How To Get OWNED By POLICE // SOVEREIGN CITIZENS GETTING OWNED!! A compilation of sovereign citizens/freemen-on-the-land causing trouble and getting told/owned/rekt.

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Readers Comments (33)

  1. Whatup peeeps

    • Awesome video bro: its so true: these people are following the whole Rene Russo, Zeitgeist film bullshit which is based on huge fabrications. At least Russo is dead so he can’t fukk up people’s lives anymore but others have taken his place. Pack of dangerous asshats.

    • JayStation If you don’t already know who P Barnes is, look him up. He is legend!

    • Gleeb Gliber Galactica Gavorti October 19, 2017 @ 3:45 pm

      Jaystation if you would just shut the hell up and show the video it might be worth watching. But you, sir, are an extremely annoying person.

    • JayStation Aron Give You One Hundred Times a day

    • Zahheer Hassan June 18, 2018 @ 6:13 pm

      JayStation I like ? police ????? being a police officer is a hard job but I will be one too and to woke too

  2. Jermaine Magowan October 22, 2016 @ 8:02 pm

    little did he know he would be arrested in the mall

  3. love the vids but how many times are u gunna say “bro” bro?

  4. Complete morons.I felt bad for the child because he/she will never forget that episode. Also by looking at the potheads hair it looks like he’s due for his yearly bath. He probably wouldn’t consent to it though.

  5. 150,000,000 “bros”

  6. here is a person saying these people are breaking laws when you yourself stay over night at businesses

  7. Great video bro, this touches on one of my hugest aggravations in the media.

  8. Yes!!! Thank you for saying what most of us are thinking!

  9. chill because their is issue with black and the police but then this guy is stupid he really said he not driving he is traveling

  10. Ridiculous how immature people are. I’m glad they got dragged out like I would have been livid if I was the cops.

  11. Jay I was laughing literally out loud at your review of these morons!! We need more 😀

  12. He sound straight up like fusey tube

  13. the sovereign citizen thing , only works for those that can back up their claims. no car, no income, no “real” property. It has and does still, occasionally works. But the people who video their encounters, are just doing a dumbed down version of civil disobedience.

    • No such thing as a sovereign citizen in the US. Absolutely no foundation for it whatsoever. They actually believe the US is a ‘corporation’…but fail to provide the paperwork We the People filed for our ‘corporation’…lmfao. Idiots.

  14. these are the people that think of a crappy response like I am not sitting on a couch because I am laying down

  15. Dark Viper Gaming December 2, 2016 @ 7:08 am

    damn stop saying bruh and bro

  16. Kahleel Robinson December 11, 2016 @ 4:31 am

    omg stop saying bro

  17. these videos would be better if you didn’t stop it every 2 seconds to talk, let us see the whole thing, then comment, just a suggestion

  18. ChrisWilderness / December 24, 2016 @ 7:37 pm

    Jay, do you smoke meth?

  19. michael burkhalter January 14, 2017 @ 9:19 am

    JayStation i would of loved to have watched the video but every 5 seconds you cut in with some inane comments. Come on dude just let folks watch the vid!! Sorry bro but i got to say i dislike your style.

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