Linn Valley Police Joe Rogers Gets owned like a bitch again (Remember don’t answer questions)

Joe Rogers Linn Valley Police officer gets owned like a bitch for an illegal pull over. Tries to lies gets called out that everything is recorded. Everything is recording on dash cam.

Readers Comments (26)

  1. You da man

  2. simon clemence May 17, 2016 @ 6:43 am

    What an arsehole. They guy not the cop.

  3. nicely done

  4. Why do I get the feeling you two know each other?

  5. I missed the part where the cop was owned? All I saw was a guy being an immature jerk to an officer to try to get attention?

  6. this is one of those times when a teaser would be ok to use …

  7. He had knowledge of a complaint of a possibly criminal disturbance with you being identified as the person causing the disturbance. If that doesn’t meet SCOTUS’ definition of reasonable suspicion I don’t know what does. So how was this “an illegal stop”?

  8. Alessandro Mercalli June 29, 2016 @ 4:14 pm

    I love what you do but if you gonna post on YouTube stop burping every 2 seconds o.o

  9. Kids in the car. Screaming at people out the car. Just to be a d bag. Smh

  10. Betsabe Hernandez July 23, 2016 @ 2:07 am

    “What am I gonna do if you get arrested” ?❤

  11. Steven McElroy August 6, 2016 @ 1:32 pm

    Plus your video is like a Japanese movie, you move your mouth and the words come out later WTF?

  12. He’s having a awkward staring contest with his camera.

  13. sandinyourshoes August 26, 2016 @ 8:03 pm

    The cops are experts at getting people to talk! Even when a suspect says he doesn’t answer questions, the officers keep talking to “get his goat.” They know that it’s a numbers game. The more they keep rambling at the suspects, the more likely that a debate will begin. There’s the trap. Suspects get emotional and finally “let loose.”

  14. Police do not serve the people. All they want is to rack up the charges. That’s what keeps the funding coming in to the department.

  15. a black would be killed

  16. Jennifer Pocock May 14, 2017 @ 5:36 am

    That Special moment when the youtube comments are more entertaining than the video they’re posted on!….my personal favorite *”I’m sorry your father/uncle didn’t drown you at birth like any other diseased animal should be”*

  17. Jason Rodriguez August 25, 2017 @ 4:00 pm

    You know how this would have went if he wasn’t a white guy :/

  18. I understand the driver’s rights and the responsibilities of the police officer, but this gentleman loses ALL CREDIBILITY when he started screaming profanities at the officer, especially in the presence of his child. You can never articulate your beliefs and positions intelligently by resorting to derisively screaming profanities at police officers, or anyone for that matter. There are millions of word options available to him and all he needs to improve his vocabulary. Articulation and intelligence go hand and hand.

  19. Scumbag. And his child will be just like him.

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