Funny Videos Fail Compilation 2014 Best Funny Fail Videos & New Funny Home Videos 2014

Watch Funny Videos Fail Compilation 2014. these are the Best Funny Fail Videos in 2014

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Readers Comments (56)

  1. Brendan Ouziel August 8, 2014 @ 8:55 pm

    I felt so bad for that cat

    • +RaDeN Legends Why the hate? I know the dog was playing. Little rough but I know. All I did was react on someone saying cats are better then dogs? It’s all nature. Talking about stupid humans, calm down man..

    • +Miksta God created every single animal! There’s always a purpose

  2. PhAnic! At The Crybaby's Pilots September 2, 2014 @ 9:04 am

    That cat was flippin whining as the dog swallowed it and the freaking idiot behind the camera did nothin!!!! and then someone else just had to post it and laugh at it and if you laughed at then you should be ashamed.

  3. NorwegianVikingMods September 4, 2014 @ 8:55 pm

    – When you give a man the control over the rodeo machine and a woman is riding it!

  4. As I’m watching this video, I start to scroll down and read the comments and I expect to see a dog shredding a cat to pieces with blood coming out of the cat since someone said the video should be flagged as inappropriate and a few more stating that they’d kill the owner. As I witness the clip being mentioned in the comments, I couldn’t help but put my face in my hand and shake it in disappointment. It was obvious that the dog wasn’t trying to hurt the cat and that the cat was simply annoyed by it slobbering all over her head. Perhaps the cat has a quiet or mellow personality and they didn’t feel the need to get violent because they knew they weren’t in danger. The cat also went over to the owner to seek refuge from what I can only describe as their “annoying brother” which would also support the idea that the cat has a quiet personality.

    Honestly you guys… It’s good to know that people are willing to stick up for an animal when they’re in danger but the cat was perfectly fine and there really is no need to make exaggerated statements about killing the owner or the dog. Get over yourselves.

    • Taylor Esbenshade January 31, 2015 @ 8:37 pm

      +CAT MAN NINJA GOOD VS EVIL you stupid the clip ended so nothing of course happened to the cute little helpless cat

    • +Taylor Esbenshade I would kindly like to inform you that the person you replied to was not being serious at all hence why their comment was in all caps.

    • +Taylor Esbenshade

    • your mom goes to college September 1, 2017 @ 10:15 am

      I agree. the dog could have easily killed the cat in one bite if he actally wanted to hurt it.

    • +boahunta I agree. Watching the clip, I’m pretty sure the dog was using a “play grip” to either tease or remove the cat. For example, at 9:10-9:12 you can see that the dog does not actually try to hurt the cat. If the cat meowing worries you, I think they will meow or even hiss just during play. If the cat had really been in pain, it wouldn’t have just sat there meowing! It would be fighting back!

      Obviously, it’s a good thing that all of you are not senseless monsters and are actually worried about the cat. However, when there is nothing to worry about, and people start making irrational threats and comments, it becomes not okay.

  5. Poor cat ;__;

  6. What happend to the cat! It to fucked up to look farter for me! Aaagh… stupid people why not help the cat

  7. moving to s'midge November 20, 2014 @ 1:01 am

    The cat one wasn’t funny at all. That’s just cruel. I was watching this with my baby cousin and it was all laughing and joking until it went to that part. Me and her were concerned about the kittens well being, not funny at all.

    • TheAwesomeWarriorGirl November 21, 2014 @ 1:02 am


    • That cat was not being hurt, the animals were just playing. If that cat was being hurt, it would have been screaming, not just meowing slightly. My dog and cat do this all the time. They are animals, thats how they play. Okay? No cats or dogs were hurt. 

  8. What was up with the cat and the dog..? That’s not funny. :l
    Not to mention that the cat was meowing while the dog was biting it, it was clear that the dog was hurting it. Then the person holding the stupid camera didn’t take action to stop that. This made me angry to be honest that people find that funny, when the dog was also biting onto the cat’s head and lifting it up. It’s obvious that the dog isn’t trying to play, and that cat certainly isn’t enjoying it. :/

  9. Kinsey Chernicky February 21, 2015 @ 6:11 am

    I also didn’t like the dog almost calling that POOR cat!!!!!!!?

  10. Thats really Funny 😉 Only a very good Video !!! Channel Play and Fun is Funny too 😉


  12. Payton Kirby May 5, 2015 @ 1:25 am

    That cat thing was horrible

  13. This video isnt funny

  14. which museum did you buy the video from

  15. The cat one was not funny

  16. that poor kitty, I would HURT someone if I EVER saw them doing that to a kitty.

  17. the cat at the end though so sad

  18. the dog was killing a cat NOT FUNNY!

    • if the dog want to kill it it can kill in 1 bit, but its not its just playing with the cat, the dog is trying to grab the neck, like how mother cat do to pick there kitten

    • black core wheatoey May 2, 2016 @ 5:51 pm

      +Destiny Fleech Yeah hey were just playing

  19. That owner shouldn’t allow that dog to hurt the cat. Get your dogs under control.

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