktum Stream1Beatz November 26, 2017 @ 8:30 pm


    • Scyborg On Piano April 17, 2018 @ 7:09 pm

      +Jessica Taylor Exactly, thanks for putting a positive message for the boys in blue that are good people and are smeared by the fringe minority of bad.

    • Fluffy Little Bear June 2, 2018 @ 4:31 pm

      The “good cop/bad cop” question can be disposed of decisively. We need only consider the following:

      i. Every cop has agreed, as part of his job, to enforce laws; all of them.
      ii. Many of the laws are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked.
      iii. Therefore, every cop has agreed to act as an enforcer of laws that are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked.

      There are no good cops.
      -Dr. Robert Higgs

  7. Michael Rudolph August 13, 2017 @ 4:51 am

    I had a similar situation. A cop in my area refused a breathalyzer test, made me do a sobriety test in the cold in a tee shirt refusing my request to get my jacket out the car and trying to tell the other officer who came for back up that he was not needed because I was able to ask the other officer for the breathalyzer test that was refused earlier. I was not arrested for DUI but when I went to court 3 weeks later the first officer had a breathalyzer test result having me 4 times over the limit when the second officer who did the test had me at 0%. Lets just say the first officer lost his job and is paying back restitution to all the false DIYs that he claimed to have happened. I found out according to his dept that he had over 200 false DUI stops over his 8 year career.

    • Michael Rudolph im curios, are you caucasian?

    • Actually, you give a psychopath power aka all the CROOKEd POLITICIANS out there, they think they’re king of the world and will stop at nothing, even blatant lying, just to keep their sense of “Omnipotence” intact.

    • Reminds me of a police officer who would stop people for simple traffic violations and would bring out his drug dog to do illegal searches, and then would have his cases thrown out for doing that.

      He also was picking up people’s phones and computers and messaging people to make drug deals, which is illegal. He violated people’s 4th amendment rights to not be searched, and warrant must be provided at all times for any digital media. If one has not been obtained, the evidence cannot be used, and any verdicts cannot be given based off of that evidence.

      He was also refusing to listen to people who said they did not consent to a search.

      Police are looking for power and to fill their quotas until they’re able to keep their job, they do this to all races, regardless.

    • 200 false DUI convicts during his whole 8-year career?! That lying scumbag deserves to never see light ever again in prison indefinitely. Because of lying scumbags like him who are pathetic enough to devastate falsely accused innocent lives indefinitely, they make it even more difficult for real victims to receive justice if the false accusers will keep receiving zero or extremely lenient punishments.

  8. How in the world could a jury find her guilty? Our system is failing us.

    • striker titan yeah, it’s clear you don’t know the real/full story

    • pretty fly for a wifi December 29, 2017 @ 3:58 pm

      Because its impossible for a cop to lie.They took a oath under God Their for its impossible to lie odviously.

    • Kush Killa, Why because I actually bothered to research the story rather than fall for what the media mislead you into believing? Excuse me for having a little common sense and thinking for myself. Do the world a favor and take your own advice.

    • Pete Callaghan April 13, 2018 @ 9:19 am

      Kartkid024 So what did your research uncover?

  9. How the hell did the jury find her guilty without proof? How stupid or crooked was jury? Good thing the judge stepped up. Never trust a cop.

    • Christobanistan
      They the establishment need White’s, Blacks to argue Color so we don’t see the slight of hand Rabbit in hat

    • it’s called “biased jury”. jury’s are supposed to be 100% random, but time and again cases that involve racism from police, the juries are always full of the same white faced racist twats.

      they just get a phone call and hear the words “black guy” and immediately declare guilty requesting the death sentence, or “innocent cop that was defending himself from an unarmed, black man”

    • MicroscopeAndy, all jury’s are rigged

    • Christobanistan You’re a fucking dumbass

    • Almost all jury’s are rigged. If you have a case hanging, awaiting a jury trial for over a year, and your attorney calls you on Friday and tells you you are going to trial Monday, pay close attention when the attorney is striking the jury. Hope he is on your side. Attorneys, jurors, and judges all can be bought. There are good attorneys that will never sell out their clients, and there are attorneys that go to the highest bidder. There are judges that will always follow the Constitution and the state and local laws, and there are judges that can be bought. Especially on small things. This is one reason jails are full of poor people. And there are cops who would die for us, and there are cops that just want to shoot someone. As long as we allow it, it will happen. I am a 60 year old white man that has been guilty of driving too fast or doing something stupid. So of all the times I have been pulled over, I have been let go more than not. Only recently I was a victim of a cop trying to get people for DUI, I wasn’t drinking, so I got a ticket for running a red light. If I wasn’t way ahead, I may have been pissed. Going from hippie to business man, made my world with the establishment a 180

  10. Isn’t it ‘funny’ how the Media report was trying to spin this to be ‘the Judge freaked out’??

    • I think it’s funny they tried to spin it like she was completely innocent and some great judge came to her rescue from the big bad corrupt police.

  11. justice served!!!

  12. why is this recorded like it was back in the 90s?

  13. I wish more lying cops would be made public. This judge not out to make friends, but to do his job no matter who he is dealing with. We need more like him.

    • So a cop who makes a mistake needs to be called out, but a Judge who tries to knowingly let a drunk driver go free is something we need more of? That’s sounds messed up….I’m not guessing you believe that, I’m guessing you believed what you saw and never actually investigated this story farther to get the full story. maybe I’m wrong though.

    • Kartkid024 there is no evidence that she was drunk that officer falsified his report

    • Yes there was, do some research next time.

    • Kartkid024 no there wasn’t because that cop falsified his report

    • So then why was she charged even after finding out the officers reports were incorrect?

  14. And cops wonder why people don’t trust them.

  15. her body language, Inflection of her voice, and the fact she denied the accusation with what looked like a rehearsed vehement innocent response gave her away. Yes, the manner in which she was arrested and the means by which it was determined that she was DUI was illegitimate But C’mon……She knew she was Drunk AF…

    • jeremy davis dude. No. You have a trail with no proof. That’s no different then planting evidence.

  16. room-ten-oh-nine ! November 5, 2017 @ 8:20 pm

    I ninna no wha gurin’ on. I whas dronk……ah mean cryin’

  17. A cop that lies , I’m shocked (not)

  18. Ok good next time let her drive drunk and kill someone.
    She was drunk the cop got her off the street period.

    • Kartkid024 Yes you are. All that you pathetic police apologists ever do is try to justify wrongful actions. That is the only thing that you ever do. You never talk about when or why they are wrong. You are so blind that you simply follow them regardless. Who cares if they blatantly break the law? You will find a thousand and one reasons to justify that. It is the same pattern with each amd everyone of you. You should seek a mental health professional. There clearly must be some condition that causes that. It can’t be coincidence that you all say, and do the same exact things. It’s always selective. You conveniently ignore ant wrongdoing by the police. They are always right. What is like to be blind, or ignorant? People like you defend them until it happens to yourself, or someome that you love. Then you change your tune. Thank God that ignorance isn’t contagious. This country would be doomed if it was. Luckily most people are good people. When there is wrong they will point it out.

    • We The People It doesn’t matter if she was visibly falling over drunk. If she was accused and arrested for DUI, then it is incumbent upon the State and prosecution to PROVE she was unable and unfit to drive. Where was the breathalyzer? Dash cam footage of her visibly drunk? Something? Without that, then there is no case. The cops can’t just pull you over and say, “You’re drunk, I’m going to arrest you and charge you”.

      Judge was doing his job and following the law whether you like it or not.

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