Low Impact Beginner Home Exercises (Burn Calories)

Please READ this box for more info. Hi my lovelies, I've listened to your concerns / requests and so I've filmed a "Low Impact Beginner Home Exercises" for those of you who are new to exercising. I know that every one of us needs a starting point and most workouts can be tough especially when you are still building your stamina and strength.

This "Low Impact Beginner Home Exercises" is designed to help kickstart your fitness programme. This workout is a combination of Cardio, Strength & Core in order for you to get an effective workout. It is also gentle on your knees and low back, so it's suitable for those of you who have low back pain, previous lower back injury, or perhaps your current weight does not permit you to do any running or vigorous movements.

I've taken the time to explain each exercise move in detail. Throughout the workout, your aim is to keep perfecting your exercise posture and technique. Practising the proper workout form and posture from day 1 is extremely crucial to maximise workout performance, results, to avoid any injuries and also to avoid any bad exercise habits. So do pay attention to your posture and you can practise in front of a mirror if needed.

The total workout time is about 20 minutes, and you will be looking at burning between 100-150 calories. If you are able, you can challenge yourself to another set by repeating the video 2-3 times. Do this workout 3 times weekly for the next 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, you can progress by starting by "Beginner Fat Burning Workout" video.

Remember that being consistent with your workout is the way to build strength, stamina and to also gain the results you want (weight loss, fitter body etc). All the best and I hope that this workout video will be the starting point to your regular workout routine. =)

Cardio (40secs each exercise)
1) Leg Curls
2) Reach & Twist
3) Knee-Cross Crunch
4) Windmill Step

Strength Training
1) Squats — 20reps
2) Knee push-ups — 10reps
3) Lunges — 10reps on each side
4) Tripod Row — 10reps on each side

1) Single Knee Tucks – 10reps
2) Plank (15secs hold, release and repeat once more)

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Lots of Love xx

(Music Copyright:
Motivator by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Readers Comments (25)

  1. Great exercise videos. Keep them coming I enjoy them. do you sell them on DVD?

  2. OMG!! Ididn’t realize how bad in shape I was… This workout left me shaking..LOL!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Oh God thank you so so much! I haven’t worked out properly in ages and I really needed this ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. hi joanna..i’ve been watching ur videos for some weeks & found them helpful. I’ve never exercised before ( i mean like this to burn fat) & started today. But after completing this workout i’m completely exhausted ๐Ÿ™ i feel like this is my end ย ๐Ÿ™ย 

    • +Joanna Sohย Oh thank you Joanna ๐Ÿ™‚ after 3 days ( i.e. after my body aches reduced) i did this again today & to tell the truth..i’m not feeling that much bad i felt on the 1st day, i’m even now ready to do it once again..thing is, the 1st time i tried, i was getting confused with the left-right hands-legs as u & i are in the opposite direction…haha..but today, i felt much better. Thanks again for motivating me ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. great workout to get back into exercising. thanks for sharing!

  6. Paula Barnoskie May 31, 2015 @ 4:20 pm

    Along with buying a bike and working with my doctor to begin a lower calorie diet I have started this workout. I have lost 20 pounds so far and am feeling great. I have had back concerns in the past so this routine is perfect and it makes me sweat so I know it’s great for my heart!!

  7. Hi,
    I love this work out, i’m have a very bad condition and since i do this i begin to feel me much better.
    But i have 1 big problem, “The plank” i can’t even how for 5 seconds, is there some alternative so i can do this exercise?
    I hope for a fast answer ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I was like that when I too (l held it as long as I could then rested a sec or 2 then tried to do it again.) but now I can about hold it all the way through.

  8. Paula Barnoskie July 3, 2015 @ 2:46 pm

    Hi Joanna, I have now lost almost 35 pounds and am doing this workout every other day. I love it and it’s fun and I am feeling great. I am ready to try the fat burning exercises and will let you know how they go! Thanks for keeping it real.

  9. TheStaceySquad August 2, 2015 @ 3:05 am

    I really like how this is a 20 min workout so once you add a 10 min one before that it’s already 30 minutes of a workout! So I think 20 min ones a great to make it go faster! And this one is great for me because I’m still a beginner. Thank you joanna !

  10. I admit… I couldn’t get through even half of the Beginner Fat Burning workout, so I was esctatic that I stuck with it til the end! ๐Ÿ™‚ I felt really accomplished when I was sweating! ^^

  11. I can’t believe I’m so out of shape… Couldn’t even finish this video. D:

  12. Hi I’ve just tried this I’m very unfit but want to try this ,I’m finding it very hard to do the plank and push up as I have weak arms and over weigh any advice

    • I’m not an expert, but I suggest that you ( or anyone in this position ) try to work out your arms sparingly any time in the week.. say kick boxing for example, theres a lot of punching in that.. or simply weight lifting! When you do that you allow your upper body to strengthen little by little. You’ll find either option doesn’t pressure your arms and back muscles as with doing push ups and planks here, because with this workout you’re immediately using your entire body weight as a dumbell to lift up and hold in comparison with simple punches in kick boxing or light-moderate weights in lifting. (Also with planks and pushups youll be lifting your entire body as a beginner.. that is a challenge). Even though with time you MAY be able to hold planks for longer.. strengthening your upper body first can aid doing so. Hope this helps! (:

  13. Are you married? if not, will you marry me? I need a full time personal trainer but I cannot effort one. and I think you are very fit and pretty.

  14. Brilliant! At last, somebody who gets on with it without all the talking!! This is going to be my go-to video to help me shape up! Thank you Joanna ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. tabrez mohammed August 25, 2017 @ 1:06 pm

    tis is my first exercise 2 start it makes me sweat a lot i am a mother of 2kids and i love tis pls make more low impact exercises like tis

  16. ็Ž‹ๅ˜‰ๅฐ”ๅซ็ป™ๆˆ‘ September 9, 2017 @ 2:23 pm

    This is my Periode workout forย my firstย day…..but for the plank itย was 25 sec not 15 sec….lol

  17. After the first round I realised the first four excersises were not having much of an impact on me so I used a 1kg dumbell in each of my arms to keep it challenging. I was wondering if the position of the body during these first excersises still makes it suitable to use any weights..? (edit: im trying to avoid injury ) >.<

  18. vry gud result

  19. hlo I luv yr vedio plzzz tell me how many time I should do diz

  20. Joanna, is this exercise suitable for preganant lady? Can pregnant lady do plank?

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