Funny Parrots Annoying Cats Compilation 2016 || NEW HD

Funny Parrots Annoying Cats Compilation 2016 || NEW HD

Fun Learning Animals Video for Children With Parrot – Learn Colors Parrot Animals in English

10 + Hilarious Paintings Draw Textbook By Bored Students That Can't Stop Laughing:

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Readers Comments (63)

  1. This is so cute, I was crying through this video (happy tears)

  2. In Soviet Russia, bird gets cat!

    • butch jebbodiah March 31, 2018 @ 9:36 pm

      Tony Tuite ummm no, we didnt learn about russian comedians in History class. Lol. And I dont think we were supposed to.

  3. Stay tuned for the sequel, Parrots eaten by family cats

  4. What kind of parrot is at the beginning? I’ve never seen one like that

  5. When I’m stressed I watch pet vids.  Works every time.

  6. The world has so changed. Now cats are afraid of birds.

  7. If the parrots know that a cat could break their neck with one bite? 🙂

  8. A responsible keeper should never put their cats and parrots together!!!!

  9. So adorable, i just lowered my blood pressure watching.

  10. Healthy and Loving Life September 14, 2016 @ 2:40 am

    Some of these birds are resilient…I mean, those cats slap the crap outta them and they come running back for more!

  11. It’s like the cats are teasing the birds by flicking their tails.

  12. I’m really worried about that parrots. My canary annoyed my cat only once… And now my canary won’t annoy anyone. R.I.P. yellow bird!

  13. YOu can see they know they are doing mischief but they carefully , cautiously do it any way!

  14. I didnt feel so much concern for the birds as for the cats here. These birds, esp larger ones can bite so hard & cause serious, painful damage.

    • Hayley Williams yeah its y I don’t like humanity that much

    • radziecki czolg August 25, 2017 @ 6:55 am

      Actually, birds kept as domestic animals are not that aggressive and usually don’t cause much damage to other animals. They observe which moves cause pain and they learn not to use it, because it means lack of fun (other animals don’t want to play with them).
      Just like dogs, they can be a screaming aggressive horror, but with some love and discipline they become a lovely loyal company.

    • radziecki czolg well I was lost with that bird. He lived with us for a very long time . He was somehow nice to other birds though he really disliked baby birds so whenever eggs are laid in the parakeets cage we never allow him to get in. Now with his aggressiveness he showed it earlier like he is truly so selfish when it come to food and certain items or pet toys even with other birds though those keep away from him and try to hide all the time and the fact that I no longer allowed him inside that cage kept things manageable but the cat was not controllable and we used to keep them in separate rooms though dad was careless with closing doors and my parrot would fly to where she is and start a fight . I tried many tips online to ease them into each other but when I found she got blind because of him, I was done! He bites me for food .. for specific food like he is so bossy even over me but to hurt another creature… eh he was impossible to train. I would love to get another parrot but unless I can guarantee this won’t happen again, I don’t want to try. I am not into taking an animal home then letting it go. Lettings Pino go (my parrot) was so hard

    • I think your cat was too little to show her she was “a living creature”.

  15. These kind of videos worry me a bit. I still find them enjoyable, but I always have that one thought in the back of my head reminding me constantly how dangerous these two animals are to each other. Friendships or not, accidents can happen very easily with birds and cats in particular. Cats hunt, even as a form of play, and due to their special saliva, just a single scratch, bite, or even just by licking the bird could cause said bird to become very, very sick and die. On the other hand, some of these birds, specifically the larger ones, have the power to _really_ hurt these cats with the beaks and claws they’re equipped with. Liked cats, they could just be playing and not realize that it could really hurt the other (many large bird owners have to use gloves since their larger, stronger birds may play a little rough, with enough power to break fingers, despite the close and long bond they have with the birds). Keep your birds and cats separate, please.

    • Maria McLaughlin August 24, 2017 @ 7:10 am

      Storming Tragedy Instinct will always rule. They’re wild animals that ‘weve’ decided to put cute characteristics on, but they’ll always be wild. I’m guilty of loving video though.

    • They’re probably kept under strict supervision but ok

    • Thinking Out Loud June 8, 2018 @ 3:50 am

      Wild instincts tend to be conservative. In the wild, being overconfident in the use of your own strength can get you in a dumb situation, get you injured, and that injury can later get you killed. Hence that one video of a guy scaring off a lion with a roll of toilet paper.

    • aqua Anshika Samuel June 23, 2018 @ 1:48 pm

      Storming Tragedy i feel the same

  16. ????♥️? labai patiko ???

  17. Siddhesh Mahadik August 15, 2017 @ 3:14 am

    And people thinks parrots are so innocent

  18. Fun Learning Animals Video for Children With Parrot – Learn Colors Parrot Animals in English:

  19. primetronzero gaming July 13, 2018 @ 6:26 am

    This is the funniest great video

  20. Angelica Maria Ramirez Alvarez July 16, 2018 @ 2:18 am

    I love birds so much omg ????

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