Funny Cats Compilation March 2016

There are some fails but no cat got hurt 😉

Watch more CATS UPS AND DOWNS videos here if you like:

Readers Comments (77)

  1. 6:03) weird

  2. urbvbygiirl ._ March 31, 2016 @ 1:32 pm

    0:14 that is rude to do to a cat?

  3. 3:13 scared the living hell out of me for a second…

  4. Those videos were actually funny!!! ???

  5. How can you say: no cats got hurt, in description, if that’s obvious they did get hurt. …By stupid human!!!…:(

  6. yet again i have gotten dragged into the dark side of youtube

  7. 0:16 that is not funny at all that poor kitty! D:

  8. What is funny with th poor cat @ 0.16? They are bastard laughing. The rest of the video is nice and cute. Some frame of the vid are fantastic and amazing. (es. @ 0.58 and 5.26).

  9. Another cat video!? My mouse must be malfunctioning again.

  10. cutepupetdog cuteforever April 23, 2016 @ 12:53 pm

    im suprised nobody has been talking about grumpy cat smiling ?

  11. 0:12 Not funny. Just plain cruel.
    The rest is so funny though, I love the Hypno Toad at 1:21

  12. Mean one pulling the tarp away and the cat landed in the pool. Jerks

  13. DON’T watch this is you CARE about animals: cruel set ups filmed by cretins. BIG thumbs down.

    • Entertainment and cuteness purposes only, fool.

    • I know humor when I see it. And a good portion of this video was far from it. I think torture is the proper term.

    • Gee…

    • I know animals and most of this isn’t acceptable at all. There are plenty of genuinely funny videos out there that make me laugh until I’m wheezing, but this one isn’t one of those.
      If someone came into our home and did that to one of our cats they’d be kicked out and banned.

  14. 0:16 Anyone who thinks that’s funny deserves to die.

  15. 0:17 evil bastards!!!

  16. Herr Friberger June 26, 2016 @ 7:17 pm

    0:37 – A bed full of large rats!

  17. 🙁 some of these are not very funny at all, cat lovers be warned.

  18. 0_0 that cat was grooming that chick…………i just died of cutness

  19. Anyone who think the fireman trying to save the cat from dying is funny needs to not be alive

  20. 2:14 we playing hide and seek dont tell him im here ok? LMAO

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